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Big Mike, a Tranny
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Lipstick and War Crimes
Non-Profit Book Series
ignoring the future and looking fabulous
by Ray Songtree
The series is a bridge between generations. Celebrity lovers, geo-political analysts, and religious leaders will find the dots to connect for a positive future. Extensive color photos make the serious subjects come alive.
Espanol (Haga clic en el enlace)
Christina Aguilera – From Mickey Mouse Club Disney brat to sex object to singing national anthem in red high heels.
What are we pledging allegiance to? She was manufactured to entrap us… below the waist patriotism. And now, 2022, Christina Aguilera is wearing strap on penis in performance in front of children.
Kate Upton sucking on red white and blue.
Does this subliminal messaging work? Absolutely.
The subconscious is not guarded by
discriminating wisdom and discernment which upholds morality.
The entertainment industry doesn’t exist to make money; It exists to feed us tasty and corrosive social engineering.
Why? That is the subject of this series. Will we wake up or stay entrapped? Will we allow bread and circus to help destroy our world?
Lipstick and War Crimes
Kauai Transparency Initiative International
Espanol (Haga clic en el enlace)
Book Review
CIA and Pentagon behind “over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles” – Veterans Today, July 15, 2017
“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.” – Harold Pinter, 2005 Nobel Lecture
“It is likely that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will continue its commitment to global population control, and now, curriculum creation in the nation’s schools because they truly believe that they know better than anyone else how we all should live.”
– Anne Hendershott (Vol. 2 , Chapter 6)
Note from Author. Most older people are only interested in comfort or protecting comfort, but the future for young people is not going to be comfortable. I will be trying to reach younger readers for this reason. Pop culture rules the world because we live in a bread and circus civilization. There are 47 million Americans on food stamps who watch the circus on their TV’s and Smart phones most of the day. By exposing pop culture and its relationship to foreign policy, I hope to help bring the jobs back home, bring the troops back home, and clean up our entertainment so it is useful and healthy for future peoples. We have a daunting job, and I intend to help young people make it happen. Please see Mission Statement.
Below: A list of Volume 1 editions of the same book,
because people often need a specific genre they can relate to.
Book Review
A Thinking Girl’s Guide to Sexual Identity : Navigating Heartbreak, Survival, and the Media Matrix (Students) (link to introduction)
A Single Guy’s Guide to Predatory Women : Navigating Heartbreak, Survival, and the Media Matrix (Students)(link to introduction and cover)
Indigenous Recall : The Return to Sanity (For descendants of Indigenous peoples)
Begging Faith : Identifying the Assault on Virtue and Family (For Christians)
Feminism Revisited : The Globalist Assault on the Feminine
Zen and the Art of De-Programming : Letting go of social engineering
All the titles for Volume 1, above, are basically the same book with different introductions, FREE Pdf here.
Volume 1 exposes how our sexual identity has been targeted and confused and why.
Volume 2 is a more historical book and the most important of the series with an extensive glossary and a timeline. It also has several covers and titles. The Jewish edition for friends and critics of Israel is called “The New Jewish Mandate: Renouncing the Money Changers” (link)
Besides showing that the abuse of colonization never ended, the series shows that we ourselves have been socially engineered to accept the situation as normal and are distracted by sexy entertainment and our implanted “free” values to not care.
What is wrong with this picture? EVERYTHING! This is what CIA Agent Gloria Steinem Feminism has brought us to… Lipstick and war crimes. See Vol. 1 editions. (link) Only a true return to the respect of the feminine – within ourselves, society, and nature – will save the Earth. It is time for true women to stand up, not as wanna be men, but as mothers, to stop the crime. It is time for men to stand up, not as obedient robots, but as brothers and fathers, to stop the crime.
Left Image is 2010 Grammy Awards – demonic hand gesture between her legs, repeated three years later by 17 year old contestant in 2013 USA X-Factor Season (Chapter 8). The gesture isn’t a rock and roll sign. The moment was cut out of the Beyoncé music video. Why was she told to do this, and then why was it hidden? The music industry is run by a negative subliminal social engineering agenda. Who is doing this and why? How do spread leg Divas playing with guns on stage manifest as deranged women soldiers. In fact, neither existed 30 years ago. These are not true women. These are warped derelicts of true humanity.
Rockefeller / Brzezinki’s 1976 Book. Same branding. The Rockefellers exist under the Rothschilds. And below we see the heart of the beast controlling world history at this time. Please purchase non-profit Vol. 2, with over 350 color photos, then share with friends. Your world view will be reshaped for the better.
Front cover of book: singer Rihanna with phallic lipstick and Obama’s consultant – Bilderberger, pedophile, and war criminal – Henry Kissinger, seen below with U2 rock star, Bono. What is the relationship between entertainment and foreign policy?
“Tricia Jenkins, author of The CIA In Hollywood, told she has recently acquired new evidence showing how the CIA worked off-the-books to influence Hollywood scripts to an extent never previously known. She said: ‘In this documentation, concerning one major Hollywood movie, it is clear that the CIA functioned as the principle partner in shaping the original script and its influence exceeded that which would have been filled by an aggressive producer or studio executive.’ “
Confused about the script?
You won’t be.
Author Ray Songtree and Richard Larry Weaver, USS Liberty survivor.
Our parents met in a nursing home, the Great Mystery brought us together.
Meet the Author – PDF DOWNLOAD
Link for Mission Statement and CONTACT
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