Ted Howard: Permaculture Activist, Civilisation Critic, Supporter and Lover of Indigenous Wisdom and Biophilia Interviewed by Tim Lynch Ourplanet.org Listen to interview here (link). Ted is a peace and community activist, Permaculture designer and teacher that loves to grow ‘edible landscapes’ – He is truly an ecological visionary. Ted is also ex-military (12 years in NZ Army Territorials) becoming a peace activist, especially campaigning against depleted uranium, where NZ troops were deployed. NZ Defence personnel today will be suffering health problems because of this. He has also completed a master’s paper in remote sensing (aerial and satellite photo mapping) to compliment his Degree in Geology and Geography. Ted co-founded Transition Towns Nelson, but with the change of government from Labour to National, they lost their funding for employing a co-ordinator, and with the collapse of the price of oil, lost their impetus, and most members drifted away. The one thing that survives is the Permaculture in Nelson Group (PNG), that he still co-hosts. Hosting the Nelson Peace Group during after hours – he also lead a book discussion group based on the books by Daniel Quinn: ‘Ishmael’, ‘My Ishmael’, ‘The Story of B’, ‘Beyond Civilisation’. This started a process of questioning the foundations of who he was and what culture he was living in. Permaculture His main focus now is Permaculture gardening/design during the week. He’s also studying part time as a student on National Certificate in Horticulture, level 4. He is passionate about his gardening, but especially about building healthy…
Hand Signals – Hillary Clinton Corrupts Lester Holt to Rig the First Presidential Debate And the crimes continue. Watch her carefully scratch her face in deliberate prescribed manner to cue moderater Lester Holt. For Facebook users, here is the URL for video below to cut and paste into your facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/753306204805458/?notif_t=group_r2j_approved¬if_id=1475059322157783 The original video of hand signal analysis, was taken down for “copy write reasons” however this mirror version with a different sound track has been posted. Please view entire. In the last minute of this video, a secret, illegal teleprompter is seen on Hillary’s podium. Youtube/Google are part of “copywrite cover up” and along with CNN and NBC are now implicated along with Lester Holt, in the cheating, hand signals, disclosing debate questions a week in advance to Hillary, and in general, a crime against democracy. This is the best proof we have ever had in real time, of how crooked the media and the status quo can be. Please see the video above, as nothing is more convincing. Below, she is has a hidden way to communicate with a handler? She is wired. Why? Trump put his hand on her back, end of above video, but didn’t notice the wire? In this next 3 minute video we see illegal use of ear piece by Lester Holt. Five Times Lester Holt Shilled for Hillary Clinton at First Debate http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/09/26/lester-holt-candy-crowley-moment-first-debate/ NBC News’ Lester Holt had his “Candy Crowley” moment at the first debate of the 2016 presidential election…
Below, April 1, 2017 update on globalist backing of transhumanism. Bottom is embedded youtube on Sperm collapse especially in West. Transcript of Silicon Valley, Home to the Transhumanist Nightmare – David Icke Videocast Trailer Hello, I’m sitting here with the Singularity University in Silicon Valley, in the center of NASA Research Park. All around me here are high tech firms into space tech and that whole area of cutting edge research. I have come here to Singularity University because it sounds kind of nondescript and nothing of great importance to humanity, but it is, because among the people who created this University is Ray Kurzweil, one of the great PR men for Frankenstein and the transhumanist nightmare. And the whole agenda is for humanity to have tech put inside the brain, Nano tech in the end, that you can even breathe in. We call it smart dust, Nano-bots and other “smart” names. This tech will connect the human mind to what I’ve been writing about for years, called the tech sub-reality. But the like of Kurzweil that set up this university, with others, call this “The Cloud” and they say humans will be connected to the cloud by 2030, no time from now really. As he puts it, we will think through the gateways in the cloud where the cloud will do more and more human thinking, until it does all the thinking for us. So what we are looking at is the complete hi-jacking by “The Cloud”, of the…
(See additional article on CNN and Politico fixed polls by including high percentage of extra democrats, link.) The list of poll results for first presidential debate 2016 are in below graphics. However, people who would even vote at CNN are opposite those who would be counted on a Breibart Poll. Then, polls mean little. The Times Mag poll was almost 50/50. My two cents is that “the Hillary without any wrinkles” was well prepared. She is a duplicitous attorney and he is a pragmatic money man. She is a trained liar and EXPERT criminal after 40 years of lying. His reality is based on real world survival, not platitudes. Trump did NOT seem prepared and could have taken her apart on her claiming economy is recovering. He did say it is just the stock market that looks good, but he could have cited stats. Stats for NAFTA should have been memorized. He did not put her on defensive. However once, she actually had to pull the crazy card by saying he lives in his own reality. His statistics should have been memorized with instant comeback. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/11/upshot/the-real-jobless-rate-is-42-percent-donald-trump-has-a-point-sort-of.html I did like that Trump said that US should not be policeman of world, but it is a head fake as a former speech shows. Who do they attract? Hillary attracts true believers. Trump attracts the discontent. (But would he deliver? Obama didn’t.) The true believers in Hillary are not discontent and they don’t think anything needs to really change. They must like legacy of Obama, and Hillary doesn’t really question Obama, while Trump does. If Hillary were to win, it means Bush and Obama won again. The same policies will be in place, and that explains why all depictions or mentioning of Trump by Main Stream is derogatory, especially the photos. It does appear that the mainstream, like CNN, are afraid of Trump. He invokes national pride, and globalists hate that. The hate of mainstream for Trump is his best endorsement. CNN’s snap poll gave Clinton the win with 62 per cent to Trump’s 27 But most of the others reported Trump was the winner by a landslide Here are the some of the results from snap polls: +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3809204/Most-snap-polls-Trump-winning-debate-landslide.html#ixzz4LTlYD0im Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook Save Save Save Save
This is starting to look like Donald Trump is real and not just another puppet? Jennifer Flowers invited to front row of debate? Then who will the Clinton double invite? At this link, Snopes misses the important evidence and doesn’t update their post. We can’t trust Snopes! Trump incites nationalistic feelings and thus is an anti-globalist. He would be the opposite of Merkel if he was true to his word. The question remains is whether this is campaign BS rhetoric.? Playing hardball with inviting Jennifer Flowers, which amazingly, was covered by CNN and NYT is a sea change for me. Something is going on. Why did they cover it? Are they actually helping make illicit sex the new normal, as we see on The Voice with Miley Cyrus? (Update, Trump will NOT have Flowers as invitee. Well, then, Trump is NOT playing hardball because he isn’t clean either. So debate already has soft gloves, scripted rules of engagement) Obama said he was into change, and people assumed that meant change away from status quo, which just got worse and worse and worse with Obama. Imagine that he installed in government the very private bankers who orchestrated the housing bubble. Sorry, I made a mistake, he never chose one thing and never chooses one word he speaks. He has no volition except when he is playing someone else’s game, if that is volition. One thing for sure, no question, the media wants the Clinton double, so I am against her…
Call for Palestinian State – Ad in New York Times – The End of the Chosen Supremacist People is Near
In a recent full page NYT ad, liberal Zionist group calls for ethnic segregation to retain Jewish majority within Israel – Mondoweiss “According to a recent poll, 97 percent of Israeli Jews want to live in a Jewish state. Without a two-state solution, Israel will end up as a bi-national state, half-Jewish and half-Arab,” it reads. “In a few more years, it will be too late. The dream of a Jewish state will be lost.” If Israel is divided into two states, I suppose the US Government will then send half of its huge aid package to the Palestinian state, right? After all, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) wouldn’t want AIPAC to be seen as racist! I mean, their racism would no longer be secretive! If U.S did not send equal money to the new Palestinian state, this would end both AIPAC and ADL. So we can see there is no future for the chosen people. Supremacist Jews are doomed. Already a rogue nation, which does not allow nuclear inspections, which routinely murders innocent people on the street, which has assassination squads overseas in full sight, which ignores UN resolutions, and which for some odd reason, is never placed under economic sanctions or no-fly zones by puppets like Obama, Israel is now going to be targeted by the same One World mentality of “open migration” which its own masters created. (See image below.) The writers of ad are calling for a racist country and admitting that apartheid in Israel is not…
As this short article below quickly shows, there is no replacement known for shipping through trucking…. because there is no replacement for oil. Electric powered cars can’t replace trucking. So let it sink in, there is no replacement known for trucking. And none in sight. This has been known for some time. In the Bush Jr era, Hirsch showed that in order to avoid catastrophe, society needs at least 20 years to prepare itself before oil production peaks and then starts to decline. But the studies were ignored. When I saw that happen I realized that the Bush Jr. Administration (placed by the true shadow controllers of U.S. policy) ordered the studies, not for the people, but for the government which didn’t care about the people. Do we see society creating any alternative to trucking when said studies have shown a long preparation is needed? In fact, the plan is for a controlled demolition of population so that there will be less demand. This is the reason there is a depopulation agenda headed by the UN (which was created by the Rothschilds who are the said shadow controllers, funding every war now for 200 years.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heads up article from Australia… On the Thermodynamic Black Hole….. 23 September 2016 https://damnthematrix.wordpress.com/2016/09/23/on-the-thermodynamic-black-hole/ I recently heard Dmitry Orlov speaking to Jim Kunstler regarding the Dunbar Number in which he came up with the term ‘Thermodynamic Trap’. As the ERoEI of every energy source known to humanity starts collapsing over the energy cliff,…
mirror from http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45539.htm Evo Morales Denounces Israel, US, and Capitalism at UN Video Below Evo Morales did not hold back at the UN. After calling Israel “warmongers,” he had a couple things to say about the US and Capitalism. Speech at the 71st General Assembly in New York, Sept. 21, 2016 “The greatest objective of mankind in this century should be to eradicate imperialism and capitalism as models for society.” Posted September 23, 2016 EVO MORALES AYMA, President of Bolivia, said that, according to United Nations data, 94 per cent of global wealth was concentrated in the hands of 20 per cent of the world’s population, a reality that was “the true face of capitalism”. He added that 2016 had been the hottest year on record, every year was hotter than the one before it and Bolivia was suffering from one of the worst droughts in its history. He called for States to remain alert to prevent the “barbarism of the capitalism”, which would transform the Paris Agreement into one used for blackmail. Walls had been constructed everywhere, he continued, and one out of every 100 people was a refugee or was displaced because of imperial invasions, wars or global warming. Israel’s expansionist and war-mongering policies were one of the greatest expressions of barbarism in the modern world. The United Nations needed to “fully recognize the State of Palestine” and stop the “brutal genocide” against the Palestinian people. His country vigorously rejected the sanctions against Cuba and he stressed that it was not enough…
mirror from The New American http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/item/24110-un-s-new-urban-agenda-to-assault-liberty-in-a-city-near-you Wednesday, 21 September 2016 UN’s “New Urban Agenda” to Assault Liberty in a City Near You Written by Alex Newman
With budget of 2.8 Billion and 44,000 employees, I had to look into this Christian Charity organization, World Vision. The treasurer worked for the FED. Bingo. The present director of Medical Teams International has this background “her position leading World Vision International’s Global Sustainable Health team” and the vice president worked at Microsoft. All in the family. See Bill Gates here. Gary Duim – Treasurer for World Vision Inc. – Corporation Wiki View Gary T Duim’s profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships. Search our database of over 100 million company and executive profiles. corporationwiki.com/Washington/Federal-Way/gary-t-duim/272314… The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Portland Branch Board, Gary T. Duim … The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, along with the rest of the Federal Reserve System, celebrated its 85th … frbsf.org/files/1999_annual_report.pdf Gary Duim – Previous Director for Medical Teams International View Gary Duim’s profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships. Search our database of over 100 million company and executive profiles. corporationwiki.com/Oregon/Tigard/gary-duim/57473418.aspx Save
New World Order Mergers : Monsanto and Bayer, Syngenta and ChemChina Rueters is owned by Rothschilds and the article proudly names who is behind these mega mergers of criminal companies. My comments and emphasis in red – Ray Songtree Blue are links. Bayer clinches Monsanto with improved $66 billion bid Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:18am EDT http://www.reuters.com/article/us-monsanto-m-a-bayer-deal-idUSKCN11K128 By Greg Roumeliotis and Ludwig Burger | NEW YORK/FRANKFURT . German drugs and crop chemicals company Bayer has won over U.S. seeds firm Monsanto with an improved takeover offer of around $66 billion, ending months of wrangling after increasing its bid for a third time. The $128 a share deal, up from Bayer’s previous offer of $127.50 a share, is the biggest of the year so far and the largest cash bid on record. The deal will create a company commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides in the fast-consolidating [centralized] farm supplies industry. However, competition authorities are likely to scrutinize the tie-up closely, and some of Bayer’s own shareholders have been highly critical of a takeover plan which they say risks overpaying and neglecting the company’s pharmaceutical business. [From pharmaceutical to environmental poison, a seamless symbiotic transition, as Big Pharma continues to create sickness for its industry and for the de-population agenda.] The transaction includes a break-fee of $2 billion that Bayer will pay to Monsanto should it fail to get regulatory clearance. Bayer expects the deal to close by the end of 2017. The…
The only request I have of David Icke is to explain HOW people can, in their own actions, start “non-compliance.” My answer is to unplug and grow your own. We need to stop assuming laws are lawful. What is YOUR truth, not the law’s truth? This video is cutting edge understanding of our situation. What is Artificial Intelligence? I like Jeff Rense’s statement that tech enhancements “don’t make us super human, they make us sub-human.” Save
Top Neurologist Says ADHD Is A Fake Disorder http://yournewswire.com/top-neurologist-says-adhd-is-a-fake-disorder/ Posted on September 4, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai Top doctor says ADHD is a fake disease, designed to make big pharma money A respected Neurologist has come forward and admitted that Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) does not exist, and is really only an umbrella of symptoms and not actually a disease. Dr Richard Saul has published a book called “ADHD Does Not Exist: The Truth About Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder,” claiming that the number of people who actually suffer from the disorder is zero. Collective-evolution.com reports: Richard Saul is a neurologist who has had a long career in examining patients who have been having trouble with short attention spans and inability to focus. From his first hand experience, he feels that ADHD is nothing more than a fake disorder that is really only an umbrella of symptoms and not actually a disease. He strongly feels that it should not be listed as a separate disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, all detailed in his book which is set to release in February 2014. As it stands, ADHD is defined as a psychiatric disorder that is neurodevelopmental. In order for diagnosis, significant issues with attention and/or hyperactivity and acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person’s age must be present. The number of ADHD diagnoses has increased greatly in recent years due to the fact that doctors are using the disorder as a simple…
Intro: In first article below, the word “British” should read as “Rothschild Banking Empire,” as outlined in Vol. 2, of Lipstick and War Crimes. (Blue text is live links) The second article details more history of Wahhabi Sect and present US relationship with Saudi Arabia, which can be further researched here. To see actual cause, in five easy steps, of present wars in Middle East, see this link. In first article, there is some introductory history and reader may be tempted to scroll down to subtitle “Fall of Ottoman Empire.” however the preliminary history is important in establishing the direct lineage of creation of Wahhabi and the purpose. “Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc.” – British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, June 20, 1934, New Britain Magazine British Intelligence also created Muslim Brotherhood a century ago to prepare for the long planned wars we see now. “Albert Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. “He created the 33rd degree of the Scottish-Rite, co-created the KKK (K=11th letter, 11×3=33), and remains a revered figure in global Masonry. “In 1891, when Pike died his funeral was held in the Washington D.C. Freemasonic Temple at midnight with the room draped entirely in black. This is a man who wore a wristband through which he claimed to maintain constant communication with Lucifer. “On August 15th, 1871 Albert Pike wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini outlining three world wars…
Hi Ed, I am responding with my most comprehensive viewpoint as of these days. In between the 20 years was plenty of horror Ed. I don’t try to predict future. I am amazed the system is still functioning on “quantitative easement.” What is planned is a controlled atmosphere, ocean, biology, a big petri dish, devoid of life as we know it, so ET or angels, take your pick, can create what they want. Terra forming means using mind controlled “passionate” sheeple to transform planet into something suitable for ET. The build up went ballistic when Franklin published his paper on electricity in 1751. Electricity and frequencies. The more the better. ET has been working on this for thousands of years. The chemtrails and addition of glyphosate, now in everyone’s bodies, are all planned. Biology is at stake. ET equals the “angels” who used Moses and brought us Sanskrit, a system of divide and conquer to get to immortality (extended vanity, also called ascension) using lower castes. Sounds like Egypt and Aztecs doesn’t it? Yep. The great wall of China wasn’t built to protect China, it was built to protect the elite. You know, those people descended from the sun? None of this sounds like Hopi or anything in touch with Earth, which includes most isolated cultures. So we should never blame humanity. Humans are from the Earth. This madness is from elsewhere. Along the way, every f–king thing will be destroyed unless we can expose them. If we can bust…
What is a 3-d Replicator? LINK , Email From: Ray Songtree Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2016 10:40 AM . M, I think replicators are very inefficient. Why not just have pills like in movie Soylent Green? Why do you lean on the artificial. Why not return to the original? Ray . On 9/4/2016 at 9:10 AM, “M wrote: Why do you assume this is what would be consider artificial? It is programmed [by a limited programmer] to be Exactly like the original [which evolved for millions of years] it was programmed with. [Sorry, that does not compute! ] Comparing it to solvent green is very inappropriate. I like to taste my food…. [Solvent Green comes in many flavors! ] and it is also not just for food. I personally will most likely be one of those hold backs that wants to grow my own produce anyway. But that is not always easy for people to do. [If it isn’t, they will starve while clutching their recipe books. Produce is not the issue. The issue is staples, grains, root crops.] Because it doesn’t use resources and can feed and cloth and provide necessities. [It uses resources. There is no neutral technology.] When you are done with whatever you made it can be instantly “recycled” so there is no waste. People would not have to find it necessary to have a lot of possessions. [So they can just recycle a TV in to a guitar amp into an exercise machine into…
letters…. Mainstream media won’t cover this. See article below. My prediction is that the Dakota pipeline will go through in order to create more freedom fighters, who will be labeled as terrorists. They want conflict, and the dominant culture will not bow to anything, because everything is collateral damage. The ego of total control holds all Context as peripheral ! All. That means that nothing is worth bending to. “I am KING of the mountain, of the universe. I am God!” How do we know this is true? Oh, it says so in the Bible. How do we know it is true? It was written by God. That is the trance. The trance says only the trance is true, and everything else is collateral damage. I hope I am wrong. I’m hoping some heart comes into these judges and they break rank. Progress is the nightmare of living in a utopia on a dead planet. Makes sense, right? I am startled to find my own thinking in Derrick Jensen’s book Dreams. What he calls insanity, I call the “Pyramid of abuse.” and “disconnecting vanity.” However, I no longer think industrialization is human. I feel our minds and now our biology is being taken over by trance and nanotechnology that is tied in with whoever created the Judeo supremacist non-ethic. That is a huge stretch, but my research shows an unbroken chain between off planet channeled “divine” religions and off planet technologies. Indigenous religions didn’t have words like “divine” because…
Friends…. Joey, what you wrote was brilliant. I would like you to expand it. However, you are doing what I do, jumping so many hurdles of new understanding that we lose people. Can you hit this again please? As I understood you, you are saying the machine is so compartmentalized that there is no accountability, while we delude ourselves that because we think we can exercise free speech on Facebook, that a magic awakening is going to happen…. meanwhile the world gets slaughtered. I can’t sum up your words, the way you would. But, I will say, memes like “the 1%” are understood now by LOTS of people, where as 10 years ago, not so. I am reading Dreams by Derrick Jensen.… He is hitting so many of my points. Blowing my mind the synchronicity. In my writing I have boiled the dominant culture down to “disconnecting vanity.” One of my big jabs at science is that scientists are unable to machine calibrate their own dreams, and so they deny that their dreams exist! But they dream every night and every moment! Does reality include dreams or not? Who is really being observant here? I just read some paragraphs of Derrick’s where monotheism, science and capitalism are rolled into one. What Derrick doesn’t dare to mention yet is Satanism and ET. He also chastises Christianity, which was retarded back to Judaism by including Old Testament in order to co-opt revolution by Jesus. What we call the Judeo-Christian ethic is just…