Hi Susan, You bring up a huge question. “Ray, sorry for my opinion on this. I have been thinking this for years, but never really expressed it to anyone too much, because it is so far out there for all of us….but, what if all of these bad characters are not human? What if they are either cloned, or alien or something? This would explain many things to me, especially how one can be for 5G and not be worried about the planet as well. It is we humans that must worry, but non-humans will just go on about business. Just my thoughts… Susan “ In my opinion the definition of progress as technological is an alien intrusion on natural native indigenous, of the Earth, cultures. There are a lot of humans that are incarnations of alien beings who are channeling alien consciousness. They look human, but their minds are tuned to an alien directive. I met one such person, so it isn’t theory for me. You nailed it, the reason they don’t care about 5G is that they don’t care about life on Earth. We are all ET in that we have existed long before humans were walking around. David Wilcock, who lived as Edgar Cayce in his last life, (and I met David, yawn) is more tuned to a past civilization, than to now. The top monsters like Kissinger are definitely not of this Earth. As I have said, the Bible is an alien channeling as…
The following is an email thread which leads to my understanding of the timing of this “pandemic.” From: Ray Songtree Sent: Saturday, 4 April 2020 7:59 PM Subject: Flu killed 10,000 Americans in January and Feburary An influenza killed an average of 67 people per day in Jan and Feb 2020. So at that rate, Flu will kill about 60,000 Americans this year. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/03/the-flu-has-already-killed-10000-across-us-as-world-frets-over-coronavirus.html Response : On 4/3/2020 at 11:56 PM, “L wrote: Exactly! Add to that the annual death rates of an aging population and what do we have? Business as usual. So how do you hoodwink an entire world with lies? Why are people just eating it up? It boggles my mind truly, where are the civil liberties people? Hong Kong was the turning point I think, they were never going to back down and China couldn’t risk another Tiananmen Square. Couple that with the Extinct Revolution mob and the disruption they caused. The [Globalist including China] “Elite” decided to make their move. [Chairman Mao was funded and placed by Rothschilds, Mao’s finance minister was named Israel Epstein. The same deep state controls the West and the East.] From Ray Songtree L, The elite didn’t time this because of Hong Kong protest or any mob or Trump. By the way the Extinction Mob you mentioned is into false idea of man made climate change, which feeds Agenda 2030 directly, so it is same operation in whole, as the Pandemic. The Hong Kong protest is organic, and anti-communist. Communism…
from my email correspondence On 7/22/2018 at 7:03 PM, “N wrote: Ray,. so you think “heaven” and “consumerism” are the same thing?! What’s the color of the sky where you live? Geez Ray. (Have you forgotten we have “hell” on earth now? Consumerism and lots of other destructive isms. What’s the opposite of “hell”?) Ray responds… Nancy, Yes, for most people, heaven on earth is free energy and free consumption. It is a continuation of city life, but all cities are cancerous as the people are not producers, they are disconnected Homo idoorsian consumers. I’m curious that you don’t see that for the hope porn crowd, ending of deep state means a higher standard of consumerism. There is still no recognition that the civilization itself and all of us, are anti nature and satanic. The top of pyramid is corrupt, as is the bottom that holds it up. Why don’t you understand me yet???? What will free energy do for the Hopi or Zulu culture or any diverse distinct culture? What is your answer? Free energy is the endless environmental statement. I’ve said this many many times. SGT and Robert David Steele and all these other Homo indoorsian folks want more and more and more tech, to be organized by a benevolent one world government that regulates all energy devices, all free energy devices, benevolently. Do you see any problem here? Sean at SGT Report actually thinks Christ is high tech. To answer…
The reason our modern civilization is assaulting nature is because we are slaves for an alien technology that sees Earth as a resource, not a living planet. – Ray Songtree Mirror from http://phils.com.au/transistor.htm HOW COULD AT&T HAVE CREATED THE TRANSISTOR SO QUICKLY IN 1947 WITHOUT THE INPUT OF ALIEN TECHNOLOGY? Lecture given by Jack Shulman, President of the American Computer Company, to The Global Sciences Congress, Florida, 1999. Hi, I’m Jack Shulman. I’m the head of the American Computer Company. American Computer Company is part of the Technology International Group and Bell North America group of companies. I’m also one of the owners of the group of companies. I’ve been in the computer industry for about 28 or 29 years. I’ve worked for IBM as a professional services management consultant. I worked on the development of the personal computer in 1978 for FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) and Simplicity Patterns, later adopted by IBM. I developed something called the “pattern creator”. That’s where we got the term “PC”. Prior to that, I’d developed what you might call the first windowing operating system in 1975 for Citibank, and before that there were earlier versions I did for a company called Vydec. I’m a serious computer person – very, very serious – and also someone who’s not generally inclined to leap to great predispositions about any unusual subject. Well, as it turns out, a few years ago I got my dose of reality. It was in the form of a visit…
This link for PDF below is a rather incredible instruction manual for the elite. I highly recommend reading this and sharing with others to understand the reasoning of the elite. “Since we want to rule, we would be stupid not to use all methods available” is one way to introduce this. Since ruling others is domination, a weaker populace is desired. The goal is to reshape humanity, because all past humanity was “false.” “Exposure of the silent weapon would destroy our [the elite’s] only hope of preserving the seed of the future true humanity.” Note the invention of transistor is named in the PDF as instrumental to this plan, and this invention is tied into Roswell. “…there was some relationship between the government and AT&T that resulted in the transistor’s invention. I mentioned I grew up in the household of the head of Bell Labs, so I knew that there was something strange about the transistor because I knew Bill Shockley, and Bill Shockley was something of a witless buffoon. There’s no way he could have invented the transistor. The symbol for the transistor is made up of three pieces: positive, positive and negative; or negative, negative and positive…silicon dioxide doped with arsenic and boron, in 1947. Now, in 1947, doping things with boron was not easy. It required the sort of equipment that even Bell Labs in 1946 did not possess. They had this type of equipment at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories – but it would have taken thousands and…
On 3/5/2017 at 10:11 AM, “Rebecca wrote: Ray, I did not vote for either Trump or for Obama, nor for Foster Gamble, whom I know personally and find credible; I have not voted for any presidential candidate since 2008. When I last did, it was for Cynthia McKinney, whom I also know personally, and whom has demonstrated great courage and states personship throughout her career. And I have been consistent for the past nine years since in my neutrality about federal-level voting, so I do not grock your saying that I had “divine expectations” of either Trump or Obama. [She doesn’t remember how she worshiped his “potential” as an “advanced soul” who “kept the enemy close to him” because he was going to save us all. She is doing exact repeat with Trump. Rather than hope, let’s examine.] After long showing much forbearance, my patience is wearing really thin about your constant put-downs, because I do not believe exactly as you do about some of what is now happening in the world. If you want a follower or a sycophant who follows perceived authority figures — especially male authority figures which you right now seem to be attempting to imitate — I am not someone whom you would ever want to know. Response from Ray: Your criticism is based on not accepting critical analysis when it comes to your “faith.” If you send news that is rumor or speculation or poorly vetted, I will let you…
Letter Dec 9, 2016 Snowden Interview Dec 7 At minute 8:30 we learn that Edward Snowden is mentally controlled by controlled media, and he believed the New York Times prediction about Hillary win for President ! I was dumb struck. He thinks their polls were accurate! And as of the interview, still doesn’t know that polls were rigged, and that NYT, owned by Sulzberger family (Zionists-Rothschild) is entirely a social engineering rag. No one can ever trust New York Times. Snowden and interviewer are discussing what main stream news fed them! Snowden has less savvy about the hidden hand then ourselves! At minute 20 he thinks there is such a thing as a fair trial. I don’t. He is part of dominant culture all they way. I part with that. For me, nothing this civilization has done has been positive, and it was all set up for one thing, to get to “singularity” which is anti life. So Snowden is still a believer in “progress” which he repeats several times. Now let’s leave Snowden and return to this idea of “progress.” * People don’t seem to understand that the Constitution was a Freemason invention to keep the top of the pyramid in control while harnessing the creative power of the masses. A major change agent for Freemasonry was Francis Bacon who wrote King James Bible and the Shakespeare plays in early 1600’s. I’m saying this “genius” was an alien plant. This might be new for some people. The Constitution was just…
Comments: Wikileaks publishes emails by Edgar Mitchell by Ray Songtree updated Aug 10, 2017 (This article includes critique of Paul Helyer Space Treaty, far bottom. This full analysis for ET and globalization study guide is 13,000 words.) In this analysis of Edgar Mitchell emails to pedophile John Podesta, (blue text are links) Mitchell mentions his work with Terri Mansfield. The following screen shot is from her website to give back ground of Mitchell’s associated belief system. http://www.terrimansfield.com/terri/, Oct 14, 2016 The Wikileaks emails only confirm what was already public. (Blue text is live links.) Below are the Wikileaks published Edgar Mitchell 2015 emails, the proposed space weapons treaty, and the publicity for treaty, bottom. All are the echoes of Dr. Steven Greer’s hallucination. Dr. Steven Greer’s last incarnation was Paramahansa Yogananda, who spent his last years in the escape of samadhi. Yogananda was sent to California a century ago to blend East and West to prepare for one world government. As a young man in this life, Greer went into samadhi the very first time he meditated. Both these incarnations were under the thumb of the same dis-incarnate guru who has co-opted the common Indian name “babaji” – honored father. That is, both Yogananda and Greer had the same handler. Dr. Steve Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence, (CSETI). He also founded the Orion Project to destroy the Earth with unlimited Free Energy. He put together film Sirius, using name from occult. In his emails,…