Mirror from http://www.answercoalition.org/an_apartheid_state_israel_makes_it_official?utm_campaign=ANSWER%20Coalition&utm_campaign=news_07_20_2018&utm_medium=shared_article&utm_medium=email&utm_source=facebook&utm_source=answercoalition An apartheid state: Israel makes it official posted by Answer Coalition July 20, 2018 By Richard Becker, West Coast Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition On July 19, 2018, the Israeli parliament ratified into law an apartheid system that has long been a reality. “Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” is the newly approved Basic Law in a country where such laws take the place of the constitution Israel has never had. The “Nation-State” law had been under consideration for many years, but even many ardent Zionists had been opposed, not because they disagreed with its provisions but because it would remove all doubt worldwide about the apartheid character of the regime. For the same reason, many pro-Israel organizations and leaders in the United States spoke out against the law. Apartheid is a crime against humanity under the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Total support from the Trump administration, including moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, was the green light for many members of the parliament (Knesset) to vote for the bill now. At the same time, the massive military and economic support, and diplomatic protection extended by Washington have made Israeli leaders increasingly dismissive of criticism from other governments. The vote for the law was 62-55, with most of the opposition – excepting 13 Palestinian Arab members – still motivated by fears of international reaction to openly proclaiming Israel to be a racist state. Ahmed Tibi, one of the…
Mirror https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-largely-unrecognized-us-occupation-of-syria-nearly-one-third-of-its-territory The Largely Unrecognized US Occupation of Syria. Nearly One Third of Its Territory By Stephen Gowans Global Research, March 12, 2018 What’s Left 11 March 2018 The United States has invaded Syria with a significant military force, is occupying nearly one-third of its territory, has announced plans for an indefinite occupation, and is plundering the country’s petroleum resources. Washington has no authorization under international or even US law to invade and occupy Syria, much less attack Syrian forces, which it has done repeatedly. Nor has it a legal warrant to create new administrative and governance structures in the country to replace the Syrian government, a project it is undertaking through a parallel invasion of US diplomatic personnel. These actions—criminal, plunderous, and an assault on democracy at an international level—amount to a retrograde project of recolonization by an empire bent on extending its supremacy to all the Arab and Muslim worlds, including the few remaining outposts of resistance to foreign tyranny. Moreover, US actions represent an escalation of Washington’s long war on Syria, previously carried out through proxies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, into a full-scale conventional war with direct US military involvement. Yet, despite the enormity of the project, and the escalation of the war, the US occupation of Syria has largely flown under the radar of public awareness. Atop multiple indignities and affronts to liberty and democracy visited upon the Arab world by the West, including the plunder of Palestine by European settlers and…
On Dec 31, 2017, the Likud Central Committee, the party’s top decision-making body, unanimously passed a resolution urging the faction’s leaders to formally annex parts of the West Bank and allow unlimited construction in the settlements while western media is silent. (See links below. ) This land was stolen from Syria in 1967 war. This is simply theft, but now with Russia setting up permanent bases in Syria, Syria is not going to disappear as the Zionists had hoped. Why does this matter to Americans? US is in the Mideast as part of Greater Israel project. (See above coin image.) Israel itself exists as part of project too, planned 150 years ago. Albert Pike wrote of this and the plan for three world wars, two already completed, and a statue of Pike was erected in Washington DC. Obviously Washington DC has been infiltrated for a long time. After the 9/11 attack on New York, carried out with Israeli planning, General Wesley Clark, former commander of NATO, announced that 7 countries were targeted for “regime change”, all in the Mideast area. Iraq wars, Libya war, Syrian war, and they hope, Iran war, are directly part of this plan announced by Clark. Iran is important because of Mackinder Heartland geopolitics, endorsed by elite, as puppet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral Commission co-founder, wrote in his book The Grand Chess Board. The other Trilateral founder was Bilderberger David Rockefeller who selected and placed Jimmy Carter. Rockefeller family has always been controlled by Rothschilds. Brzezinski was placed…
Mirror from https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/12/26/how-us-and-israel-extort-votes-un.html Wayne Madsen is one of the very best investigative journalists. He broke the story on Obama’s CIA upbringing. Here is diligently lays out the corruption at UN and who is behind it. Remember, Rothschilds created UN after League of Nations failed. They got it after THEIR World War II. Roth-efellers donated land for UN. David Rockefeller created Trilateral Commission which selected and ran Jimmy Carter. See below who voted with US grotesque idea to move embassy into sovereign Palestine. Wayne MADSEN | 26.12.2017 | OPINION How the US and Israel Extort Votes at the UN On December 21, 2017, 128-member states of the United Nations General Assembly voted against the United States in condemning the Donald Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Moreover, the General Assembly called on member states not to move their embassies in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, warned the members of the UN that she would be “taking names” of countries voting against the United States on Jerusalem. Not content with acting like some snippety schoolmarm, Haley took the pollyannaish course of inviting countries voting against, abstaining, or absenting themselves from the General Assembly Jerusalem resolution to a “friendship party” in New York in January 2018. The General Assembly vote followed a resolution sponsored by Egypt in the UN Security Council that also opposed the US decision on Jerusalem. Haley…
A new US military base in Israel shows the world that Trump was insincere when he said US should not be world’s policeman. With over 800 military bases overseas, Trump has been led by his Jewish Family, his own Jewish roots, his own military response to another fake gas attack in Syria, his own close association with Benjahmin Netanyahu to okay this new military base in Israel. Israel needs help because the Israeli military front called ISIS has been routed by Russian intervention in the ongoing bid for “Greater Israel” to take over the region. Iran allows nuclear inspections, while Israel does not. Israel is the rogue nation in region. Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria … link Israeli Colonel Arrested in Iraq Working with ISIS … link Syria’s Victory in Deir Ezzor – September 16, 2017 – The Syrian Arab Army have achieved yet another dramatic victory this time lifting the ISIS siege of the heroic city of Deir Ezzor. They have withstood repeated attacks by the US-NATO air force in support of the ISIS terrorists. The US government’s ongoing assistance to Israel comes under section 1259 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 titled “Authorization of United States assistance to Israel,” which stipulated: “The maritime security and maritime domain awareness in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea are critical not only to the security of Israel but also to US national security interests and encourage the Department of Defence to continue efforts…
Zionist Globalist Stanley Fischer Quits FED “Before joining the [FED] Board, Dr. Fischer was governor of the Bank of Israel, from 2005 to 2013. He was vice chairman of Citigroup … [Citigroup is the original Rothschild American bank, formally National City Bank and before that “National Bank”, that created Spanish American War – Yellow Press William Randolph Hearst was partner with Rothschilds at Anaconda Copper. National Bank took over Cuba and also funded Rockefeller. Fake war hero Teddy Roosevelt came out of conquered Cuba in same years fake war hero Churchill came out of Boer Wars. Both were Rothschild wars. In same years Hawaii was overthrown.] … and from February 2002 to April 2005. He served as first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund from September 1994 through August 2001. From January 1988 to August 1990, he was the chief economist of the World Bank. He was a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1977 to 1999 and associate professor from 1973 to 1977. Prior to joining the faculty at MIT, he was an assistant professor of economics and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago.” – Source Fischer’s career – MIT, World Bank, IMF, Israel, FED, jumps ship. Of course, only an “anti-semite” would question why a complete globalist would become central bank head of a tiny middle eastern encampment called Israel, and then somehow be placed on board of U.S. FED, which funnels money globally and refuses to be audited. Fed…
1 + 1 +1 + 1 = your life and your childrens’ lives. 1 The settling of Palestine in 1882 by Edmond Rothschild and plans on Israeli coin for Greater Israel. +1 Click on image below to start 5 minute video Gen. Wesley Clark: 2001 plans to invade 7 countries. +1 Israel really did plan the 9/11 attack on New York (link) to get War on Terror outlined above by Wesley Clark, in order to to secure Greater Israel as now openly discussed. +1 The refugee crisis really was planned in advance (link) to destabilize Europe and create a mixed race of people without sense of national history or loyalty. = your life and your childrens’ lives. Share ‘Reality 101’ with all brains. Shouldn’t we all know reality?
Paul Craig Roberts has not done the same research I have about Israel. See here. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/06/information-controlled-washington-israel-trolls-leading-destruction/ How Information Is Controlled by Washington, Israel, and Trolls, Leading to Our Destruction May 6, 2017 Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers: I very much appreciate the support you show for me in your emails. I seldom receive a rude email from you, and when I do it is usually something off subject, such as a reader angry with Israel and unloading on me with an accusation that I am a coward and a “Jew-lover” because I don’t do enough to expose the crimes of the Jews. This accusation always amuses me as the ADL lists me as an anti-Semite because I occasionally make an entirely justified criticism of Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians and excessive influence over US foreign policy, as have many outstanding scholars, such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, and many Jews themselves. My friends find my designation by the ADL as an anti-Semite hilarious. The person whom I selected as my principal deputy in the US Treasury is a Jew. David Meiselman, my friend and co-author with me of an important study of the Congressional Budget Office, is a Jew (deceased). I went to Oxford for the express purpose of studying under Michael Polanyi, a Jew who had to leave his scientific post in Germany to escape the Nazis. Milton Friedman, an early supporter of the Institute for Political Economy, is a Jew (deceased). When my book (1971) on…
Trumps use of a fake gas attack in Syria to justify regime change and more military industrial complex domination and to also further the goals of “Greater Israel” has dashed hopes of those who thought he was a real alternative. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/02/american-democracy-dead-man-walking/ American Democracy: A Dead Man Walking May 2, 2017 by Paul Craig Roberts Trump’s “sell-out,” as it is called, coming on top of Obama’s eight-year “sell-out,” is instructive. We have now had a Democratic president who sold out the people who elected him and a Republican president who has done the same thing. This is a very interesting point, the meaning of which most people miss. But not Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin. At the Valdai discussion club, Putin summed up Western democracy, which I paraphrase as follows: In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected. Elections give the appearance of democracy, but voting does not change the policies that favor war and the elites. Therefore, the will of the people is impotent. People are experiencing that they and their votes have no influence on the conduct of affairs of the country. This makes them afraid, frustrated, and angry, a combination of emotions that is dangerous to the ruling elite, who in response organize the powers of the state against the people, while urging them with propaganda to support more wars. Obama promised to get out of Afghanistan or Iraq or perhaps it was both. He promised to reverse the police…
All the following is a mirror of https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.co.nz/2016/11/israel-greatest-spy-machine-of-all-time.html Mirror created April 22, 2017 * * * ISRAEL – THE GREATEST SPY MACHINE OF ALL TIME November 20, 2016 To Understand Globalist Zionist Power And How It Rules From Israel, You Must Understand These Words – “OPERATION TALPIOT” and “THE TECHNION” IN THIS BLOG POST YOU WILL LEARN – 1) How Israel planned over 40 years ago to dominate the high technology communications sector. 2) How Israel trained officers from Israeli Military Intelligence to become private entrepreneurs. Now they dominate both the public and private high technology sector. 3) How this plan was titled “Operation Talpiot”. 4) How Israel dominates databases of all kinds from banking to medical, to policing, to NSA sub contractors, to government encrypted communications, to video surveillance systems for Class A critical infrastructure. 5) How Israel and Jewish Power have a tradition of the Sayanim or Helper who assist Israeli Intelligence where ever these Jews live and work, anywhere in the world, giving access to all sorts of public and private sensitive locations. 6) How Israel is setting up high technology co-operation schools under The Technion – their premiere research facility. This co-operation is used to infiltrate into the country of interest. “INFORMATION IS POWER” MOVIE – The Pirates Of Silicon Valley Character of Steve Jobs has it all worked out – “information, is power”. Short extract. YouTube To Link Of Full Movie I was kept under strict bail conditions for…
[Brackets are mine – Ray Songtree] UN bowed to ‘fearmongering and threats’ from powerful governments to cover up ‘painful truth’ of Israeli apartheid — UN official’s resignation letter http://mondoweiss.net/2017/03/fearmongering-governments-resignation/ Mondoweiss Editors on March 18, 2017 “I am simply resigning because I believe my duty to the peoples of the region that we serve, and to the United Nations, and to myself, is not to silence the testimony about a crime that causes such suffering to so many human beings.” Yesterday [ March 17, 2017] Rima Khalaf resigned as executive secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia after the agency was forced to retract a report stating that Israel is an “apartheid regime.” Khalaf’s letter of resignation to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was translated and posted by poet Lena Khalaf Tuffaha today on her Facebook page. Here is that translation: Honorable Secretary General, I have given a great deal of consideration to the letter I received from your office, and I assure you that I in no way question your right to issue instructions to remove the report from the ESCWA web site, as I do not question that as employees of the United Nations, we must all execute the orders of our Secretary General. I know very well your commitment to the principles of human rights in general and your position on the rights of the Palestinian people specifically. And I also understand the anxiety you must have in these difficult times that leave…
Kushner Foundation Bankrolls Radical Jewish West Bank Settlers Judy Maltz (Haaretz) December 5, 2016 In recent years, the parents of Jared Kushner – the son-in-law and trusted confidant of President-elect Donald Trump – have donated tens of thousands of dollars to organizations and institutions located in the West Bank settlements, according to their tax forms. The U.S. State Department has long held that the settlements are an impediment to peace. During the election campaign, however, Trump’s key advisers on Israel challenged this position. On average, the family donates a few million dollars a year to charitable causes through the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation, tax forms for the years 2010 through 2014 show. The average donation is typically in the range of $5,000 to $10,000. Jared Kushner – as well as his brother and two sisters – sits on the board of his parents’ family foundation, which was created in 1997. Is Jared Kushner on the Verge of Becoming Donald Trump’s ‘De Facto President’? Marisa Fox-Bevilacqua (Haaretz) November 27, 2016\ Among organizations and institutions in the West Bank that receive funding from the Kushner family, the leading beneficiary is American Friends of Beit El Yeshiva. Located in one of the more hard-line, ideological settlements, Beit El Yeshiva received $20,000 from the Kushner family in 2013. The president of American Friends of Beit El Yeshiva, whose offices are located in Forest Hills, New York, is David Friedman, Trump’s senior adviser on Israel affairs. Friedman, who has served as Trump’s…
Stephen Bannon? David Friedman? Zionist Trump Supports Israeli Expansionism and Genocide By Ray Songtree, Nov 22, 2016 (Updated Dec 24, 2016) “The only [candidate] that’s going to give real support to Israel is me,” said Donald Drumpf. “The rest of them are all talk, no action. They’re politicians. I’ve been loyal to Israel from the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me.” – HenryMakow.com This December the nations in UN voted to condemn Israeli illegal settlements in Palestine. The US had power to veto the resolution, but did not. PM Netanyahu freaked out. His office stated: “Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms.” Trump showed his hand. In response to USA not vetoing the anti-settlement resolution, President-elect Trump tweeted… In other words, Trump will support settlements (as his son-in-law does), which are illegal and justify genocide by Israel, as we are about to explore in this article and study guide. * Stephen Bannon is now Trump’s new White House chief strategist and senior counselor. Bannon had helped produce a documentary movie from the book Clinton Cash, which may yet put Hillary and Bill Clinton in jail for some of their many crimes. However, despite Trump’s call for accountability during his campaign for President, and his rallies where supporters chanted “LOCK HER UP,” he has quickly backed off idea of pursuing prosecution of Hillary. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton are good friends, after…
Israel’s Defense Minister Outlines Plan to Divide Syria and Iraq along Sectarian Lines December 11 ,2016 BY AHT Staff Israel’s “defence” minister Avigdor Liberman in an article for Defense News [Article in full below] penned an article to explain his regime’s struggles in a turbulant Middle Ease. In a similiar tone to those of the Israeli politicians, Liberman waste no time to call the legitimate forces of Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon as terrorist forces. He says, “The massive convulsions that in recent years have swept through North Africa and erupted in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and elsewhere throughout the region, and which have seen the empowerment of semi-territorial terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah, represent an earthquake of historic proportions. Multi-ethnic states such as Libya, Syria and Iraq have descended into chaotic civil wars as many aspects of the region’s enduring political order, whose origins lie in the aftermath of World War One, disintegrate.” Liberman goes on to draw three conclusions as the solutions for ending the crisis in the Middle East. The second conclusion is clearly a call to attack the sovereignty of the independent countries. Liberman says, “many of the countries in the Middle East were established artificially, as a result of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and based on colonial considerations that did not take into account the pattern of inhabitance and the deep sectarian rifts within the respective societies. Thus, to genuinely solve the region’s problems, borders will have to be altered, specifically…
The following article should not promote hatred within you, though you will probably find it disgusting. Please see all images including final ones to understand context of article. Please understand that the globalists behind the Zionist movement and Israel are also linked with the Vatican and the banksters, as demonstrated by Pope Francis echoing the same language as UN Sustainability 2030. We can call them “the globalists.” They want a one world mono-culture ruled by a one world government. Israel too will be sacrificed, as was announced by Henry Kissinger, though many high level puppets do not understand this yet. Our enemy is not Jews, nor the Vatican, nor the Banksters, nor the Muslims. Our common enemy, and the Earth’s common enemy, is centralization. So before you hate Jews, think about Google and Facebook (Zuckerberg endorses one world government) and the role of technocracy in dehumanizing everyone you know and denuding the Earth so that we will have less forests, less soil, less clean water, less minerals… The solution is not hatred. The solution is your inner strength to resist centralization, to resist artificial intelligence, and manifest a hand made, touch the Earth lifestyle. While in transition you can support local producers. Simultaneously, you can boycott multi national corporations and cashless credit cards which will strip you of any autonomy. If we don’t resist, we are the problem, as we are the bottom of pyramid enabling the destruction of natural human culture and life on Earth. That is, we who…
(This post includes four articles) The Non-Spirit Behind Israel by Ray Songtree, by blood an Ashkenazi Jew and by awakening, an anti-Zionist, Dec 1, 2015 (My entire extended family was killed by Nazi’s, but the Nazi’s were created and placed by Wall Street and the Rothschilds, who also funded Zionism and Israel.) “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the state of Israel on trial,” – Former Israeli Prime Minster Ariel Sharon 2001 Corporations are like mercenaries, paid to do their work. Though they are controlled by central banks, who is feeding money to these corporations? It is each of us who are the source of funding, with our consumer spending and also our taxes, used to pay the military contractors, known as the military-industrial complex. Who makes the decisions on where taxes are spent? Congress. Who controls Congress? The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC and the FED, both Zionist, control Congress. It has taken me some time to realize that Zionists control the West. I understood it was banksters, and I understood the chief Rothschild banksters were Jewish, but it didn’t occur to me that little Israel could be the benefactor and organizer of so much control. The discovery of the statement by first Prime Minister of Israel in Look magazine in 1962 (to right) finally implicated the nexus behind the New World Order. Also recently I discovered that Israel was…
The below videos offer proof Israeli special agents were part of planning of 9/11 attacks. Lower in article are details about the “Israeli Artists / bomb specialists” who lived in World Trade Center Towers for 4 years preparing for 9/11, including sick drawings they left and photos. Scroll to bottom for many links of documentation. Also see this related article on how Israel spying mechanism controls all data bases. This is a fairly inclusive video on Zionist involvement in 9/11 Thoughts on the WTC “Artists” http://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html A large group of “artists” were given space and construction access to the World Trade Center in the four years leading up to 9/11 I want to call your attention to the artist groups (E-TEAM and GELATIN) who were selected to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) World Views / Studioscape (slow link) programs that allowed them and other artists to work and live in the WTC in the four years leading up to 9/11 on different floors, including 91 and 92 of the North Tower. Additionally, they were given seven day a week construction access to the WTC that allowed them to freely move all sorts of materials in and out of the complex. (Note: When you give young artists access to a building and work-live space, they’re going figure out everything they can and can’t get away with in there. I’ve lived in several wild artist buildings and from my experience, once they’re in, they can get anywhere…
There are lots of proofs that both Republican and Democratic parties are just a stage show to waste our time, but this little youtube below demonstrates it in a final way you will never forget. Before we go there, check out the Illuminati pyramid with all seeing eye on top of the Supreme Court Building in Jerusalem, built by Dorothy Rothschild. (The Rothschilds controlled the English Empire and control the central banks of the world. They created the FED through Jacob Schiff who also created NAACP, Anti-defamation League, and Bolshevik revolution. The Roth-efellers financed Hitler, created The League of Nations, The UN, the Council of Foreign Relations… Dorothy Rothschild built this building below.) Then, in short youtube below, watch your elected representatives, who are marching to same puppet masters that Israel is marching to. You don’t have to watch it all, the first few minutes is bad enough. Is there democracy in USA or justice in Israel? Use your eyes. At bottom, meet the man. Save
On 5/21/2015 at 6:41 AM, “David wrote: interesting country http://www.aish.com/judaism/90073102.html David, By the way, in my opinion, all pride is false. I will go through claims made in your video one by one. Interestingly, the video doesn’t mention that Israel is the number one subsidized country in the world. I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned???? American Taxpayers Subsidize Israel’s Prosperity by Alison … Sep 01, 2011 · Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It … Is Israel 60 years old? History of zionism and importance of infamous Jacob Frank, who is mentioned in letter by George Washington 1798 In fact, the founder of Israel was Edmond Rothschild. Here is the Israeli coin and here is their coin showing “greater israel” and why Syria and Iraq are being destroyed… as listed in 2001 by Gen. Wesley Clark click on image below to start 5 minute video Here is true history of how Palestine was stolen and possession arranged during world war II by 1917 Balfour Declaration, 31 years before “independence” of Israel. There are tons of other documents and youtubes. Hitler was the illegitimate grandchild of Rothschilds Rothschilds funded both sides of World War II. Wall Street funded Nazis. Standard Oil owned by Rockefeller (who got their initial capital from Rothschilds and intermarried with them) is same as IG Farben and not one of Farben factories in Germany were bombed. Allies were controlled, as British empire…