We can forget who the criminal monsters might be who benefit from injustice, and notice that the real monster is THE TECH. According to the real planners, who are not transitory elected officials, we “little” people have better things to do that physical work, such as getting welfare, meaning rations, and dealing with diseases, such as autism. Alzheimers, cancers and infertility, all deployed to take down the “unnecessary eaters.” Unfortunately, I’m not being sarcastic. Unplug and be the change! Bricklaying robot video, click image to start. A Guaranteed Income for Every American – WSJ A Guaranteed Income for Every American – Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market … https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-am…
The Following is excerpt from correspondence from Eileen Dannemann. Director, National Coalition of Organized Women, Founder, VaccineLiberationArmy.com **************************************************************** . Dr. Makovits, researcher at the National Cancer Institute (30 years)… Important interview (GAG ORDER LIFTED): http://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2015/11/26/phd-dr-judy-mikovits-biochemistry-formerly-national-cancer-institute/ I am also copying a few others to simultaneously educate them on the importance of pharmacogenetics and infant’s inability to metabolize the excipients in vaccines. Dear Judy: I noticed that you mentioned Stephanie Seneff (MIT) in your Candayce Estave interview as well. And that your target age not to give vaccines is 3 years old. We have been working on excipients and pharmacogenetics for a few years now. I was wondering if Stephanie or anyone sent you some of our emails on Cytochrome P450 and and its immaturity during infancy and childhood…an immaturity not resolved generally until three years old. This study is particularly poignant: *Ped cyp enzymes (see graph) (very important study of the immaturity of cyp 450 superfamilies in infants and children. Additionally, here is the link that we tied some of the vaccine excipients cytochrome p450 and their various super families:http://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2015/05/27/inability-of-infants-to-metabolize-vaccine-excipients-cytochrome-p450/ The good news is that the pharma industry has been paying for these studies because they must…that is they must study drug interactions as people are in various conditions of metabolism: non metabolizers, normal and rapid metabolisers. So there is now a great demand to associate a person’s metabolism with the specific drug in order to identify the correct dosage. And this is to our advantage. Moreover, there is an movement…
Tony Mohammed speech at anti-vaccine rally. Nation of Islam wakes up and joins hands with anti-vaccine community. Promises pressure on politicians at march in Atlanta. The second youtube, is Robert Kennedy Jr. who helped write 2014 book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, about the autism connections with vaccines. Tony Mohammed mentions Kennedy in this first short speech. Also below, an article on book and autism cover up. Kennedy speech Thimerosal: Let The Science Speak By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Drs. Martha Herbert and Mark Hyman http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/07/thimerosal-let-the-science-speak-by-robert-f-kennedy-jr-debuts-august-4.html By Anne Dachel Many of us in the autism community have been eagerly awaiting the release of Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, THIMEROSAL: LET THE SCIENCE SPEAK: I am hopeful about the book–hopeful that there can be an honest look into the use of one of the deadliest ingredients possible in vaccines, namely mercury. (And seriously, the tired claim that it was removed from most children’s vaccines over a decade ago, except for SOME flu shots, doesn’t settle anything. It’s still in unconscionable levels in the flu vaccine and this vaccine is recommended for pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy. Imagine the impact of an adult dose of 25 mcg of mercury on the brain of a developing fetus. AND A POINT THAT IS NEVER EXPLORED: The vaccine makers still sell vaccines to Third World Countries loaded with high levels of toxic thimeorsal. We may be protecting the children of the U.S., but the poorest of the poor in the world have no choice for their kids–they get…