Homo indoorsian is now the dominant subspecies of the species Homo sapiens. Indoorsians work, play, sleep, eat, mate, give birth, think and die indoors. For them, nature is a golf course, a manicured park, or even an image on a screen. Indoorsians who love nature will satisfy their hearts by watching nature documentaries. Indoorsians almost never go barefoot outdoors, almost never get their finger nails dirty, and almost never grow their own grain, vegetables or fruit, kill their own meat, make their own clothing, or build their own shelter. They need a machine to deliver the necessities of life for them. This is acceptable and satisfying. They do not know what a callous might be. They never use that word. Most Indoorsians do not know where their food was grown, and do not know exactly where their water comes from, nor do they know what chemicals have been added to their water or how much. But they think they are intelligent. Indoorsians love the artificial. They hate the natural which they call dirty and primitive. The epitome of lowliness is to live with a dirt floor. Sitting on the bare earth is dangerous because one might get dirty. Cleaning clothes is done with toxic chemicals. Also they eat toxic food and spray their homes inside and out with toxic chemicals. This makes them feel safe. Feeling safe means living in a controlled environment. The wilderness is scary as it represents the unknown. Indoorsians love the security of the already known…
Hi Susan, You bring up a huge question. “Ray, sorry for my opinion on this. I have been thinking this for years, but never really expressed it to anyone too much, because it is so far out there for all of us….but, what if all of these bad characters are not human? What if they are either cloned, or alien or something? This would explain many things to me, especially how one can be for 5G and not be worried about the planet as well. It is we humans that must worry, but non-humans will just go on about business. Just my thoughts… Susan “ In my opinion the definition of progress as technological is an alien intrusion on natural native indigenous, of the Earth, cultures. There are a lot of humans that are incarnations of alien beings who are channeling alien consciousness. They look human, but their minds are tuned to an alien directive. I met one such person, so it isn’t theory for me. You nailed it, the reason they don’t care about 5G is that they don’t care about life on Earth. We are all ET in that we have existed long before humans were walking around. David Wilcock, who lived as Edgar Cayce in his last life, (and I met David, yawn) is more tuned to a past civilization, than to now. The top monsters like Kissinger are definitely not of this Earth. As I have said, the Bible is an alien channeling as…
Last night I ended my 12 day water fast, as I met weight target. I lost 20 lbs in 12 days. I think I can manage on one meal a day at my age of 66, though I do physical work all day. We will see. My plan now is to eat only local food, which means I won’t be eating almost anything that is packaged, There is local shrimp, and that usually is in plastic, so for now the rule is local only, and there will be some plastic I guess. I have my own chickens for eggs for protein. There are lots of greens around. There is always local fruit. Coconut and avocado for oil, plus fish and local meat. I have to get over certain cravings, like last night I wanted something crunchy. I will feel good about not contributing to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. People are so habituated to consumption/waste! I certainly was. People wonder, how to lose weight? Ummm, change your addictions? How to stop ocean pollution? Um, how about not buying packaging? How dumbed down and impotent we have become! I’m starting to see our society as a big insatiable taste bud, pooping everywhere. I was a typical consumer, going to store and seeing which taste buds I wanted to titillate, with food from all over the world so I would never get bored. You know, “What do I feel like eating today?”…
Joey, You are so succinct these days. [His email letter below]. I think politics must matter because the degree of transparency matters because exposure matters to those criminals who depend on secrecy, but as we agree, a perfectly transparent dominant culture would simply be out front Luciferianism. Revealing this fact has been planned too. They will say, “By the way, the Statue of Liberty and Olympic flame and all seeing eye are just your liberator from superstition and tribalism. Hold up the light! Liberty! ” There are either plural plans or there is one plan, and since one plan is tyrannical to the other plans, that one plan is negative and evil and is Luciferianism. There is no other one world government or unity or one “plan”. There is no benign dictatorship. Oxymoron. It is either one tyranny or isolated cultures who are free to be diverse. New Age ( Baha’i) conditioning says that we or “humanity” (the all one mono-culture) can have a positive future (while other species go extinct.) No, there are either isolated cultures, including the cultures of other species, with distinct isolated futures, or there is Luciferianism. Control freak Zuckerberg calls this tyrannical mono-culture future “being connected.” Knowing most of this all my life, I have felt collapse of industrial civilization is the best outcome for diverse people and millions of other species. At one point some 20 something years ago I felt that politics simply didn’t matter because population pressures would…
This is a study guide for Kauai administrators. There are supporting articles with live links which appear as blue. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, sold at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and other retail outlets. Glyphosate is listed by World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Nationwide, glyphosate derivatives are found in 100% of pregnant women. It is not only used as an herbicide for most GMO crops, but is also used to dry grains post-harvest. “World Health Organization admits Monsanto’s glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer; chemical found in 75% of air and rain samples…” – Source “The Environmental Working Group today called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require mandatory GMO labeling after the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm designated the herbicide glyphosate, widely used on GMO crops, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” – Source The Birth Defect-Causing Properties of Roundup (glyphosate) Hidden for Decades In 2010, after a dramatic increase in reports of birth defects in Argentina (a four fold increase) since 2002, a lab study was performed that found low doses of the active ingredient in Roundup known as glyphosate, the most prevalent herbicide worldwide, causes birth defects in frog and chicken embryos. This study was followed by others demonstrating cardiac anomalies, embryonic death, and multifocal malformations suspected to be related to oxidized vitamin A toxicity caused by glyphosate. A more recent study in tropical fish has echoed this dose-related concern with harrowing outcomes: “survival and hatching percentage decreased as glyphosate concentration increased. Absence of pectoral fin(s) and cornea, permanently bent tail, irregular…
The environment is not a UN conspiracy. It is real. Do you think this might be true? Let’s back up and look at nature for a moment. No species can continue growing in numbers without over grazing its niche in the greater ecology. Therefore, there is an absolute limit to growth, which ends eventually with die off if the limit is not imposed by some other factor. This is true of all species. So, knowing this as common sense, the elite who meet at places like Bilderberg Meetings, needed to push population control as part of a plan to control demolish society instead of facing an eventual random die off. After all, their plan is total control and they didn’t want to lose their plan. They have a goal. The elite, by the way, are not top of the pyramid. They are all puppets of some other dimensional force that wants to use this planet. That is another discussion, but you can watch this 6 minute video to get the idea. Don’t be put off by word reptilian. Ask yourself who controls the Vatican. This is a serious question which is key to understanding the corruption of world. This is important video. (Click on image to start video.) Today half of people alive are located in cities which are disconnected from nature. Some UN Agenda 21 whistleblowers think the elite were lying about such a thing as an environment. But they don’t realize that the ecosphere is actually being polluted…
from my email correspondence On 7/22/2018 at 7:03 PM, “N wrote: Ray,. so you think “heaven” and “consumerism” are the same thing?! What’s the color of the sky where you live? Geez Ray. (Have you forgotten we have “hell” on earth now? Consumerism and lots of other destructive isms. What’s the opposite of “hell”?) Ray responds… Nancy, Yes, for most people, heaven on earth is free energy and free consumption. It is a continuation of city life, but all cities are cancerous as the people are not producers, they are disconnected Homo idoorsian consumers. I’m curious that you don’t see that for the hope porn crowd, ending of deep state means a higher standard of consumerism. There is still no recognition that the civilization itself and all of us, are anti nature and satanic. The top of pyramid is corrupt, as is the bottom that holds it up. Why don’t you understand me yet???? What will free energy do for the Hopi or Zulu culture or any diverse distinct culture? What is your answer? Free energy is the endless environmental statement. I’ve said this many many times. SGT and Robert David Steele and all these other Homo indoorsian folks want more and more and more tech, to be organized by a benevolent one world government that regulates all energy devices, all free energy devices, benevolently. Do you see any problem here? Sean at SGT Report actually thinks Christ is high tech. To answer…
President Trump is a dominant culture globalist with a nationalist spin. Competitiveness toward a mono-culture singularity is not a real alternative. Wake up alternative community! 5g is designed for de-population, smart appliances, and robots. Get off your hope porn, unplug, and save life on Earth! Please listen to short video at end of this post. – Ray Songtree Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart Jan 28, 2018 https://www.axios.com/trump-team-debates-nationalizing-5g-network-f1e92a49-60f2-4e3e-acd4-f3eb03d910ff.html Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios. Why it matters: We’ve got our hands on a PowerPoint deck and a memo — both produced by a senior National Security Council official — which were presented recently to senior officials at other agencies in the Trump administration. The main points: The documents say America needs a centralized nationwide 5G network within three years. There’ll be a fierce debate inside the Trump administration — and an outcry from the industry — over the next 6-8 months over how such a network is built and paid for. Two options laid out by the documents: The U.S. government pays for and builds the single network — which would be an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure. An alternative plan where wireless providers build their own 5G networks that compete with one another — though the document says the downside is it…
If we say Trump is draining swamp, which swamp? The saying is wrong. Wetlands are being destroyed world wide and that is contributing to sixth great extinction event, (there has been five others in past). If one only listens to commentators who focus on economy or pedophilia, one would miss environment and say, Iran. See this: https://www.globalresearch.ca/have-trump-and-netanyahu-conspired-to-topple-irans-government/5624518 On environment, Infowars.com for example, has no coverage. (Nor does Breitbart News) That’s because Alex Jones is really a globalist who wants to “go to the stars,” meaning, a global one world government effort to get “humanity” to the stars. Or perhaps only his tribe will have the tech and leave everyone else behind? For the dominant culture, speed is a religion, while collateral damage goes unnoticed. So, is Trump that different than Obama on environment? https://www.globalresearch.ca/trump-administration-repeals-obama-rule-designed-to-make-fracking-safer/5624513 Below articles show that Obama was just posturing. The dominant culture values space travel more than Mother Earth. The dominant culture is an alien agenda and damage to environment or indigenous people simply doesn’t matter. It is not even a question. Obama quietly approves hundreds of offshore fracking drills … The Obama administration has granted hundreds of offshore fracking permits in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing dangerous fracking chemicals to pollute the Gulf, documents … Obama Allows More Oil Drilling and Fracking Than any … Under the watchful eye of Democratic president Barack Obama, fracking has grown substantially, a massive oil pipeline was nearly approved, trade deals have been …
Are Batteries Sustainable? Batteries depend on mining and mining is not sustainable, because the easiest to mine minerals and oil are already taken, and humans will dig and drill deeper and deeper and transportation lines will become longer and longer until mining and manufacturing using mined ores and fossil fuels will no longer be affordable. That is, the technology will become unavailable. There is no tech solution to the unsustainability of tech. Wind power and solar power depend on mining. Already, after just 250 years since the invention of man made electricity by Benjamin Franklin, the natural world is being used up and polluted by “modern” science made possible by “modern” mining, manufacturing, and transportation. The answer to this dilemma by the elite bankster planners is to reduce population with food and water poisons, such as glyphosate and fluoride as examples, and to deploy cell phones and smart meters to slow kill most people with frequencies. This sounds like fear conspiracy talk but it is documented by NASA . Then total control can be maintained by using a small population as slaves who maintain the robots and AI. These slaves won’t be human, they will be clones. We the people need our own common sense response without the elite power freaks. We need to respond to the reality of an unsustainable civilization by going back to how we lived before electricity and mining and pollution. We need to respect and study indigenous self sufficient life without mining or markets or…
Introduction Interestingly, I wrote this critique of the radical feminist FAQ page on the Deep Green Resistance website, without ever having visited the site before. I had read two of Derrick Jensen’s books and had been sending him environmental breaking news by email. I had given him my books. I didn’t know he was a founder of the DGR website until he told me after, apparently, I offended him with this post. Not only does the DGR website parrot CIA-created feminism, but also it repeats the lies of man made global warming. Here is my study guide on that program. Here is a more recent whistle blower on same global warming psy-op, all accomplished with false information from NOAA. The inconvenient truth is other planets are also warming. Meanwhile Al Gore has made $100 million in ten years from CO2 fear mongering. Gore making a killing on anti-carbon investment – Forbes My Vol. 1 was dedicated to CIA and Hollywood created feminism. Briefly, the original suffragettes were immediately co-opted and convinced to reverse their stance against war, and instead, support American involvement in World War I. They were bought off. In return they got money and publicity. In return they became a sponsored meme in the thoroughly controlled press, and that is only reason we ever heard of them. They do not represent progress, they represent New World Order funded social engineering. What good is having the right to vote, when every single election has been fixed with both…
In this article we learn that Deep Green Resistance holds up CIA assets as feminist icons. Shall we all wake up to the sexual identity operation? “They say, you can be a man born in a woman’s body and that is biological, but if you are a woman born in a woman’s body, that is socially constructed. Like, really? That is supposed to be an argument? That is beyond preposterous!” – Jordon Peterson Introduction Interestingly, I wrote this critique of the radical feminist FAQ page on the Deep Green Resistance (DGR) website, without ever having visited the site before. I had read two of Derrick Jensen’s books and had been sending him environmental breaking news by email. I had given him my books. I didn’t know he was a founder of the DGR website until he told me after, apparently, I offended him with this post. Not only does the DGR website parrot CIA-created feminism, but it also repeats the lies of man made global warming. Here is my study guide on that program. Here is a more recent whistle blower on same global warming psy-op, all accomplished with false information from NOAA. The inconvenient truth is other planets are also warming. Meanwhile Al Gore has made $100 million in ten years from CO2 fear mongering. Gore making a killing on anti-carbon investment – Forbes My Vol. 1 was dedicated to CIA and Hollywood created feminism. Briefly, the original suffragettes were immediately co-opted and convinced to reverse their stance…
By WakingTimes May 10, 2017 Signs of Consciousness, Sentience and Intelligence in Nature Demand Our Respect Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer Waking Times Part of our lot as human beings on planet earth is dominion [Judeo Christian Muslim ethic] over the plant and animal kingdoms, and as a by-product of our economic and cultural heritage, [and as an off planet abusive pattern], we have largely become indifferent to the suffering of animals. An indicator of the cruelest aspects of our nature. This systemic disrespect for nature and her creatures is part of, or symptomatic of, a larger problem with modern society, the institutionalized perception that we are separate and independent of our environment. This dualism is part of the division of consciousness that is often noted in ancient texts as well as contemporary discussions of the characteristics of human consciousness. Perhaps the most appalling sign of human kind’s dualistic trap is how we treat our friends in the animal kingdom. Yet this destructive idea is a tragic falsehood, as animals and plants alike are conscious, sentient and intelligent. The examples of this are everywhere today, and in this video, we see humpback whales clearly showing their appreciation to the humans who freed them from fishing nets. We are now also discovering the deeper lives of plants, and in a research study spanning some 30 plus years, biologists have discovered the songs of plants. Forest ecologist Dr. Suzanne Simard of the University of British Colombia has uncovered the subterranean network of organisms that allow…
Worth a read to the conclusions: No nuclear power plant should be allowed on the earth, because: the radioactive material produced by the nuclear power reactors emit radiation which destroy living organisms; there is no definitive safe way to store long-lasting nuclear wastes, so that no more radioactive material should be produced; nuclear power reactors are contributing significantly to warming of the environment; nuclear power plants are not economical, but rather could bring disasters to the operating companies and even the nation’s finances. http://www.globalresearch.ca/fukushima-radiation-looms-no-nuclear-power-plant-on-planet-earth-the-incompatibility-of-radiation-with-human-life/ Fukushima Radiation Looms. No Nuclear Power Plant On Planet Earth! “The Incompatibility of Radiation with Human Life” By Eiichiro Ochiai Global Research, January 05, 2017 “Why is radiation incompatible with life? If this tenet is correct, nuclear power (both weapon and electricity-producing) should not be allowed to exist on this earth, as they produce radionuclides as their by-products. We will look into this issue from a scientific standpoint.” Introduction Science has advanced since the beginning of 20th century, and led to the current atomic age. The discovery of nuclear fission reaction in 1938 led immediately to its use for a military purpose. The atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, flattened the two cities and killed several hundred thousands people instantaneously. Most of the cause of death was of non-radiation; extreme heat and the destructing shockwaves. However, many died also from the strong radiation effects, without incurring barn or physical injury. The nuclear fission reaction has since been applied to the “so-called”…