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No, Batteries Are Not Sustainable

By December 16, 2017 True Sustainability

Are Batteries Sustainable?

Batteries depend on mining and mining is not sustainable, because the easiest to mine minerals and oil are already taken, and humans will dig and drill deeper and deeper and transportation lines will become longer and longer until mining and manufacturing using mined ores and fossil fuels will no longer be affordable.  That is, the technology will become unavailable. There is no tech solution to the unsustainability of tech. Wind power and solar power depend on mining.  Already, after just 250 years since the invention of man made electricity by Benjamin Franklin, the natural world is being used up and polluted by “modern” science made possible by “modern” mining, manufacturing, and transportation. 

The answer to this dilemma by the elite bankster planners is to reduce population with food and water poisons, such as glyphosate and fluoride as examples,  and  to deploy cell phones and smart meters to slow kill most people with frequencies.  This sounds like fear conspiracy talk but it is documented by NASA .  Then total control can be maintained by using a small population as slaves who maintain the robots and AI.  These slaves won’t be human, they will be clones.

We the people need our own common sense response without the elite power freaks. We need to respond to the reality of an unsustainable civilization by going back to how we lived before electricity and mining and pollution. We need to respect and study indigenous self sufficient life without mining or markets or imports or exports.  The resistance to such a vision comes from denial of the reality that modern lifestyle is unsustainable for ourselves and is poisonous to millions of other species. Shall we live in denial? Shall we defend the unsustainable habits of one species at the expense of all others?

(For related article on unsustainable “free” energy see here. )


  • “But as clean energy flourishes, the solutions from electric-vehicle companies and battery-makers have had a lot more to do with mining than Musk’s manifesto [Tesla Cars] would suggest. Though an explosion in EVs and energy storage will allow countries to rely on less carbon-intensive energy, the extraction of essential ingredients to make cost-effective lithium-ion batteries generally leaves environmental and human devastation in its wake.” – https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/lithium-ion-battery-production-is-surging-but-at-what-cost#gs.a5SrtUU  –  Sept 2017



  • …the authors conclude as follows:

“Results of this research indicate that rechargeable lithium based batteries associated with portable electronic products are potential sources of hazardous metal pollutants in the environment. These metal pollutants can adversely impact environmental quality and human health, particularly in regions of the world that lack infrastructure for solid waste collection, sorting, and recycling. This study has identified metals, Co, Cu, Ni, and Pb that, under simulated landfill conditions, would leach out concentrations that would exceed regulatory limits, thereby rendering their respective lithium batteries hazardous under U.S. federal and state laws. These results call for increased coordination of regulatory policies to support the recycling of portable rechargeable batteries, and for improved DfE strategies to reduce the levels of hazardous chemical components of consumer electronic products.

“It is interesting to note that this weekend, about 1,000 protesters gathered in the Songjiang district of Shanghai to protest a plan by  Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy Co Ltd to build a lithium battery plant there.   The protest was made on environmental grounds.”  – http://www.theenergycollective.com/nnadir/221226/green-electric-car-actually-green-external-cost-lithium-batteries    – May 15, 2013


  • “The production of green technologies creates many interesting contradictions between environmental benefits at the point of use, versus human and environmental costs at the production end. Baoding, a Chinese city southwest of Beijing, has been labelled the greenest city in the world or the world’s only carbon-positive city. This is because Boading produces enormous quantities of wind turbines and solar cells for the United States and Europe, and has about 170 alternative energy companies based there. But last year the air in the city of Baoding was declared to be the most polluted in China – a country where air quality reportedly contributes to 1.2 million deaths each year. These impacts need to be placed into any discussion or policy frameworks when exploring the shift to a “greener” future.”   – http://theconversation.com/the-battery-revolution-is-exciting-but-remember-they-pollute-too-41358  – June 2, 2015

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