On 1/27/2019 at 9:42 PM, Ted wrote: Hi Ray I’ve explained to you before: I trained in science: geology/physical geography. Some of my friends are scientists. We concur that global weirding/climate chaos is happening, along with peak everything and The 6th Mass Extinction. We’re also sceptics re chem trails. In the big collapse picture, chem trails are a side show I choose not to bother with. I’m personally more concerned with the crap industrial “civilisation” is pumping into the atmosphere, like water vapour, particulates, and probably a 50 gigaton methane bomb as the permafrost goes to shit around the North Pole. Regardless of who set up The Club of Rome (or not), once I understood the limits to growth, I understood that the game in play is finite. I personally don’t like Al Gore. He’s pretty fucking rich/conservative, don’t trust him. I do trust the work of William Catton and his book ‘Overshoot.’ IMO this is a very important book, a must read. IMO it’s important to read the “definitions” page occasionally to help remain grounded:http://www.ecoglobe.ch/overshoot/e/hocfd-gc.htm You can listen to Rev Michael Dowd reading ‘Overshoot’ here:http://thegreatstory.org/grace-limits-audios.html#catton IMO there is a set of battle lines being drawn by opposing sides, fuelled by opposing sides of The Deep State. Al Gore is owned by one side. I have been yelling/screaming about the nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons ever since I resigned from the NZ Army and became a peace activist. I trained in NBC warfare in the Field Engineers. I know way…
Neither Infowars, nor Trump, nor the Left, nor the American Dream seem to understand that the human population doubling in last 40 years, and quadrupling in places like Ethiopia and Palestine, spells not only strife for society, but also the decimation of habitat for millions of other species. Last year, on a vacation with my family, I saw gigantic fenced parks in South Africa, which are actually holding pens for the wildlife that will eventually be hunted and eaten by starving humans who overrun the park rangers. To think otherwise is blindness. Human supremacism and “free market” ideals seem to be the backbone of denial of natural limits. Limits are not just psychological, as New Agers and Christian pundits promulgate, limits are physical, as in real, as in reality. We live in a physical world! Articles like the Infowars link below, which call population control an elite sponsored “evil,” are products of either stupidity or willful denial. However, the Infowars article link at bottom also fails to mention real depopulation agendas that are not cultural, such as rising infertility, wifi, glyphosate, mercury, and 5g. This human health crisis is shared by all other creatures. Insect populations are falling even in remote places. (link) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/insect-population-decrease-hyper-alarming-puerto-rico-rainforest-invertebrate-bugs-america-a8586126.html Just as Trump appears to be ecologically illiterate, so too is Alex Jones who constantly says “our” destiny (the one world civilization’s destiny) is for “us” to “go to the stars.” Who is us? At least the globalists know they cannot stay…
Joey, You are so succinct these days. [His email letter below]. I think politics must matter because the degree of transparency matters because exposure matters to those criminals who depend on secrecy, but as we agree, a perfectly transparent dominant culture would simply be out front Luciferianism. Revealing this fact has been planned too. They will say, “By the way, the Statue of Liberty and Olympic flame and all seeing eye are just your liberator from superstition and tribalism. Hold up the light! Liberty! ” There are either plural plans or there is one plan, and since one plan is tyrannical to the other plans, that one plan is negative and evil and is Luciferianism. There is no other one world government or unity or one “plan”. There is no benign dictatorship. Oxymoron. It is either one tyranny or isolated cultures who are free to be diverse. New Age ( Baha’i) conditioning says that we or “humanity” (the all one mono-culture) can have a positive future (while other species go extinct.) No, there are either isolated cultures, including the cultures of other species, with distinct isolated futures, or there is Luciferianism. Control freak Zuckerberg calls this tyrannical mono-culture future “being connected.” Knowing most of this all my life, I have felt collapse of industrial civilization is the best outcome for diverse people and millions of other species. At one point some 20 something years ago I felt that politics simply didn’t matter because population pressures would…
We can forget who the criminal monsters might be who benefit from injustice, and notice that the real monster is THE TECH. According to the real planners, who are not transitory elected officials, we “little” people have better things to do that physical work, such as getting welfare, meaning rations, and dealing with diseases, such as autism. Alzheimers, cancers and infertility, all deployed to take down the “unnecessary eaters.” Unfortunately, I’m not being sarcastic. Unplug and be the change! Bricklaying robot video, click image to start. A Guaranteed Income for Every American – WSJ A Guaranteed Income for Every American – Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market … https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-am…
President Trump is a dominant culture globalist with a nationalist spin. Competitiveness toward a mono-culture singularity is not a real alternative. Wake up alternative community! 5g is designed for de-population, smart appliances, and robots. Get off your hope porn, unplug, and save life on Earth! Please listen to short video at end of this post. – Ray Songtree Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart Jan 28, 2018 https://www.axios.com/trump-team-debates-nationalizing-5g-network-f1e92a49-60f2-4e3e-acd4-f3eb03d910ff.html Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios. Why it matters: We’ve got our hands on a PowerPoint deck and a memo — both produced by a senior National Security Council official — which were presented recently to senior officials at other agencies in the Trump administration. The main points: The documents say America needs a centralized nationwide 5G network within three years. There’ll be a fierce debate inside the Trump administration — and an outcry from the industry — over the next 6-8 months over how such a network is built and paid for. Two options laid out by the documents: The U.S. government pays for and builds the single network — which would be an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure. An alternative plan where wireless providers build their own 5G networks that compete with one another — though the document says the downside is it…
If we say Trump is draining swamp, which swamp? The saying is wrong. Wetlands are being destroyed world wide and that is contributing to sixth great extinction event, (there has been five others in past). If one only listens to commentators who focus on economy or pedophilia, one would miss environment and say, Iran. See this: https://www.globalresearch.ca/have-trump-and-netanyahu-conspired-to-topple-irans-government/5624518 On environment, Infowars.com for example, has no coverage. (Nor does Breitbart News) That’s because Alex Jones is really a globalist who wants to “go to the stars,” meaning, a global one world government effort to get “humanity” to the stars. Or perhaps only his tribe will have the tech and leave everyone else behind? For the dominant culture, speed is a religion, while collateral damage goes unnoticed. So, is Trump that different than Obama on environment? https://www.globalresearch.ca/trump-administration-repeals-obama-rule-designed-to-make-fracking-safer/5624513 Below articles show that Obama was just posturing. The dominant culture values space travel more than Mother Earth. The dominant culture is an alien agenda and damage to environment or indigenous people simply doesn’t matter. It is not even a question. Obama quietly approves hundreds of offshore fracking drills … The Obama administration has granted hundreds of offshore fracking permits in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing dangerous fracking chemicals to pollute the Gulf, documents … Obama Allows More Oil Drilling and Fracking Than any … Under the watchful eye of Democratic president Barack Obama, fracking has grown substantially, a massive oil pipeline was nearly approved, trade deals have been …
Are Batteries Sustainable? Batteries depend on mining and mining is not sustainable, because the easiest to mine minerals and oil are already taken, and humans will dig and drill deeper and deeper and transportation lines will become longer and longer until mining and manufacturing using mined ores and fossil fuels will no longer be affordable. That is, the technology will become unavailable. There is no tech solution to the unsustainability of tech. Wind power and solar power depend on mining. Already, after just 250 years since the invention of man made electricity by Benjamin Franklin, the natural world is being used up and polluted by “modern” science made possible by “modern” mining, manufacturing, and transportation. The answer to this dilemma by the elite bankster planners is to reduce population with food and water poisons, such as glyphosate and fluoride as examples, and to deploy cell phones and smart meters to slow kill most people with frequencies. This sounds like fear conspiracy talk but it is documented by NASA . Then total control can be maintained by using a small population as slaves who maintain the robots and AI. These slaves won’t be human, they will be clones. We the people need our own common sense response without the elite power freaks. We need to respond to the reality of an unsustainable civilization by going back to how we lived before electricity and mining and pollution. We need to respect and study indigenous self sufficient life without mining or markets or…
Introduction to article: I like the holistic article by Jason Heppenstall below. In its own bubble, it totally makes sense. This is the truth, but only if each community (with borders) imposes a disciplined local plan after exposing the pedophiles in their ranks and the alien agenda behind abuse. Vain pursuits have been put ahead of connection in our value systems. That is, not only does the 1% need to be composted, so do our dreams. Similar to the teachings that say we are in a universe of billiard ball atoms, this article ignores that satanists/reptilians/ascended a–holes exist. In the author’s mind, it is just a random accident that industrialization occurred, or that the Rothschild British Empire occurred. In his mind, once we run out of resources, we will return to simplicity, albeit a forced one, “the long emergency.” Not so quick… because the author doesn’t understand that the organizers who created we human slaves for thousands of years, (and we now believe in “progress” and comfort) had an objective and one was to produce space transport for themselves and that these organizers have done this on other planets and have always had a plan for peak production. The aliens know all about limits to growth. They coined the term. They have already insured depopulation operations and are busy busy busy from wifi to glyphosate to aluminum in soil to bio weapons to space lasers, already culling the herd. Today at the beach I saw a group of handicapped kids. …
A dialogue… On Aug 11, 2017, at 1:00 AM, ray wrote: Are dogmas holding back science? What does holding back mean? Would it be great if science had no fetters holding it back? Or, is science holding back nature, destroying nature, because that is purpose of science… to divide and conquer nature? Respect of nature would destroy science, which is exactly what I want ! Ray On 9/20/2017 at 1:52 PM, “N> wrote: I finally have to say it Ray, I think this is one of those things you are completely misunderstanding and/or misrepresenting (for reasons I can’t fathom except that it’s one of your tendencies to generalize, as if you know all): science. Yes there are scientists who’ve been paid off by the deep state & secret gov’t who put bogus information out there, but that doesn’t negate the field of science. I know too many scientists to support what you say about that; they are brilliant, see deeper into things that we can’t see, put it all together, want the best for the planet and people as much as we do. – N Ray wrote – When you say “the planet and people”, this is contradictory. At this point “people” means the dominant culture. Most people think humans can represent Earth. This needs to be seen from Earth’s perspective. From Earth and millions of species’ perspective, no industrial human could speak for her. In contrast to what “scientists” want, I…
Sept 15, 2017 – Forwarded message from “M Exciting new youtube! New Energy, New Economy – Dr Steven Greer 2017 On Sep 15, 2017, ray songtree wrote: The utopian economy is here! And no environmental impact! And no need for worldwide police to regulate the “free energy”! M— I won’t watch it, but let me know if he serves up heaven on Earth please. I’m sad that some of my friends don’t know this word… Utopia A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. [ But not any other species, they simply are not in equation.] One could also say that utopia is a perfect “place” that has been designed so there are no problems. [The people who designed it were perfect too, and had to transform all of society so we would be a good fit in the high tech. There is no opt out of the “new economy.” Repeat – There is no opt out of the “new economy.” ] Exciting! …………….. On 9/15/2017 , “M wrote: You bozo! He’s talking about an opportunity to provide free energy and using water as an alternative to using fossil fuels….Please tell me you can offer something better in 3d reality…. Sorry but I have to say it Ray. I think the best we can do at this point is find energy alternatives and voluntarily reduce populations. Your pie in the sky idea of everyone living off the land and…
The upcoming fall 2017 conferences by Local Futures will feature these speakers: Winona LaDuke, Michael Shuman, Charles Eisenstein, Richard Heinberg, Judy Wicks, Frances Moore Lappé and Helena Norberg-Hodge. Unfortunately none of these excellent people have studied how climate data was rigged to give the elites an excuse to further regulate society, while, undiscussed and hidden, other planets are also warming. This means climate change is a solar event, and has nothing to do with CO2, as this study guide amply explains. Study Guide: Global Warming Data. (link) In addition to the list of names above, a quick search finds luminaries Vandana Shiva and Derrick Jensen have also been influenced by the elite Club of Rome psy-op called manmade global warming. We then are led to ask, “Are there any environmentalists besides Natural News Mike Adams, who see through the propaganda?” Yes, climate is changing, and will forever do so. The above people are not discussing documented manmade climate change… geoengineering. Does the reader feel that fossil fuels are warming other planets in solar system? * Vandana Shiva, Winona LaDuke & Desmond D’Sa , … when countries will seek a binding deal [one world government dictates] to limit the emissions that cause global warming. https://www.democracynow.org/2014/9/23/vandana_shiva_ * Michael Shuman Post Carbon Institute Michael Shuman: … The Deep Resistance to Global Warming episode of Summer of the Environment. * Climate Change: The Bigger Picture. By Charles Eisenstein. … the way to “fight climate change” or “combat global warming” … https://charleseisenstein.net/essays/climate-chanhttps://charleseisenstein.net/essays/climate-change-the-bigger-picture/ge-the-bi * …
Breaking: Fatal Courtroom Act Ruins Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann Published on July 4, 2017 http://principia-scientific.org/breaking-fatal-courtroom-act-ruins-michael-hockey-stick-mann/ Written by John O’Sullivan [ FOR THE COMPLETE GLOBAL WARMING STUDY GUIDE SEE THIS LINK. ] Penn State climate scientist, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S. The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball (above, right) is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.” As can be seen from the graphs below; Mann’s cherry-picked version of science makes the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) disappear and shows a pronounced upward ‘tick’ in the late 20th century (the blade of his ‘hockey stick’). But below that, Ball’s graph, using more reliable and widely available public data, shows a much warmer MWP, with temperatures hotter than today, and showing current temperatures well within natural variation. Michael Mann, who chose to file what many consider to be a cynical SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public…
The below article by Charles Hugh Smith, an excellent ecologically literate author, appears to not include facts we now know about history. Colonialism equals industrialization leading directly to AI (artificial intelligence), made possible by alien tech distributed by Col. Phillip Corso. The author’s excellent projections below are irrelevant because, in fact, there is a plan already deployed to sterilize, retard and depopulate humans and much other life. Chemtrails and glyphosate are real. It is happening right now, and the roll out of 5G is part of it. Prosperity is certainly not in the cards, but neither is poverty. Something machine like is already here and will compress life into an abstraction if we don’t stop it. At closing statement Smith says other models are out there, but this is not true. There are no other models for 7.5 billion people, except resource decline and die back. Who or what will survive? Knowing this, the elite Club of Rome issued book Limits to Growth in 1968, to seed the idea that intentional depopulation was, in the long term, humane. It is not. Smith doesn’t appear to know about Roswell and where our tech came from. He doesn’t know who Ben Franklin (electricity) was. He doesn’t know the history of the central bankers and who is really running Google, Facebook, the IMF, BRICS, both political parties, all network news and Hollywood. This long standing force is even running the values and attitudes of the reader. Mr. Smith does not question how…
My mind keeps learning and changing. These days I ask what I should give my life force to? I am surrounded by brain washed people marching toward suicide and hypnotized by fake news, fake science, fake desires. There is an elite controlling history and our values. I’ve documented this. I call this control, The Tyranny. What will derail the “progress” of tyranny? My thoughts…. Because overpopulation is real and most people are now dependent on the machine, no amount of “awakening” will derail the machine, because the majority of people are now industrial components. Therefore, a collapse is ecologically/logistically certain and will take out most people regardless of how aware people are of corruption or even the conspiracy/tyranny, because they are addicted to the tyranny. They live without a land base. They are the parasites. They literally are the base of the pyramid of abuse and they love the all seeing eye leading them. Knowing all this, the elite and their alien masters have a plan… They will survive, everything else is expendable! It is just one planet anyway in their lifestyle. But their plan includes saving what they have built. So, we will not experience a collapse, we ARE now experiencing controlled demolition through poisons in which the population will be greatly reduced, fertility will be greatly reduced, social poisoning has made sure that courtship toward family is currently replaced by serial hooking up in college, while the machine gets even stronger. The population will not be educated or…
In this article we learn that Deep Green Resistance holds up CIA assets as feminist icons. Shall we all wake up to the sexual identity operation? “They say, you can be a man born in a woman’s body and that is biological, but if you are a woman born in a woman’s body, that is socially constructed. Like, really? That is supposed to be an argument? That is beyond preposterous!” – Jordon Peterson Introduction Interestingly, I wrote this critique of the radical feminist FAQ page on the Deep Green Resistance (DGR) website, without ever having visited the site before. I had read two of Derrick Jensen’s books and had been sending him environmental breaking news by email. I had given him my books. I didn’t know he was a founder of the DGR website until he told me after, apparently, I offended him with this post. Not only does the DGR website parrot CIA-created feminism, but it also repeats the lies of man made global warming. Here is my study guide on that program. Here is a more recent whistle blower on same global warming psy-op, all accomplished with false information from NOAA. The inconvenient truth is other planets are also warming. Meanwhile Al Gore has made $100 million in ten years from CO2 fear mongering. Gore making a killing on anti-carbon investment – Forbes My Vol. 1 was dedicated to CIA and Hollywood created feminism. Briefly, the original suffragettes were immediately co-opted and convinced to reverse their stance…
By WakingTimes May 10, 2017 Signs of Consciousness, Sentience and Intelligence in Nature Demand Our Respect Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer Waking Times Part of our lot as human beings on planet earth is dominion [Judeo Christian Muslim ethic] over the plant and animal kingdoms, and as a by-product of our economic and cultural heritage, [and as an off planet abusive pattern], we have largely become indifferent to the suffering of animals. An indicator of the cruelest aspects of our nature. This systemic disrespect for nature and her creatures is part of, or symptomatic of, a larger problem with modern society, the institutionalized perception that we are separate and independent of our environment. This dualism is part of the division of consciousness that is often noted in ancient texts as well as contemporary discussions of the characteristics of human consciousness. Perhaps the most appalling sign of human kind’s dualistic trap is how we treat our friends in the animal kingdom. Yet this destructive idea is a tragic falsehood, as animals and plants alike are conscious, sentient and intelligent. The examples of this are everywhere today, and in this video, we see humpback whales clearly showing their appreciation to the humans who freed them from fishing nets. We are now also discovering the deeper lives of plants, and in a research study spanning some 30 plus years, biologists have discovered the songs of plants. Forest ecologist Dr. Suzanne Simard of the University of British Colombia has uncovered the subterranean network of organisms that allow…
Letter Dear M Alex Jones does expose zionists. There are hundreds of such articles, take a look. I pointed this out to you a couple of years ago. https://www.infowars.com/search-page/?zionist As I understand it, the zionists are a branch of the satanists, who are a branch of the jewish tribes who went to Babylon, who are a branch of the pharaoh pyramid immortality BS, who are a branch of alien take over of organic earth. The Great White Brotherhood, that includes Morya (UN) and Ramtha (and most of the “other sides” who think they are superior to something else… superior to the context of their own perception, how is that for vanity!) that includes Moses, and “the word” of mind programing, that replaced quiet observation…. all that is the Illuminati. The Illuminati and satantists and alien agenda are same thing. The zionists are a branch, as are the communists. Alex Jones goes beyond the branches and doesn’t talk out loud about communists or zionists because that is not where we are at now. We are now at AI. Communism was start of destruction of nations and family. Israel is to be the godhead for this arrogance, the center for the one world government, as announced by Ben Gurion in 1960’s. Another consciousness rules China and Vatican and Rothschilds. It is not organic and doesn’t respect organic. HOWEVER, Alex Jones is a globalist also, and part of this vain problem, as he thinks it is our destiny to go to “the stars”…
The End of Bugs and Birds is Here The real news is missing from the conversation. Jeff Rense of Rense.com has collected stories on disappearance of insects and birds in USA. He attributes disappearance to radiation, however there is also wifi, 5G, many other frequencies, glyphosate, chemtrail fall out, Morgellons disease, nanoparticles (smart dust) , geoengineered climate change, other pollutants including endocrine disrupters, plus more that I haven’t listed or is not yet researched. The large bird die off last year in Pacific was blamed on Fukashima, but here in Hawaii we saw the coldest winter ever, and this year is also cold. Most people living in cities don’t care if the food chain collapses and there are no other forms of life. Which religion in world says humans own the planet and everything that creepeth upon it? Which same religion now controls all banks and the Vatican and Hollywood? Did this religion originate here or was it channeled from some other place through a channeler? Did the channeled entity claim to be the one and only Lord? Does this civilization we live in now, depend on technology that originated from some other place? What did Col. Corso tell us about origin of integrated chips, fiber optics, and more? Who does AI benefit? If some community is going to survive the collapse of food chain, will that community live high up on it, or close to Earth? What does “meek will inherit the Earth” mean? Confirmation –…
Below is a short essay on energy fundamentals. Every high school student should be required to write an essay about this in their own words, in my opinion. I would like to add to this review of energy fundamentals, that there is no future tech fix. However, if there was, it would have to be administered “fairly and equally” by a global big brother. Such a fix firmly establishes need for a one world government in which energy allocation via enslaving technocracy would be only possible lifestyle. And for those who believe in heaven on Earth, self interest is what keeps diversity and uniqueness alive. There is no healthy consciousness that would accept technocratic lifestyle. There is another solution to Limits to Growth, that the author seems to be unaware of, and which is already being orchestrated…. 1. Population will crash as depopulation programs take effect, notably wireless soft kill 2. A less thinking population is being produced through dumbing down and intentional poisons and distractions like organic food. (organic food is sane but a distraction, keep reading) 3. The four horses of apocalypse are now military doctrines, example, “owning the weather 2025” Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vol3ch15.pdf Official Website for the USAF Center for Strategy and Technology. In 2007, the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Programs tasked Air University … Thus, the ecological community has been correct if we lived in a world guided by intelligence, but…
The simple statement “Mining is unsustainable” makes no sense to people who are unaware that extracting the easy stuff leads to deeper and more expensive operations, to the point of bankruptcy. Easy to extract ores and oil deposits are limited. Mining is indeed unsustainable, regardless of the size of population. Also, many people fail to understand that mining poisons water tables, so if we want pure water, mining is again unsustainable. In this article below, those who resist mining are being eliminated as business obstructionists. This includes all indigenous peoples everywhere. Mining is also then unsustainable, if people are to occupy the land and block destruction of their water and topsoil. As we know, the plan of our financial masters has never been to protect people. The plan of “progress” is that extraction will continue destroying anything and everything, while the few chipped and fluoride subdued worker bees live in Smart Cities. Mining is sustainable for a fairly long time for a small number of smart city Homo indoorsians, the subspecies of humans which the machine will offer a happy comfortable and genderless artificial lifestyle (from test tube to grave, forget the womb.) For all our lives, most Americans and Europeans haven’t cared that we are surrounded internationally by a killing field. It is fantastic, almost literally, that El Salvador recently banned mining. Will El Salvadorians now be targeted by the global machine? Well, what do you think will happen? Do you think the global machine will allow real humans…