Mirror from Natural News which is banned on Facebook for speaking truth to power. Facebook is part of criminal deep state. Below, May 15, 2019 Editorial piece by Gary Hooser, Kauai. Administrators are culpable. Followed by April 11, 2019 USDA press release decrying Vietnam’s Banning of Glyphosate – USDA supports biotech directly. Infogram showing revolving door between Monsanto and Federal Government And finally April 15, 2019 article that USDA is allowing glyphosate in “organic” hydroponics. Let us hope that Monsanto’s criminal activity exposes the criminal compliance in government agencies. BOMBSHELL: Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant Wednesday, May 15, 2019 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) For over a decade, Monsanto has been engaged in building and maintapining “hit lists” of journalists, lawmakers and regulators to be taken out if they opposed the evil agenda of GMOs and toxic glyphosate weed killer chemicals that now inundate the world food supply. Any influential person who opposed the Monsanto agenda was subjected to one or more of the following: Attempted bribery Death threats and intimidation Character assassination through well-funded “negative P.R.” campaigns Defamation via coordinated Wikipedia attacks, run by Monsanto operatives Career destruction, such as getting scientists blacklisted from science journals Being doxxed, having their home addresses publicized and their families and co-workers threatened In other words, Monsanto has been running a “black ops” division for over ten years, spending perhaps $100…
Email Oct 2, 2018 Dear Kauai Principals – Purple day was for what exactly? Hi Tony, cc Erik, Tahara, Mayor, County Council This is Ray, dad of _____ . I have found no information online about yesterday’s “wear purple anti bullying day,” except this rather frightening link. Obviously you were told by DOE to call everyone on a Sunday to request/order kids to wear purple. Please check out this link. https://www.glaad.org/spiritday#intro I would like you to know that I do not support gender blurring. I support family values of clear male energy and clear female energy working together. I believe every culture has a duty to define it’s perimeters, and avoiding all perimeters in the name of tolerance destroys culture. That is, I do support clear differentiation. If anti-bullying has anything to do with “gender is not biological” then I’m not happy with this request to wear purple. Here is real bullying in Hawaii…. but the question remains, “Do locals get to hate being destroyed by outsiders?” http://www.hawaiireporter.com/bullying-in-hawaii-a-state-of-denial/ Tony, you have a lot on your plate. I would like to be helpful and not a thorn in your day. I don’t see you in a position to do anything about environmental pollution at school, as I mentioned to you in person, because you are new. Erik and Tahara could / would do nothing, and they are not new. Sadly, education will not come from the DOE,…
This is a study guide for Kauai administrators. There are supporting articles with live links which appear as blue. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, sold at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and other retail outlets. Glyphosate is listed by World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Nationwide, glyphosate derivatives are found in 100% of pregnant women. It is not only used as an herbicide for most GMO crops, but is also used to dry grains post-harvest. “World Health Organization admits Monsanto’s glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer; chemical found in 75% of air and rain samples…” – Source “The Environmental Working Group today called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require mandatory GMO labeling after the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm designated the herbicide glyphosate, widely used on GMO crops, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” – Source The Birth Defect-Causing Properties of Roundup (glyphosate) Hidden for Decades In 2010, after a dramatic increase in reports of birth defects in Argentina (a four fold increase) since 2002, a lab study was performed that found low doses of the active ingredient in Roundup known as glyphosate, the most prevalent herbicide worldwide, causes birth defects in frog and chicken embryos. This study was followed by others demonstrating cardiac anomalies, embryonic death, and multifocal malformations suspected to be related to oxidized vitamin A toxicity caused by glyphosate. A more recent study in tropical fish has echoed this dose-related concern with harrowing outcomes: “survival and hatching percentage decreased as glyphosate concentration increased. Absence of pectoral fin(s) and cornea, permanently bent tail, irregular…
GMO Corn and Herbicide Found in 100% of Frito-Lay SunChips Samples http://naturalsociety.com/gmo-corn-and-herbicide-found-in-100-of-frito-lay-sunchips-samples/ Tell them to remove the GMOs! by Christina Sarich Posted on November 30, 2015 Independent labs have found that 100% of the corn tested in Frito-Lay’s Sun Chips, marketed as a ‘better snack food’ which could reduce heart disease, is full of GM Bt toxic pesticide and glyphosate (an herbicide chemical). Don’t let PepsiCo, the owner of Frito-Lay, get away with selling this processed food meant for the garbage bin. GMO Free USA sent samples of SunChips to an independent lab to test for GMO content and glyphosate residue. The results came back leaving no question – GM corn (grown with Bt toxins, a registered pesticide) and glyphosate traces were throughout all samples. No wonder PepsiCo, the owner of Frito-Lay, doesn’t want its customers to know when they are eating GMOs; their ‘food’ is full of the stuff. PepsiCo has been one of the largest monetary contributors to campaigns against GMO labeling. Pepsi contributed over $8.1 million to defeat citizens’ ballot initiatives in California ($2,485,400), Washington ($1,620,899), Colorado ($1,650,000), and Oregon ($2,350,000), and spent an additional $5.06 million on lobbying in 2013 ($2,720,000) and 2014 (first 2 quarters of 2014: $2,340,000). For all of those GM supporters who think the results are biased: “The glyphosate residue test was conducted by an accredited lab using the Specific LC/MS/MS testing method with a minimum detectable level of 0.02 ppm. The test documented the presence of glyphosate in SunChips at a level of…
I will try to stay up with news on protests against Monsanto weed killer Round Up which contains Glyphosate. If you have recent news, please leave comment. Over View http://thephaser.com/2015/06/independent-scientists-manifesto-on-glyphosate/ June 18, 2015 Confirmed study on Kidney damage, more from GMO foods http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/07/15/new-study-links-gmos-to-cancer-liverkidney-damage-severe-hormonal-disruption/ June 14, 2015 France removes Round Up from Plant Nurseries http://phys.org/news/2015-06-france-sale-monsanto-herbicide-roundup.html#jCp June 5, 2015 Petitions Click here for the Lowe’s glyphosate petition on Change.org. Click here for the Home Depot glyphosate petition on Change.org. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049973_Lowes_Home_Depot_glyphosate_petitions.html#ixzz3dCtaO4gU June 2, 2015 Swiss markets remove Round Up http://iquestioneverything.net/224/top-supermarkets-switzerland-removing-round-store/
This link summarizes the global response triggered by the WHO confirmation of glyphosate as a “probably carcinogen.” Note, Denmark removes the ‘probable.’ http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2904602/endgame_for_glyphosate_the_global_fallout_of_whos_probable_carcinogen_classification.html Endgame for glyphosate? The global fallout of WHO’s ‘probable carcinogen’ classification Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji 12th June 2015 WHO’s official recognition of the health damage caused by glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is having ramifications around the world, writes Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji. National governments are moving to restrict the chemical, campaigns to ban it are intensifying, and now ‘Roundup Ready’ GMO crops are coming under the regulatory spotlight. The fight against glyphosate is gaining momentum, and where governments are not stepping up to enforce bans, citizens and private companies are taking it upon themselves with major successes. Could it be that the World Health Organisation’s classification of glyphosate as a ‘probable carcinogen’ (see [1] Glyphosate ‘Probably Carcinogenic to Humans’ Latest WHO Assessment, SiS 66) will be the final nail in the coffin for the world’s most popular herbicide and Monsanto’s flagship product. Recent weeks have seen the intensification of campaigns to ban or remove the product as well as lawsuits being filed against Monsanto; in the US for false safety claims of glyphosate, and in China, for hiding toxicity studies from the public. El Salvador has already banned the chemical though yet to be signed into law [2], while the Netherlands last year banned private sales [3]. Sri Lanka had a partial ban in place in regions most afflicted by chronic kidney disease that has been…