Let us review the purpose of the plandemic. 1. The Global Economic Reset by globalists who control all central banks and all mainstream media was planned for decades. It is called formally on their website “The Covid Action Platform. (link)” Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum wrote a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset (link) 2. There was never a virus. The images of people dropping dead in streets in Wuhan were all staged and a lie. Watch the first few seconds of this video (link). Watch the man with arms tightly to his sides fall like a tree, then at last instant, suddenly break his fall with his hands and pretend to be dead. Within a half second another man runs over to help, half a second. Then a third man runs over. Staged. Fake. I visited China for 4 months. No one helps anyone on the street. This is a staged event with caption, ‘people dying like flies’ to tell the audience what to believe. Then there was the phony overflowing crematory lie repeated in Mexico City, and the Bill Gates funded study at Imperial College London claiming 2.2 million deaths in US. Then the fake 25,000 deaths in Italy, average age 79.5. This was denounced in Italian parliament (link). David Icke was right…Why would the planners risk losing their long planned economic reset on a bioweapon that would be unpredictable and which they would not have full control over? They would…
My understanding as of April 6, 2020 1. Is it a virus? -No, it has never been isolated and virus load in any patient has never been tested. 2. Does it replicate… see 1. 3.The tests are testing for genetic material that can exist for many reasons, thus a symptom, not a cause. 4. 5G and other EMF interrupt with cell metabolism and presumably cause secretions which would test positive, as would many other causes. 5. Cruise ships, Wuhan, Italy, Spain, had 5G 6. Anyone who comes into hospital will often test “positive” for the fake test which only tests for genetic material that could be there for a multiple of reasonsl. 7. Anyone who dies, say of heart attack, and tests positive for fake test is counted as a “Covid death.” Thus the count. But, are hospitals crowded? Not all. They are sending all the sick patients in NYC to a few hospitals while leaving the rest empty as citizen journalists have shown. Then you can get reports from overburdened doctors and nurses in those select hospitals. If this seems incredible, consider that they pulled off 911 and JFK. 8. There is no purpose in testing except to beef up idea of needed vaccinations. Who cares if everyone tests positive since it is not a virus. 9. Google is now censoring 5G-virus connection. Do an internet search for 5G virus and only articles that say it is ridiculous idea will…
Satanist and pedophile Tony Podesta was in New Zealand last week to personally make sure that minion Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern was completely immorally ready to announce gun control legislation, despite not knowing where the guns used in mosque shooting came from. Without knowing the source of the guns, how was legal gun ownership blamed, and not the shooter? Shouldn’t law abiding citizens be protected and able to protect themselves? In fact, this was a deep state operation as we shall see, and we can never expect an honest explanation of how the alleged lone gunman got the weapons. As the final link of article explains, the live video from the shooter was a composite of images that were not filmed that day, but previously. There were witnesses who said there were multiple shooters, just as in the Las Vegas shooting, and other reports that the patsy shooter was part of a team. This sounds like the Timothy McVeigh story, when the first reports named two suspects, and soon McVeigh alone was framed for the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, proven to be an official story lie. The bombs were placed inside the building, as a truck bomb could not have caused the damage or deaths that occurred. Knowing the extent of ritual child abuse at the highest levels, we can suspect the children killed in Oklahoma were killed intentionally by those that framed pasty McVeigh. Just as the false flag 9/11 attack triggered the Patriot Act, which was in fact,…
by Jan Smith last reviewed January 18, 2008 from DoctorKoontz Website A Ten Year Morgellons Sufferer and Dedicated Morgellons Researcher The worst possible future is here right now and we need your immediate help. Nanotechnology is disabling and killing human beings. This information is not based on idle conjecture but facts proven by laboratory testing performed by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger at Woodshole/MIT Lab, Lambda Labs, and other accredited labs. The results of these important tests are being ignored. The mainstream press for what ever reason has not informed the public by publishing the results of these scientific tests. This is news all Americans citizens should be aware of. Your help is desperately needed. My name is Jan Smith. I am 58 years old and have been debilitated for the past 10 years with Morgellon’s disease. Other members of my family have this disease as well. I have even had the sad experience of having my pet cat die from this disease. The vet said it was allergies but I knew what the lesions were that covered her face and ears. I have heard from many people who have lost their pets. Even worse, many children are ill from this disease. I have included many photos in this letter. I have been documenting samples of this disease for the past five years and am well versed in the morphology of how this disease is manifesting and progressing in people. I have spent countless hours using a microscope to examine the disturbing signs of Morgellon’s. I microscope clipart image have…
REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN: ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE With introductory material by Leonard C. LewinThe Dial Press, Inc. 1967, New YorkLibrary of Congress Catalog card Number 67-27553 Printed in the U.S. CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Background Information 8 Statement by “John Doe” 16 The Report of the Special Study Group 18Letter of Transmittal 18Introduction 19 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section NOTES 1. Scope of the Study 212. Disarmament and the Economy 243. Disarmament Scenarios 284. War & Peace as Social Systems 305. The Functions of War 336. Substitutes for the Functions of War 467. Summary and Conclusions 598. Recommendations 69 74 2 3 FOREWORD “John Doe,” as I will call him in this book for reasons that will be made clear, is a professor at a large university in the Middle West. His field is one of the social sciences, but I will not identify him beyond this. He telephoned me one evening last winter, quite unexpectedly; we had not been in touch for several years. He was in New York for a few days, he said, and there was something important he wanted to discuss with me. He wouldn’t say what it was. We met for lunch the next day at a midtown restaurant. He was obviously disturbed. He made small talk for half an hour, which was quite out of character, and I didn’t press him. Then, apropos of nothing, he mentioned a dispute between a writer and a prominent political family that had been in the headlines. What, he wanted to know,…
Again, my world view, that those with the most will, are the oldest and the most vain. letter On 10/18/2018 at 7:41 AM, “M wrote: What does Ethiopia and Palastinians at war have to do with threatening global over population? Look at all relevant statistics. Life expectancy of Palestinains in Gaza much lower than in Israel… From Ray Songtree M, This discussion started with infowars not understanding overpopulation is real, and I happen to know that both Ethiopia and Palestine are quadrupling in pop, or double the rate of rest of world, which has doubled in 40 years. Example is California. The subject of Israeli abuse and genocide is a different subject. I’m well aware of that but that is not the topic. On the subject of overpopulation, the world will either be killed off by elite, or kill ourselves off from starvation, which is a good reason to leave the cities and try to be more natural. As of now, wifi and 5g will not only kill off people, it will kill off biology, BUT that is all planned too, as the aliens who created our civilization don’t need organic life here. Consider chemtrail fall out changing pH of soil! Once the robot system is in place, underground grown clones can maintain the hardware. The evidence supports this understanding. The elite are puppets of a satanic dimension that is also the alien tech reality, integrated chips, fiber optics, both from Roswell, that we are dependent…
This is a study guide for Kauai administrators. There are supporting articles with live links which appear as blue. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, sold at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and other retail outlets. Glyphosate is listed by World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Nationwide, glyphosate derivatives are found in 100% of pregnant women. It is not only used as an herbicide for most GMO crops, but is also used to dry grains post-harvest. “World Health Organization admits Monsanto’s glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer; chemical found in 75% of air and rain samples…” – Source “The Environmental Working Group today called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require mandatory GMO labeling after the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm designated the herbicide glyphosate, widely used on GMO crops, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” – Source The Birth Defect-Causing Properties of Roundup (glyphosate) Hidden for Decades In 2010, after a dramatic increase in reports of birth defects in Argentina (a four fold increase) since 2002, a lab study was performed that found low doses of the active ingredient in Roundup known as glyphosate, the most prevalent herbicide worldwide, causes birth defects in frog and chicken embryos. This study was followed by others demonstrating cardiac anomalies, embryonic death, and multifocal malformations suspected to be related to oxidized vitamin A toxicity caused by glyphosate. A more recent study in tropical fish has echoed this dose-related concern with harrowing outcomes: “survival and hatching percentage decreased as glyphosate concentration increased. Absence of pectoral fin(s) and cornea, permanently bent tail, irregular…
1. WARNING – This will require some contemplation. Does FB and Google and Twitter and FED get to have boundaries on their private platforms? Do they get to exercise sovereignty? Gotcha didn’t I? So, the question I think is whether their actions can be prosocuted as public infringment or monopoly? I’m leaning toward the latter, but no, it won’t happen. The only way out is to use other platforms. These, like Real.video by Mike Adams can be removed through sabotage. Rules don’t apply in war. T or F? “If the courts rule that a monopoly does not have an obligation to the public, Google (controlled by CIA as shown by Eric Schmidt take over of China internet, therefore, China. Schmidt is now active geopolitical agent, not CEO of a company any more.) would get unimaginable power. In the USA, there is a long-standing tradition of regulating monopolies and the anti-trust laws were very effective at reigning-in the Robber Barons. Unchecked, could Google wind-up “owning” the web?” – http://www.dba-oracle.com/opin_google_control_internet.htm 2. WARNING – This will require some contemplation. In a multi verse of ever change and ever friction and never static borders or peace, never ever, how will you yourself replace the machine that is killing you and planet? 3. WARNING – This will require some contemplation. Can anything electronic cure the scourge of artificial electricity and all the polluting industry and consumerism and mobiity it has enabled, or … deeper, can anything artificial save nature? …
It is a terrible myth that New Zealand is an eco friendly green beautiful country.
I found this article on Tribalization and was interested… https://medium.com/@koertdebeuf/tribalization-d6446b5301ed I was shocked at the author’s complete ignorance, as if simply everything he sees in media is true. Every single historical event he analyzes are official and false stories. I was really shocked. He pointed out to me that liberal people lie to themselves at every turn. He laments that globalization is stagnating and never once understands that globalization means centralization. I am so shocked by this article. Then, I found the home page and I understood why the entire liberal story, without any way to make any comment accept “applause”, with no way to reach author, with nothing to do but be fed bullshit was so insanely WRONG. This is the site of the World Economic Forum!!!!! Every single article on this site is wrong and for brain washing. The site is useful to see the entire spectrum of bullshit people are supposed to swallow. I wouldn’t read even one article, like I mistakenly did. Just scroll the titles of articles and look at their stance on robots, on sex, on “climate change.” https://medium.com/ It was almost an accident that I found this page, explaining what this deceptive obscure site is about. https://medium.com/world-economic-forum We already knew that World Economic Forum was globalism central. Now I officially know that globalism doesn’t just mean centralization, it means LIES. I knew that, but it was never in my face like this. I’m getting over my shock so I can vomit. He writes……
In his most recent public pronouncements Donald Trump sounds precisely like Benjamin Netanyahu. The table below offers a few comparisons. “Remarks by President Trump to the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly,” Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, 19 September 2017 and “FULL TEXT: Netanyahu’s Address to UN General Assembly,” Haaretz, 19 September 2017. Emphasis Donald Trump Benjamin Netanyahu 1 Iran’s alleged threat to destroy Israel [Iran] speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel As long as Iran’s regime seeks the destruction of Israel, Iran will face no fiercer enemy than Israel 2 False allegation of chemical attacks in Syria (actually a false flag by White Helmets funded by Israel and Saudi Arabia) The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens … Syria has barrel-bombed, starved, gassed and murdered hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and wounded millions more 3 False empathy for Iranian people seeking to divide people from leaders The longest-suffering victims of Iran’s leaders are, in fact, its own people. I also have a message today for the people of Iran: You are not our enemy. You are our friends. 4 False narrative on Iranian funding of terrorism when in fact USA and Saudi Arabia and Israel are the primary state-sponsors of terrorism [Iran’s] oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli…
Why was an English name for a new terrorist group chosen that could be conveniently abbreviated as I-S-I- S? I cover the occult satanic goddess Isis in Vol 2, however, recently I learned that Illuminati slave Bob Dylan, or at least his industry brand, uses the name. Below are a few images from Vol. 2 of the Lipstick and War Crimes Series, then you can see Bob Dylan’s extensive relationship with the name “Isis.” We already knew Bob Dylan had sold his soul, as he admits here. The below 15 minute video connects many dots and persons. The information after minute 11:30 is purely evangelic but the former message is historic and investigative. (I, Ray Songtree, do not believe Jesus wants anyone to use him like a crutch.) Homepage – Bob Dylan ISIS Magazine The longest running paper Bob Dylan magazine still in print. Providing Dylan enthusiasts with a wide-ranging collection of writings on Bob Dylan. “Isis” is a ballad written by Bob Dylan in collaboration with Jacques Levy, in July 1975. The song is the second track on the Bob Dylan album Desire. Isis by Bob Dylan and Jacques Levy I married Isis on the fifth day of May, But I could not hold on to her very long. So I cut off my hair and I rode straight away For the wild unknown country where I could not go wrong. I came to a high place of darkness and light. The dividing line…
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. – May the peace and blessings of God be upon you. Greetings to our dear friend and companion. May you always be under the guidance and protection of [the one and only] God—great and glorious is He! [and other beliefs are not]—and may He ease the burden of your daily activities, amen. We are sending you a copy of a Special Document, which is entitled Gerakan Pemuda Ansor Declaration on Humanitarian Islam. This Declaration was adopted at the International Gathering of Ulama (“Halaqah”) held on 21 – 22 May 2017 at Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum, Tambak Beras in Jombang, East Java. We are transmitting a copy of the Declaration to you, along with this letter of instruction and assignment of responsibility, so that you may convey the Declaration to various international parties as you deem necessary and appropriate, and discuss its ramifications with them. We wish to thank our dear friend and companion for his attention to this matter, and for his cooperation with the Ansor Central Board. Wallahul Muwafiq Ila Aqwamith Thariq – May God guide us to the straight path [and] Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. may the peace and blessings of God be upon you. CENTRAL BOARD GERAKAN PEMUDA ANSOR General Chairman, General Secretary, H. YAQUT CHOLIL QOUMAS ABDUL ROCHMAN GERAKAN PEMUDA ANSOR DECLARATION ON HUMANITARIAN ISLAM Towards the Recontextualization of Islamic Teachings, for the Sake of World Peace and Harmony Between Civilizations [It is good that Civilizations is plural, but that is not what Facebook…
Google Dangers Study Guide https://epic.org/2013/10/senator-markey-investigates-st.html Senator Markey Investigates Student Data Disclosures Senator Edward Markey has sent a letter to the Education Department, requesting information on the “impact of increased collection and distribution of student data” on student privacy rights. Among other questions, Senator Markey asks why the Department made changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal student privacy law; whether the Department “performed an assessment of the types of information” that schools disclose to third party vendors; and whether students and their families can obtain their information held by private companies. The letter states, “By collecting detailed personal information about students’ test results and learning abilities, educators may find better ways to educate their students. However, putting the sensitive information of students in private hands raises a number of important questions about the privacy rights of parents and their children.” EPIC has sent a letter to the Senate and House Committees on Education, urging Congress to restore privacy protections for student data. For more information, see EPIC: Student Privacy and EPIC: EPIC v. The Department of Education. Student Psychological Profiling in Federal Education Legislation, Testing, & Policy Jun 29, 2015 Karen R. Effrem, MD – President of Education Liberty Watch & Executive Director of the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition Uncle Sam is lately wearing a white coat and placing American students on the psychiatrist’s couch. The number of federal education bills, tests, programs and other policies promoting indoctrination and assessment of affective attitudes, beliefs, “mindsets,”…
This video has no visuals, it is only an audio, and worth your time. 45 minutes. The promise, 5 minutes of amazing campaign speech…
All the following is a mirror of https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.co.nz/2016/11/israel-greatest-spy-machine-of-all-time.html Mirror created April 22, 2017 * * * ISRAEL – THE GREATEST SPY MACHINE OF ALL TIME November 20, 2016 To Understand Globalist Zionist Power And How It Rules From Israel, You Must Understand These Words – “OPERATION TALPIOT” and “THE TECHNION” IN THIS BLOG POST YOU WILL LEARN – 1) How Israel planned over 40 years ago to dominate the high technology communications sector. 2) How Israel trained officers from Israeli Military Intelligence to become private entrepreneurs. Now they dominate both the public and private high technology sector. 3) How this plan was titled “Operation Talpiot”. 4) How Israel dominates databases of all kinds from banking to medical, to policing, to NSA sub contractors, to government encrypted communications, to video surveillance systems for Class A critical infrastructure. 5) How Israel and Jewish Power have a tradition of the Sayanim or Helper who assist Israeli Intelligence where ever these Jews live and work, anywhere in the world, giving access to all sorts of public and private sensitive locations. 6) How Israel is setting up high technology co-operation schools under The Technion – their premiere research facility. This co-operation is used to infiltrate into the country of interest. “INFORMATION IS POWER” MOVIE – The Pirates Of Silicon Valley Character of Steve Jobs has it all worked out – “information, is power”. Short extract. YouTube To Link Of Full Movie I was kept under strict bail conditions for…
mirror of http://www.thepeopleshistory.net/2014/03/the-franklin-scandal-elite-child-abuse.html Click here for many youtube videos on The Franklin Scandal. Click here for Free eBook: Lifting the Veil Monday, March 17, 2014 The Franklin Scandal: The Elite Child Abuse Ring in Nebraska Authors note: A majority of information in this post comes from four sources: A Discovery Channel documentary titled “Conspiracy of Silence”, a book by celebrated investigative journalist Nick Bryant titled “The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal”, a book by former Green Beret, former State Senator and attorney John DeCamp titled “The Franklin Coverup”, and the court transcripts between victim Paul Bonacci and perpetrator Larry King. With the exception of Bryant’s books, you can view these sources in their entirety from links in the footnotes. Nick Bryant’s book is worth purchasing because half of the proceeds go to charities that fight child abuse and shelter victims. Only by reading through all of these sources can the full breadth of the Franklin Scandal be understood, and if you find this post compelling, I highly recommend you add each of these sources to your reading list. News articles help augment the cited evidence. “Laura Lederer, a senior State Department adviser on trafficking, told me, ”We’re not finding victims in the United States because we’re not looking for them.” – New York Times1 “What you have to understand, John [DeCamp], is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions,…
I first posted this in May 2016. Now that Trump is President, will he fulfill or betray the promises he made? May 2016… Any candidate would be better than career criminal, rapist, and murderer, Hillary Clinton, however anyone who thinks Donald Trump or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg are independent entrepreneurs need to do more research. – Ray Songtree Donald Drumpf – Illuminati Jew December 29, 2015 http://henrymakow.com/2015/12/Donald-Drumpf-Illuminati%20Jew.html Left, Donald and his father Fred with Masonic/Brotherhood of Death hand-over-hand Skull and Bones (“X”) Signal. The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the Occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. A lot of people who should know better, like the two Kevins, Barrett & MacDonald, think Donald Trump is some kind of saviour. Barrett even thinks Trump will bring the perpetrators of 9-11 to trial. The article below reveals Donald Trump is a longstanding member of the satanic Masonic Jewish conspiracy that afflicts society: “Donald Trump is nothing less than a sideshow and a counterfeit medieval medicine man offering cheap miracle and ILLUSIONARY fixes for America’s problems here and abroad.” Jewish opposition is designed to give Trump credibility, as in the banker coup ruse of 1932. Illuminati credo: “A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was…
There are no innuendos in this video, just historical facts. This only covers her civil crimes. For her defense of serial rapist husband, her rape of sex slave women, her drug dealing and murders see this link.
SCRIPTED: Entire leftist media is told exactly what to print, what to ask and what to think by the Clinton campaign October 11, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger http://www.naturalnews.com/055610_Clinton_campaign_scripted_mainstream_media.html (NaturalNews) The Wikileaks email dumps on John Podesta are so packed with bombshells about media collusion with the Clintons, I can’t even process them all. So I’m including some of the highlights as headline links below. The bottom line of what’s coming out so far is that the entire mainstream media is controlled and scripted by the Clintons and democrats. In other words, the “mainstream” media is now nothing more than an extension of the state. Democrats, the Clintons, the federal government and the mainstream media have all merged into one grand orgy of collusion, spewing disinformation and lies to keep their most adored criminals (Obama and the Clintons) in power while destroying anyone who challenges the status quo. As you’ll see in the stories linked below, the Clinton campaign tells the media what to print, what questions to ask, what to censor and what to conclude. Journalists working for CNBC, CNN, NYT, etc., are not allowed to engage in anything resembling real journalism. Their stories are scripted in advance. Everything is orchestrated and engineered. The game is rigged at every level, just like I said in my viral article EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media… you are living in a fabricated fairy tale. Just a few of the bombshells from…