Most news does not cover Kissinger’s war crimes in Cambodia, S. America, or that he worked for David Rockefeller for 10 years. Nor that he, in turn, trained Klaus Schwab – World Economic Forum (WEF). Nor that he “dated” Gloria Steinem, CIA agent behind “feminist” Ms. Magazine. He was one of her handlers. Nor that he was Jewish. Nor that his PHD dissertation was about Congress of Vienna, run by Rothschilds. That is, his model of international relations is to be in line with Rothschild centralization. A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-1822 by Henry Kissinger | Goodreads This was Kissinger’s PhD thesis at Harvard published in 1954, and outlines a theory of international relations based on the balance of power model, (which it does contrast with other conceptions) in the historical context of restoring order [build back better] after the disruption created by Napoleon, primarily conceding the period between 1812-1822 in the near the middle of which, was the Congress of Vienna… This two minutes is okay He was placed, a trusted monster. RIH (hell) Thanks For The Memories … The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind-Controlled Slave [Taylor, Brice] on› Thanks-Memories-Memoirs-Kissingers-Mind-Controlled › dp › 0966891627

Does Evil Exist? I’m going to share something that some of you will have difficulty with. There is no evil, there is just competition. Today, some tall grass was in my way so I chopped it. I see people chopping grass all the time. Yea, but that is not deceitful Ray, you didn’t trick the grass. Well, maybe I did. Maybe I watered it. But how about hunters? Hunters trick animals all the time. Creeping up on prey is deceitful. How about barb wire fences? Is that evil? So, what is normal eating for us is not considered evil, it is just eating, and perhaps Aliens living off of planets so they can be vain and immortal isn’t evil, it is just eating. The World Economic Forum doesn’t think that what it does is evil. Karl Schwab who was trained by mass murderer Henry Kissinger doesn’t think that anything he does is evil. Is evil in the eyes of the beholder? The other word is good. Good implies what, perfect? But no being is perfect. Cursing a fig tree isn’t perfect. So what is all good and not at all bad? Nothing. Good is only a useful word in relationship to a scorned behavior. Is scorning good? Should we hate evil? No? Don’t resist evil, let it flourish? Patriots think America is great, but Native Americans don’t. Clearly, a civilization that destroys the land is evil. No? So here is my conclusion at this time. Evil is a word we…
Scroll down Klaus Schwab brags of controlling half of Trudeau’s cabinet- “What we are really proud of now, is the young generation. Like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina, and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minster Trudeau, and I know that half of this cabinet, or even more than half of this cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the world. [His NWO school- link bottom] “ Canadian Parliament was just questioned about World Economic Forum control of Canadian cabinet… (above video) Questioner is instantly cut off , like an automatic response, meaning they knew it was true and terrified, it should not be discussed. Another tool chimes in and says that the question was “disinformation” but is based on Klaus’s own words (video above) 1 minute – Must see Denied Ability to Discuss Orders Of Klaus Schwab in Parliament – YouTube also here Schwab brags of controlling all elements of global society listing segments…. 50 seconds also here Schwab introduces loyal Trudeau at 2016 WEF meeting 3 minutes also here Schwabs WEF School for young global leaders Get acquainted with the tyranny of The Great Reset, the elite’s plan for YOUR future. WAKE UP: Citizens Must Actively Fight Klaus Schwab’s ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (Video) – RAIR Schwab announces plan for chipping everyone start at minute 2:30…

I discovered that singer Pink is a man, see for yourself, and here. That is why he/she is on magazine covers. Magazines are all controlled and only promote those in the club. Once you see it as a man, you will see, with no question, he is not a woman. The name Pink is not a name that any woman would choose! What for? Look at him! There is simply nothing feminine about him. In fact, in no photo of him does he ever look like a woman. Watching him move on state is even more obvious. Watching him skip around trying to be unmasculine is so unfeminine. So this weekend, I discovered that Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg’s “wife” is a man. I simply saw him. Boom. See for yourself. Notice that Chan’s head is bigger than Zuck’s. Just as absolutely everything we were ever told about Obama is false, same with Zuck. This is how perfect puppets are created. Confuse their sexuality, like Obama being raised by a tranny nanny, and then hooking up with a gay guy named Mike, and then there is no real man with a back bone to resist any programming. Obama. (Obama is third generation CIA ) Well, Zuckerberg is a plant. He never created Facebook. Are you kidding? And a plant must be completely controlled. Remember former assassin Benjamin Netenyahu was a family guest in Zuck’s father’s home. So his handler is Chan. Chan was selected for him, just as Mike was selected for Barry….
The covid operation 1) reduces population with targeted regional jabs and terrorize entire world into one world government “for your safety.” 2) economy is imploded and rebuilt “better” meaning more centralized 3) 5G and nanotechnology is rolled out to control EVERYTHING 4) since people are sterilized or have autistic/mutated kids, clones are eventually the only viable (literally) alternative and these children are raised in boarding schools/mind program facilities 5) Toxic environment eventually kills everything and AI machine world is left to supply the alien machine as it moves on to other planets. Behind all this are beings/entities who don’t want to die. They want their present personality, which they think is their “self’, to be immortal. Nothing is immortal but by controlling planets, these beings can exist in the context of disposable planets. To be timeless, they must be able to witness time or change, and control that change, otherwise the change might get them. No, they must control the change to remain immortal. They would never incarnate anywhere, as then they would have to start a new personality and be subject to the karma of those lives, so they remain detached, in ethereal dependency, vain, and as they must use others to continue, and those others might defend life, the alien program teaches that everything is disposable, to be dominated and used, as per Genesis. “You were created in OUR image to have dominion over all of life.” This is Satanism which is the abusive stance…
The law protects some and restricts others. It is never fair. In two traffic stops, in this article (link) , there are two incidents. In the first incident, the police are overly cautious and abusive, and in the other, the cop is killed. Law can only work in a lawful culture, in my opinion. The more have-nots there are, (people who don’t have the toys and property that denote status, or, not even jobs, or not even food), then the more crime there will be. Rising population and declining resources seems to guarantee a growing police state. Now, if people are ecologically illiterate, they can argue and stay in their heads all they want. Go ahead and argue. “Freedom” is a Luciferian word that is not found in any indigenous culture. In other words, it is a colonialist or imperialist word. “co·lo·ni·al·ist – a person who supports the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers.” “Freedom” is what you give the settlers while they rip off the natives, like Israeli “freedom” in Palestine. It really means freedom to rape, and Luciferians are categorically into free rape. The word “freedom” really means irresponsible greed. American “freedom” means the American Dream, which means being rich and fat and using up a disproportionate amount of world resources and enforcing this rip off with 800 military bases and 11,000 to 55,000 overseas special ops at any given time, to “defend American interests”. “The American dream…
This excellent list was produced by Nick Curto of New York Disclosure Network. __________________________________ President Trump totally held back on all the most important issues that we all hoped and believed that he would go after and address with force and conviction! He has the potential to have done that. The fat that he let so many people and issues off the hook at the time was sad. If he had read these various issues listed below it would have been the speech for the ages, and it would have been breathtaking indeed. A speech that we were all looking to him to give and a game changer for sure worldwide. The whole world was watching and the let down was palatable. Everyone would be wildly cheering worldwide as it would be perceived, and justly so, as visionary, futuristic, doable, and a workable plan for not only America but the entire world for right now and for the generations to come! Can you imagine the deep feeling that America finally has a plan that is inclusive and exceptional for all of humanity? The peaceful nations would cheer and the greedy and selfish leaders of other countries and multinational corporations would be shown for who and what they really are. There would be no place to hide. Major Issues that should have been addressed: 1. A totally stolen election and action to turn it around with a huge amount of proof. 2. Major military action to take out the false Biden administration. 3. Canceling…
The 2021 Covid 19 Vaccination Agenda by Brian Dodds, February 2021 Now that they are rolling out the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines I have a pretty good idea about what is planned. The research shows that whenever they did animal trials on these types of vaccines the animals were fine after being vaccinated but later when they were exposed to the actual virus they had anaphylactic shocks and died. I am a health practitioner and not a virologist working in a laboratory, but through my own experience of a vaccine and subsequent research I think the following is likely to be happening. Now that they are rolling out the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines I have a pretty good idea about what is planned. The research shows that whenever they did animal trials on these types of vaccines the animals were fine after being vaccinated but later when they were exposed to the actual virus they had anaphylactic shocks and died. I am a health practitioner and not a virologist working in a laboratory, but through my own experience of a vaccine and subsequent research I think the following is likely to be happening. The mRNA vaccine encodes cells or at least the spike proteins on the outside of the cells with the genetic coding of the virus and then those cells multiply. If the immune system doesn’t kill those cells they will keep multiplying. Finally of course the immune system will react even if it is weak because there…
Let us review the purpose of the plandemic. 1. The Global Economic Reset by globalists who control all central banks and all mainstream media was planned for decades. It is called formally on their website “The Covid Action Platform. (link)” Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum wrote a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset (link) 2. There was never a virus. The images of people dropping dead in streets in Wuhan were all staged and a lie. Watch the first few seconds of this video (link). Watch the man with arms tightly to his sides fall like a tree, then at last instant, suddenly break his fall with his hands and pretend to be dead. Within a half second another man runs over to help, half a second. Then a third man runs over. Staged. Fake. I visited China for 4 months. No one helps anyone on the street. This is a staged event with caption, ‘people dying like flies’ to tell the audience what to believe. Then there was the phony overflowing crematory lie repeated in Mexico City, and the Bill Gates funded study at Imperial College London claiming 2.2 million deaths in US. Then the fake 25,000 deaths in Italy, average age 79.5. This was denounced in Italian parliament (link). David Icke was right…Why would the planners risk losing their long planned economic reset on a bioweapon that would be unpredictable and which they would not have full control over? They would…
Homo indoorsian is now the dominant subspecies of the species Homo sapiens. Indoorsians work, play, sleep, eat, mate, give birth, think and die indoors. For them, nature is a golf course, a manicured park, or even an image on a screen. Indoorsians who love nature will satisfy their hearts by watching nature documentaries. Indoorsians almost never go barefoot outdoors, almost never get their finger nails dirty, and almost never grow their own grain, vegetables or fruit, kill their own meat, make their own clothing, or build their own shelter. They need a machine to deliver the necessities of life for them. This is acceptable and satisfying. They do not know what a callous might be. They never use that word. Most Indoorsians do not know where their food was grown, and do not know exactly where their water comes from, nor do they know what chemicals have been added to their water or how much. But they think they are intelligent. Indoorsians love the artificial. They hate the natural which they call dirty and primitive. The epitome of lowliness is to live with a dirt floor. Sitting on the bare earth is dangerous because one might get dirty. Cleaning clothes is done with toxic chemicals. Also they eat toxic food and spray their homes inside and out with toxic chemicals. This makes them feel safe. Feeling safe means living in a controlled environment. The wilderness is scary as it represents the unknown. Indoorsians love the security of the already known…
I am once again struck by Trump’s blindness. No one can tell me now that this is Art of War. I don’t trust him. What is the difference between Trump’s vaccine and Bill Gates vaccine??? Read entire article please. “Trump said that the vaccine will be provided by Pfizer free of charge. In July, Pfizer struck a $1.95 billion deal with the federal government as part of Operation Warp Speed, in an effort to deliver 100 million doses of the vaccine. The money was part of an advance-purchase agreement, meaning Pfizer did not accept government money for vaccine development, unlike other frontrunners Moderna and Astrazeneca. Instead, the money will go toward the manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.” “After Pfizer surfaced with positive early findings on its coronavirus vaccine candidate last week, experts were hopeful another effective vaccine would follow given similar gene technology, or the so-called messenger RNA (mRNA) platform. The new technology, which is being used by Pfizer and Moderna, injects the genes for these “spike proteins” into healthy cells to induce an immune response.” [It is a GMO vaccine forever altering your DNA, and who knows what else is in vaccine. We are NEVER told.] And see this, that Gates is indeed involved with Moderna. Thus, Trump is pushing a Gates vaccine. A GMO vaccine.
See my comments in CAPS. This is a pre covid article however it was brought to my attention in early May 2020 Trump and the New World Order Oct 1, 2019 by Dr. James Veltmeyer The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump – which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President’s enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various power centers of the globalist elites have no prior precedent. This President has been spied on, lied about, made the subject of phony foreign dossiers, insulted, ridiculed, scorned, mocked and threatened. We have witnessed Hollywood celebrities advocate for blowing up the White House, demand the President be beaten, jailed or even assassinated, and his children tortured and sexually abused. We have seen politicians in Washington try to convict the President of non-existent crimes, investigate him and his family members for everything from tax returns to guests at his hotels, project on to him crimes that they themselves have committed, and seed his Administration with leakers and double-agents. No other President in American history has been treated in such a shameful manner. Not Lincoln. Not FDR. Not Nixon. Not Reagan. What is it about this President that has roused such demons [CORRECT] in his political foes? What is it about this President that drives his opponents to the brink of insanity? What is it about this President that so terrifies and terrorizes…
Hi Susan, You bring up a huge question. “Ray, sorry for my opinion on this. I have been thinking this for years, but never really expressed it to anyone too much, because it is so far out there for all of us….but, what if all of these bad characters are not human? What if they are either cloned, or alien or something? This would explain many things to me, especially how one can be for 5G and not be worried about the planet as well. It is we humans that must worry, but non-humans will just go on about business. Just my thoughts… Susan “ In my opinion the definition of progress as technological is an alien intrusion on natural native indigenous, of the Earth, cultures. There are a lot of humans that are incarnations of alien beings who are channeling alien consciousness. They look human, but their minds are tuned to an alien directive. I met one such person, so it isn’t theory for me. You nailed it, the reason they don’t care about 5G is that they don’t care about life on Earth. We are all ET in that we have existed long before humans were walking around. David Wilcock, who lived as Edgar Cayce in his last life, (and I met David, yawn) is more tuned to a past civilization, than to now. The top monsters like Kissinger are definitely not of this Earth. As I have said, the Bible is an alien channeling as…
Ray Songtree Launches Pandemic Research and Call to Action Website Here it is

On 4/19/2020 at 12:25 AM, “IVM3” wrote: Hi Ray, thanks for your work. I’m struggling to understand: Who and how “they “rewrote Hitler and Nazis to be perceived as “right wing/capitalist”? I mean it can’t be just ignorance I saw Umberto eco essay on fascism which explains why people associate conservatives with fascist/Nazis also I suppose that Frankfurt school has a lot to do but I can’t find the exact answer. I really need to know would you please {if you know} help me. Thanks in advance God Bless kind regards Isaias ________________ Hi Isaias, I found this essay, I doubt that Italian Umberto knows that Mussolini was a British Intelligence agent and was placed, as were ALL the leaders in that era and since then, except more recently, JFK and Trump. Never in his essay does Umberto mention nature or environment. Of course environmentalists after Rachel Carson, were captured at Rio “Earth Summit” in 1992 by Agenda 21 globalists. That is why environmental organizations buy the fake carbon tax global warming lie. Anyway, wikipedia says Umberto grew up in village but he is an urban indoorsian who doesn’t care about natural world. His writing strikes me as intellectual gossip. I have seen this convoluted pattern in European writers. They are playing cards with each other, trying to out intellectualize. It is opposite of Zen. According to this article, Umberto had no problem with Israeli genocide against Palestinians. So now I will attempt to answer your question. Okay, the Rothschild…

I was sent a Cliff HIgh video to watch. It was pitiful and here was my response… Minute 1:40 He doesn’t understand it is media creation. He believes what he hears. He doesn’t know the same deep state controls China and USA and it is a globalist operation, not a lab “leak” Minute 3.00 He thinks it is a bio-weapon because “it” shut us down. Okay, I’ll keep listening, but my respect for him just vanished. There is no “it,” there is a pandemic machine well honed since the swine flu for this slam dunk. Minute 3:10 He doesn’t know the Spanish Flu was caused by introduction of radio waves. He doesn’t get the 5G connection, nor why Google is banning any video with virus/5G connection. 3:25 “It took China down” No it didn’t! They are just culling. The CCP is not in trouble, they are more in control than ever. They are the model for global technocracy. Who will manufacture first, their factories or the factories that don’t exist in other countries? Okay, he has no critical thinking but I will keep listening. OMG China factory activity unexpectedly expands, but economy … Reuters Factory activity in China unexpectedly expanded in March from a collapse the month before, but analysts caution that a durable near-term recovery is far from assured as the global coronavirus … 4:25 He thinks the tests equal infection. He has not seen through the testing which started…

My understanding as of April 6, 2020 1. Is it a virus? -No, it has never been isolated and virus load in any patient has never been tested. 2. Does it replicate… see 1. 3.The tests are testing for genetic material that can exist for many reasons, thus a symptom, not a cause. 4. 5G and other EMF interrupt with cell metabolism and presumably cause secretions which would test positive, as would many other causes. 5. Cruise ships, Wuhan, Italy, Spain, had 5G 6. Anyone who comes into hospital will often test “positive” for the fake test which only tests for genetic material that could be there for a multiple of reasonsl. 7. Anyone who dies, say of heart attack, and tests positive for fake test is counted as a “Covid death.” Thus the count. But, are hospitals crowded? Not all. They are sending all the sick patients in NYC to a few hospitals while leaving the rest empty as citizen journalists have shown. Then you can get reports from overburdened doctors and nurses in those select hospitals. If this seems incredible, consider that they pulled off 911 and JFK. 8. There is no purpose in testing except to beef up idea of needed vaccinations. Who cares if everyone tests positive since it is not a virus. 9. Google is now censoring 5G-virus connection. Do an internet search for 5G virus and only articles that say it is ridiculous idea will…

The following is an email thread which leads to my understanding of the timing of this “pandemic.” From: Ray Songtree Sent: Saturday, 4 April 2020 7:59 PM Subject: Flu killed 10,000 Americans in January and Feburary An influenza killed an average of 67 people per day in Jan and Feb 2020. So at that rate, Flu will kill about 60,000 Americans this year. Response : On 4/3/2020 at 11:56 PM, “L wrote: Exactly! Add to that the annual death rates of an aging population and what do we have? Business as usual. So how do you hoodwink an entire world with lies? Why are people just eating it up? It boggles my mind truly, where are the civil liberties people? Hong Kong was the turning point I think, they were never going to back down and China couldn’t risk another Tiananmen Square. Couple that with the Extinct Revolution mob and the disruption they caused. The [Globalist including China] “Elite” decided to make their move. [Chairman Mao was funded and placed by Rothschilds, Mao’s finance minister was named Israel Epstein. The same deep state controls the West and the East.] From Ray Songtree L, The elite didn’t time this because of Hong Kong protest or any mob or Trump. By the way the Extinction Mob you mentioned is into false idea of man made climate change, which feeds Agenda 2030 directly, so it is same operation in whole, as the Pandemic. The Hong Kong protest is organic, and anti-communist. Communism…

Mirror from : 132 Links – Scroll Down REPORT: How Surveillance and 5G Are Being Fast-Tracked Under the Pretext of Fighting Coronavirus 3 days ago TBYP Staff SPECIAL REPORT by Derrick Broze & Josh del Sol While much of the world has been focused on surviving a “pandemic”, social distancing and quarantines, the proponents of mass surveillance and 5G have been scoring major gains. During this chaotic time it’s extremely important to take note of the advancements of legislation and political maneuvers which threaten our liberty and privacy. First, on March 23, the 5G rollout progressed even further in the USA with President Donald Trump signing a bill aimed at “securing America’s 5G infrastructure.” The act, titled the Secure 5G and Beyond Act, calls for a comprehensive plan to securitize a nationalized 5G grid in “not later than 180 days.” Combined with an additional bill, the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act, which passed the House on 16 December 2019, these bills seek to nationalize 5G network control. Read more about these two bills. CONFIRMED: 5G and related tech is being deployed at or near many schools during the lockdown Last week, after seeing video of some installations of 5G and apparent biometrics at schools during the lockdown, we asked readers to share any evidence they had regarding this apparently fast-tracked deployment in their neighborhoods. After dozens of comments, emails, and videos, we can safely say there is indeed an effort to install 5G related equipment at or near…
Mike Adams, of Natural News, is really disappointing me. In an Infowars article he writes, “In truth, Trump was very slow to get things moving to fight the coronavirus. For many weeks during the crucial early spread of the virus, Trump remained in a state of abject denial, claiming the virus would magically vanish and that we would chase down the few infections at the time (just 15 when he said that), bringing it down to zero. That number is now 133,000 and rising by about 16,000 new infections per day, for the record. And just as I predicted in an early March appearance on InfoWars, when we look back at Trump’s actions on this, we will conclude he acted too late and allowed the virus to spread far beyond what should have happened.” He thinks a new infection is found with testing. What if US already had this virus all winter? What if it is not a new infection, just the result of more testing? So if we test quickly, we will have a fast rise of “infections” and should what, panic? And what if summer weather affects this corona virus as it affects all other corona viruses???? What if hospitalizations are not being reported accurately? What about this 2018 article? It kills 50%??? A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen … a poultry flu virus that infects few people but kills more than half of those confirmed to have been infected…