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A Pandemic Timing Roundup – Why Now and Who Orchestrated This?

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

The following is an email thread which leads to my understanding of the timing of this “pandemic.” From: Ray Songtree Sent: Saturday, 4 April 2020 7:59 PM Subject: Flu killed 10,000 Americans in January and Feburary An influenza killed an average of 67 people per day in Jan and Feb 2020. So at that rate, Flu will kill about 60,000 Americans this year. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/03/the-flu-has-already-killed-10000-across-us-as-world-frets-over-coronavirus.html Response : On 4/3/2020 at 11:56 PM, “L wrote: Exactly! Add to that the annual death rates of an aging population and what do we have? Business as usual. So how do you hoodwink an entire world with lies? Why are people just eating it up? It boggles my mind truly, where are the civil liberties people?   Hong Kong was the turning point I think, they were never going to back down and China couldn’t risk another Tiananmen Square.  Couple that with the Extinct Revolution mob and the disruption they caused.  The [Globalist including China] “Elite” decided to make their move. [Chairman Mao was funded and placed by Rothschilds, Mao’s finance minister was named Israel Epstein. The same deep state controls the West and the East.]   From Ray Songtree L, The elite didn’t time this because of Hong Kong protest or any mob or Trump. By the way the Extinction Mob you mentioned is into false idea of man made climate change, which feeds Agenda 2030 directly, so it is same operation in whole, as the Pandemic.  The Hong Kong protest is organic, and anti-communist. Communism…

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Facebook Created By Military as Addictive Social Validation Feedback Loop

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

Mirror of https://thefreedomarticles.com/who-created-facebook-zuckerberg-dossier-darpa-cia/?owa_medium=feed&owa_sid=&utm_source=Freedom+Articles&utm_campaign=5b44b67a1e-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cc6823db53-5b44b67a1e-127922317&mc_cid=5b44b67a1e&mc_eid=af31923b39 Who Created Facebook? New Letter from Alleged Insider Claims Zuckerberg is a Frontman for Military Intelligence   Published 1 month agoon July 2, 2019 By Makia Freeman Last Updated on July 26, 2019 Who created Facebook to be the ultimate surveillance tool? Who created Facebook?Many people have wondered about the true origins of the social media giant which has gone from a Harvard startup to the company with almost the most users in the world – around 2.38 billionas of the first quarter of 2019. This is an astonishing figure which is inching its way to 1/3 (one third) of the entire global population. Are we supposed to believe the “geek genius” cover story that is used so often to describe the origins of Big Tech / Silicon Valley companies – or is there something more to the story? New Letter from Alleged Former Facebook Insider and Former Lover of Zuckerberg A few weeks ago on June 13th 2019, American Intelligence Media publisheda letter which was hand-delivered to a member of the Anonymous Patriot’s Conclave. They were able to quickly verify a lot of the information in the letter, which they are calling the Zuckerberg Dossier. Although they can’t say that everything in the letter is true, they can “state with absolute confidence that the source is real.”The letter makes many explosive claims as quoted below. I encourage you to read it for yourself. The main themes are that: – Mark Zuckerberg did not create Facebook but…

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Jeffrey Epstein – Will Trump Arrest the Mossad?

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Jewish | No Comments

Former Intelligence officer, Jewish Steve Pieczenik is definitely putting himself on the line in the video below, where he covers the arrest of Jewish Jeffrey Epstein.  Whether Steve is accurate or not, he is very courageous.  We should be rightfully impressed.   His mental leap that Trump understands 9/11 and the Mossad (link – important evidence that Israel rigged Twin Towers with explosives for fake plane impact) and that Mossad agents will be charged for pedophilia comes from where?   If this is true, then Trump is really a genius to support Israel, and then take it down.  But this is very doubtful.  Trump and his son-n-law Jared Kushner support Palestinian genocide. Kushner has made Trump a grandfather. This is where Trump’s loyalty lies. He is a Zionist, bottom line.    Neither he nor Kushner support a wall to protect Palestinian sovereignty, or water rights,  or health, or lives. Genocide can’t be taken back and if Trump was against it, he would put sanctions on Israel.  He won’t.  He loves Israel.   https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-israel-unable-to-tell-truth-about-stealing-water-from-palestinians-1.5399404   Jerusalem does not belong to the Yiddish, non semitic, European Jews. The Golan Heights is a part of Syria, period, which they need for their defense against the nuclear power with only 12 million people, Israel.  Let’s remember that the occupation of Golan Heights and the attack on USS Liberty happened at same time,  the 1967 6-Day Steal.   Since Trump’s end goal, to my eyes, is not the same as Pieczenik’s idea of an end goal, I…

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Trump Places Military Base in Israel Because ISIS Failed

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Everything Trump, Jewish | One Comment

A new US  military base in Israel shows the world that Trump was insincere when he said US should not be world’s policeman. With over 800 military bases overseas, Trump has been led by his Jewish Family, his own Jewish roots, his own military response to another fake gas attack in Syria, his own close association with Benjahmin Netanyahu to okay this new military base in Israel. Israel needs help because the Israeli military front called ISIS has been routed by Russian intervention in the ongoing bid for “Greater Israel” to take over the region. Iran allows nuclear inspections, while Israel does not. Israel is the rogue nation in region. Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria … link   Israeli Colonel Arrested in Iraq Working with ISIS …  link   Syria’s Victory in Deir Ezzor –  September 16, 2017 –  The Syrian Arab Army have achieved yet another dramatic victory this time lifting the ISIS siege of the heroic city of Deir Ezzor. They have withstood repeated attacks by the US-NATO air force in support of the ISIS terrorists. The US government’s ongoing assistance to Israel comes under section 1259 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 titled “Authorization of United States assistance to Israel,” which stipulated: “The maritime security and maritime domain awareness in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea are critical not only to the security of Israel but also to US national security interests and encourage the Department of Defence to continue efforts…

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Trump, Jewish Gangsters, New York and the Genocide of Palestinians

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Everything Trump, Jewish | No Comments

Mirror from Veterans Today.  I reported on Friedman long ago. E. Michael Jones is an excellent author and editor of Culture Wars.   E. Michael Jones: Trump is in cahoots with New York Jewish gangsters By Jonas E. Alexis on September 18, 2017   Jerusalem Post: “Throughout much of his adult life and childhood, at seemingly every significant juncture in his business career, Donald J. Trump has surrounded himself with members of a single minority group.” E. Michael Jones, author of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History. …by Jonas E. Alexis   E. Michael Jones, a prolific writer and editor of Culture Wars magazine, has recently done an interview with Press-TV during which he said: “First question. Why is Donald Trump against the Iran nuclear agreement? The answer to that is he is from New York. The Jews control New York City. You can’t go anywhere in the real estate business in New York City unless you go along with what they want. And this is basically the basis of his foreign policy. “He has no philosophical basis to do anything to analyze the policy to come up with some type of an alternative to the neocon catastrophe that has created the foreign policy ever since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.” This shouldn’t surprise any observer at all. Even the Jerusalem Post has stated very clearly: “Throughout much of his adult life and childhood, at seemingly every significant juncture in his business career, Donald J….

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Never Forget – Israel Did 9/11 !

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Jewish | No Comments

Mirror with added links…. Added also, a June 2002 investigation of Israeli connections, far bottom.   Israel did 9/11 – ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD « on: May 06, 2009, 03:09:59 AM »   A brief history of Jewish terrorism and Israeli false-flag operations. [This video was taken down by Jewish founded Google.  I replaced it here with a similar video.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyDplkMOaE4   is down For a more in depth look at the Israeli 9-11 attack it is recommended that you read Christopher Bollyn’s book Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World. Another similar exposé of the Zionists who perpetrated this dastardly act can be read here. Or, if you are not a fan of long reading, watch 9-11 Missing Links.   Israel did 9/11 Figuring out exactly how 9/11 was done is the work of crime investigators or conspiracy hobbyists who will endlessly go on discussing and debating every minuscule and intricate detail of the event to no avail. It doesn’t take a structural engineer to tell you that two 110 story buildings and a 47 story steel skyscraper plummeting to the ground at nearly free-fall speed requires the assistance of explosives. All you need is two eyes that can see and a brain that thinks to come to that sound conclusion. This is why it is of my opinion that more emphasis should be placed on the “who” instead of the “how”. It should be obvious to anyone that discovering who did 9/11 is infinitely more important…

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Zionist Globalist Stanley Fischer Quits FED

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Jewish | One Comment

Zionist Globalist Stanley Fischer Quits FED   “Before joining the [FED] Board, Dr. Fischer was governor of the Bank of Israel, from 2005 to 2013. He was vice chairman of Citigroup … [Citigroup is the original Rothschild American bank, formally National City Bank and before that “National Bank”, that created Spanish American War – Yellow Press William Randolph Hearst was partner with Rothschilds at Anaconda Copper. National Bank took over Cuba and also funded Rockefeller. Fake war hero Teddy Roosevelt came out of conquered Cuba in same years fake war hero Churchill came out of Boer Wars. Both were Rothschild wars.  In same years Hawaii was overthrown.]  … and  from February 2002 to April 2005. He served as first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund from September 1994 through August 2001. From January 1988 to August 1990, he was the chief economist of the World Bank. He was a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1977 to 1999 and associate professor from 1973 to 1977. Prior to joining the faculty at MIT, he was an assistant professor of economics and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago.” – Source Fischer’s career – MIT, World Bank, IMF, Israel, FED, jumps ship. Of course, only an “anti-semite” would question why a complete globalist would become central bank head of a tiny middle eastern encampment called Israel, and then somehow be placed on board of U.S. FED, which funnels money globally and refuses to be audited. Fed…

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Reality 101 That You Must Share With All Brains

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

1 + 1 +1 + 1 =  your life and your childrens’ lives. 1   The settling of Palestine in 1882 by Edmond Rothschild and plans on Israeli coin for Greater Israel. +1  Click on image below to start 5 minute video Gen. Wesley Clark: 2001 plans to invade 7 countries.   +1  Israel really did plan the 9/11 attack on New York (link)  to get War on Terror outlined above by Wesley Clark, in order to to secure Greater Israel as now openly discussed. +1  The refugee crisis really was planned in advance (link)  to destabilize Europe and create a mixed race of people without sense of national history or loyalty. = your life and your childrens’ lives.   Share ‘Reality 101’ with all brains. Shouldn’t we all know reality?  

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A Strategy for Israel in the 1980’s – Blueprint for Domination

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

“Peace would end a supremacist nation” – Ken O’Keefe (search ‘Jewish’ or ‘Israel’ for more articles from this website) From paragraph 22 …  The dissolution of Syria, and Iraq later on, into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front… From paragraph 23 … “Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war [as orchestrated] will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. “ paragraph 6 in Conclusion… “…the “liberal” American press, written almost totally by Jewish admirers of Israel…”” This essay originally appeared in Hebrew in KIVUNIM (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism; Issue No, 14–Winter, 5742, February 1982, Editor: Yoram Beck. Editorial Committee: Eli Eyal, Yoram Beck, Amnon Hadari, Yohanan Manor, Elieser Schweid. Published by the Department of Publicity/The World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem. A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties By Oded Yinon 1 March 11, 2002 —-…

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Monotheism, Patrick Wood, Henry Makow, Sean Caron

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

  I was on a radio show out of Reno last year. Nice guy and dedicated truther,  Sean Caron.  He will have Henry Makow on next month and wants me for second hour. I don’t know who is more an anti-Israel jew, Henry or I. This 2005 interview was just published three days ago… ‘Henry Makow ~ Jews and Zionism’   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uPGLNKWa9I (at minute 21, Orthodox Jews are blacklisted by Jewish owned MSN !) I’ve been listening to Sean Caron radio shows on youtube and the Christian echo chamber is hard to crack.  Many Christians think the only morality on Earth is judeo christian. They equate morality with the Bible, and anything else cannot be moral.  However the Bible doesn’t have the only franchise on the Golden Rule. Kindness and morality are known every where. And also, so is cruelty and evil.  All cultures teach the Golden Rule. I listened to Patrick Wood interview (link below)…  at minute 1.33,  a Native American man called in and asked a hard question which neither Sean or Patrick could field in order to address the point of the question.  Our “great republic” is on stolen land!  Where is the grand judeo christian morality? In fact the judeo christian ethic is to steal. From indigenous eyes, the dominant culture, which in the Americas is Christian, is not defensible. And from the environment’s eyes, it is criminal.  So we can have labels like right wing or left, constitutional or not, colonial or new world order,…

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The Smear Word Anti-Semite: Anti-Defamation League Defames the Truth

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Mirror of   http://one-just-world.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-definitive-guide-to-anti-semitism.html The author tears to shreds the legitimacy of idea that anti-semitism is not justified.  The reader can decide… (Please note deleted blank videos censored by Google owned youtube below) The definitive guide to Anti-Semitism; an ADL inspired definition 25.6.16 The age old problem of Anti-Semitism examined from a uniquely Jewish perspective! {This Article solely focuses on the individuals listed and does not infer any collusion or complicity by association or otherwise.} Go to Chapter:   ◆Holocaust Deniers ◆World War 1 & 2 ◆4,000 years of perpetual Victims ◆Zionism vs Judaism ◆Great Jews shaping History ◆The State of Israel ◆The biggest Anti-Semite Ever ◆Conclusion Anti-Semitism is such an odious, repugnant expression of bigotry and racism, its adherents are deservedly universally reviled. Jews have suffered so much over the millennia that a special term was coined for this gratuitous racism against these poor, perpetual victims, i.e. ‘Anti-Semitism’, and they are also protected by law from such prejudice! ◆Holocaust Deniers It is now also deservedly illegal in many countries to deny their Shoah, aka the Holocaust, which is the wholesale slaughter of no less than six million (6,000,000) Jews by Hitler and his NAZIs. There are however always bigoted Anti-Semites who would want to deny their suffering like Rabbi Moishe Ayre Friedman, the Chief Rabbi of Vienna who attended The International Conference on “Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision” in Teheran on the 11-12 December 2006 and stated that: “The Holocaust is successful historical fiction”. Anti-Semite nearly killed! Jew…

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The Zionist Plan for Mixing Races (Except Their Own)

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Jewish | One Comment

The following article should not promote hatred within you, though you will probably find it disgusting.  Please see all images including final ones to understand context of article. Please understand that the globalists behind the Zionist movement and Israel are also linked with the Vatican and the banksters, as demonstrated by Pope Francis echoing the same language as UN Sustainability 2030.  We can call them “the globalists.”  They want a one world mono-culture ruled by a one world government.  Israel too will be sacrificed, as was announced by Henry Kissinger, though many high level puppets do not understand this yet.  Our enemy is not Jews, nor the Vatican, nor the Banksters, nor the Muslims.  Our common enemy, and the Earth’s common enemy, is centralization.  So before you hate Jews, think about Google and Facebook (Zuckerberg endorses one world government)  and the role of technocracy in dehumanizing everyone you know and denuding the Earth so that we will have less forests, less soil, less clean water, less minerals…  The solution is not hatred. The solution is your inner strength to resist centralization, to resist artificial intelligence, and manifest a hand made, touch the Earth lifestyle. While in transition you can support local producers. Simultaneously, you can boycott multi national corporations and cashless credit cards which will strip you of any autonomy.  If we don’t resist, we are the problem, as we are the bottom of pyramid enabling the destruction of natural human culture and life on Earth.  That is, we who…

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The Non-Spirit Behind Israel

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

(This post includes four articles) The Non-Spirit Behind Israel   by Ray Songtree, by blood an Ashkenazi Jew and by awakening, an anti-Zionist,  Dec 1, 2015 (My entire extended family was killed by Nazi’s, but the Nazi’s were created and placed by Wall Street and the Rothschilds, who also funded Zionism and Israel.) “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the state of Israel on trial,” – Former Israeli Prime Minster Ariel Sharon 2001 Corporations are like mercenaries, paid to do their work. Though they are controlled by central banks, who is feeding money to these corporations? It is each of us who are the source of funding, with our consumer spending and also our taxes, used to pay the military contractors, known as the military-industrial complex. Who makes the decisions on where taxes are spent? Congress. Who controls Congress? The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC and the FED, both Zionist, control Congress. It has taken me some time to realize that Zionists control the West. I understood it was banksters, and I understood the chief Rothschild banksters were Jewish, but it didn’t occur to me that little Israel could be the benefactor and organizer of so much control. The discovery of the statement by first Prime Minister of Israel in Look magazine in 1962 (to right) finally implicated the nexus behind the New World Order. Also recently I discovered that Israel was…

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Meet Henry Makow, a Jewish man exposing the Controllers

By | Jewish | 2 Comments

I am not aware of many interviews with Henry Makow. I have written to him to encourage him to do more. He is very learned and clear, and I highly recommend this video as an uber-view of what is going on. Thanks to Alexander Gottwald for producing this. Click on image to start video. It appears this video was taken down. Here is another site with same problem.   The Trouble With Judaism Israel Shamir’s  Warning To Jews By Henry Makow, PhD 6-11-5  Israel Shamir’s new essay collection, “Pardes,” contains a prescient and shocking warning to Jews and to humanity as a whole:Judaism wants to make the Jewish people the intermediary between God and man replacing Christ, says Shamir, an Israeli Jew who converted to Christianity.Essentially, he says “the Jews” want to be God.Jewish Messianism (the building of a humanist “earthly paradise” according to Jewish specifications) replaces spiritual salvation. The Jewish Holocaust replaces Christ’s Passion. That’s why in the media it takes precedent over the other 60 million people who died in World War Two. “It is possible there are no (or almost no) Jews who fully understand what the Jews want.” Shamir writes. “The term ‘The Jews, ‘ [refers to] individual Jews in the same way that the Catholic Church is related to an individual Catholic, or a beehive to a bee. There is no subjective personal guilt associated with individual Jews, unless their specific actions or inaction are criminal or sinful per se. Thus, this discourse should help…

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Two Minute Crash Course on Zionist Denial and False Pride

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

  On 5/21/2015 at 6:41 AM, “David wrote: interesting country http://www.aish.com/judaism/90073102.html David, By the way, in my opinion, all pride is false. I will go through claims made in your video one by one. Interestingly, the video doesn’t mention that Israel is the number one subsidized country in the world. I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned????  American Taxpayers Subsidize Israel’s Prosperity by Alison … Sep 01, 2011 · Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It … Is Israel 60 years old? History of zionism and importance of infamous Jacob Frank, who is mentioned in letter by George Washington 1798 In fact, the founder of Israel was Edmond Rothschild. Here is the Israeli coin and here is their coin showing “greater israel” and why Syria and Iraq are being destroyed… as listed in 2001 by Gen. Wesley Clark click on image below to start 5 minute video Here is true history of how Palestine was stolen and possession arranged during world war II by 1917 Balfour Declaration, 31 years before “independence” of Israel. There are tons of other documents and youtubes. Hitler was the illegitimate grandchild of Rothschilds Rothschilds funded both sides of World War II. Wall Street funded Nazis. Standard Oil owned by Rockefeller (who got their initial capital from Rothschilds and intermarried with them) is same as IG Farben and not one of Farben factories in Germany were bombed. Allies were controlled, as British empire…

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The Old Testament Has Nothing To Do With the Zionist Nation Israel

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

My Israeli loving friends need to read this. And remember, as you read it, that Tel Aviv is now the gay capitol of the world. Doubters should skip to the last four paragraphs, because this is the fact – The Jews of present day Israel have no connection with ancient Israelites or the Old Testament.  – Ray       http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/benjamin.htm   A Jewish Defector Warns America Introductory Note: Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley’s patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman’s…

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