The following is an email thread which leads to my understanding of the timing of this “pandemic.” From: Ray Songtree Sent: Saturday, 4 April 2020 7:59 PM Subject: Flu killed 10,000 Americans in January and Feburary An influenza killed an average of 67 people per day in Jan and Feb 2020. So at that rate, Flu will kill about 60,000 Americans this year. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/03/the-flu-has-already-killed-10000-across-us-as-world-frets-over-coronavirus.html Response : On 4/3/2020 at 11:56 PM, “L wrote: Exactly! Add to that the annual death rates of an aging population and what do we have? Business as usual. So how do you hoodwink an entire world with lies? Why are people just eating it up? It boggles my mind truly, where are the civil liberties people? Hong Kong was the turning point I think, they were never going to back down and China couldn’t risk another Tiananmen Square. Couple that with the Extinct Revolution mob and the disruption they caused. The [Globalist including China] “Elite” decided to make their move. [Chairman Mao was funded and placed by Rothschilds, Mao’s finance minister was named Israel Epstein. The same deep state controls the West and the East.] From Ray Songtree L, The elite didn’t time this because of Hong Kong protest or any mob or Trump. By the way the Extinction Mob you mentioned is into false idea of man made climate change, which feeds Agenda 2030 directly, so it is same operation in whole, as the Pandemic. The Hong Kong protest is organic, and anti-communist. Communism…