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Islam – Submission or Asking Questions?

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An Email to Islamist true believer –  His initial email far bottom.   K,   If you are to be honest, you should say the story about his wives is disputed as this says here. And I would agree that the Jews were immoral. So was Alexander the Monster (Great)   “The majority of traditional sources state that Aisha was betrothed to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents’ home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham,[28] when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.[29][30][31] This timeline has been challenged by a number of scholars in modern times.[32] Both Aisha and Sawda, his two wives, were given apartments adjoined to the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque.[33] “ This excerpt above was from wikipedia which is the dominant culture. Wikipedia says his other wives were widows, as you say, and gives the possible reasons for the marriages. It is possible that the story of Islam, as understood by Paul Joseph Watson and myself, and, as told by history and by-ex Muslims is not true, but for me, it is true when something is covered up. In her case below, they want to kill her. That means she is telling an inconvenient truth. I read an officially approved biography of Mohammed in college and he had a 16 year old white slave girl friend that pissed off his wives who were being ignored. He was no holy man. He was simply another channeler, like Moses. He…

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Islamic Acid Attacks and the 1995 Barcelona Agreement – The Genocide of Europe

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Many Americans may not have heard about acid attacks.  See link. Below, 7 minute video, 200,000 views in one week (Above video – Brit Girl acknowledges an error in saying 28 rather than 15 actual members.) Related Post – The Zionist Plan for Mixing Races (except their own) Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM:r15001 [See commentary and interpretation in video below – An equal playing field of cultures that are opposite, will destroy the less aggressive culture.]   This declaration is the founding act of a comprehensive partnership between the European Union (EU) and twelve countries in the Southern Mediterranean. This partnership aims to turn the Mediterranean into a common area of peace, stability and prosperity through the reinforcement of political dialogue, security, and economic, financial, social and cultural cooperation. ACT Final Declaration of the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995 and its work programme. SUMMARY The European Union (EU) establishes a multilateral cooperation with the countries of the Mediterranean basin. This partnership represents a new phase in their relationship. For the first time it addresses economic, social, human, and cultural aspects and questions of common security. This partnership became a reality with the adoption of the Barcelona Declaration by the EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) (FR) were invited, as was Mauritania as a…

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. – May the peace and blessings of God be upon you. Greetings to our dear friend and companion. May you always be under the guidance and protection of [the one and only] God—great and glorious is He! [and other beliefs are not]—and may He ease the burden of your daily activities, amen. We are sending you a copy of a Special Document, which is entitled Gerakan Pemuda Ansor Declaration on Humanitarian Islam. This Declaration was adopted at the International Gathering of Ulama (“Halaqah”) held on 21 – 22 May 2017 at Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum, Tambak Beras in Jombang, East Java. We are transmitting a copy of the Declaration to you, along with this letter of instruction and assignment of responsibility, so that you may convey the Declaration to various international parties as you deem necessary and appropriate, and discuss its ramifications with them. We wish to thank our dear friend and companion for his attention to this matter, and for his cooperation with the Ansor Central Board. Wallahul Muwafiq Ila Aqwamith Thariq – May God guide us to the straight path [and] Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. may the peace and blessings of God be upon you. CENTRAL BOARD GERAKAN PEMUDA ANSOR General Chairman, General Secretary, H. YAQUT CHOLIL QOUMAS ABDUL ROCHMAN GERAKAN PEMUDA ANSOR DECLARATION ON HUMANITARIAN ISLAM Towards the Recontextualization of Islamic Teachings, for the Sake of World Peace and Harmony Between Civilizations [It is good that Civilizations is plural, but that is not what Facebook…

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An Islam Study Guide: Another Monotheistic Club – Ray Songtree

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A very brief but deep study guide of Islam including excellent embedded videos below… We begin with a letter from myself to K, a New Age apologist for Islam, though he denies that he is an apologist, while simultaneously denying the facts about Mohammad’s insatiable sexual lust, the violence of “The Prophet’s” life, and the violence embedded in Koran.  K would be someone who uses words like “radical Muslims”.  His use of such words communicates an idea that real Islam is moderate and peaceful.   “Ms. Hirsi Ali [Second video below] warns against use of the words “extreme” and “radical” to describe as peripheral, an ideology which, she argues, is in fact quite prevalent in Muslim communities around the globe, and which leads easily to violence—whether in the form of female genital mutilation or honor killings or wife-beating or suicide bombings. “She views the reliance on those words as self-delusion, a soothing, self-administered palliative whose effect is to mask evidence that violence is the largely natural extension of fundamentalist values, sternly dictated and widely embraced in Muslim communities—values that encourage harsh treatment of women and strict, even brutal, punishment of non-believers. Her warnings, and those of others who risk their reputations and lives to criticize Islamic institutions, are distinctly unwelcome in many Western quarters, where they are regarded as grievously politically incorrect, and where the “few-bad-apples” narrative of Islamic extremism is vastly preferred.”  – Source   related article – Creation of Muslim Brotherhood   * I am trying to figure…

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