The 2021 Covid 19 Vaccination Agenda
by Brian Dodds, February 2021
Now that they are rolling out the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines I have a pretty good idea
about what is planned. The research shows that whenever they did animal trials on
these types of vaccines the animals were fine after being vaccinated but later when they
were exposed to the actual virus they had anaphylactic shocks and died.
I am a health practitioner and not a virologist working in a laboratory, but through my
own experience of a vaccine and subsequent research I think the following is likely to be
Now that they are rolling out the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines I have a pretty good idea
about what is planned. The research shows that whenever they did animal trials on
these types of vaccines the animals were fine after being vaccinated but later when they
were exposed to the actual virus they had anaphylactic shocks and died.
I am a health practitioner and not a virologist working in a laboratory, but through my
own experience of a vaccine and subsequent research I think the following is likely to be
The mRNA vaccine encodes cells or at least the spike proteins on the
outside of the cells with the genetic coding of the virus and then those cells multiply. If
the immune system doesn’t kill those cells they will keep multiplying. Finally of course
the immune system will react even if it is weak because there will be so many virus
encoded cells throughout the body.
Once the immune system reacts and produces
some antibodies the vaccine makers are very happy claiming It works. (Yet nobody has
proved a few antibodies automatically produces immunity).
Problem is, a weak immune system finally reacting to an onslaught of vaccines and
viruses has already been damaged enough to lose its ability to react correctly. This is
known as autoimmune. A person with a serious autoimmune condition can overreact to
anything and have an anaphylactic shock big enough to kill them.
At this point of time in 2021 masses of people are getting vaccinated and there will be
reactions and even death but not enough to become obvious to everybody. Then at the
appointed time another variant of Covid 19 will be released and there could be mass
deaths. It will be claimed that this new variant is so bad that we have no answer, but in
fact it will be the anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine the people have had.
This is quite similar to what was planned in 2010 with swine flu vaccine. The Baxter
Corporation vaccine was found to have bird flu in it but being an animal virus it would
remain dormant in the body because it did not cross the species barrier at that point.
They hoped that everybody in the world would have taken the vaccine, then at the
appointed times depending on their agenda, they would introduce a new laboratory
made human virus with the correct genetic coding that would combine with the bird flu
and make a baby (a new virus) that would have the ability to cross the species barrier
and with the killing power of bird flu. They would also claim that this new virus came
from somewhere and we have no answer at this point of time.
Thankfully, with people around the world like myself making documentaries and putting
information on the Internet, only 20% of the world population took the swine flu vaccine
…. so they pulled plug on that agenda at that time because only the vaccinated would
have died. Now this Rockefeller population reduction agenda is being tried again with
Covid 19.
I know this is scary information and I would like to think I have got it wrong. However, if I
am right then the simple answer would be to NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.
If you are old then consider other treatments from experienced practitioners that use various
combinations which might include colonial silver, hydroxychloroquine, mineral zinc,
vitamin D, MMS and many other alternatives.
Avoid the ventilator. In my opinion the resulting medical condition is an oxygen deprivation problem rather than a lung function
[Note from Ray Songtree… There is 97% chance of dying on a ventilator if you are over 65. 5G creates hypoxia which is inability to absorb oxygen, and is working hand in hand with the fake covid lock down. The “covid” virus has never been isolated in a lab, the masks are for obedience training, social distancing is for accurate electronic tracking of individuals, the business lock downs are for eliminating independent business and jobs so that we all beg for universal basic income and become dependent. It is also called controlled demolition. The lock down is permanent under the World Economic Forum plans.]
Swine Flu Vaccine Documentary in 7 parts
New Zealand Govt turn around on Swine Flu Vaccine procedure.