(Reposted Aug 5, 2017 – This has become a long essay, but many of the themes in my books are condensed here.) I listened to Bernie Sanders Youtube in Carson Calif. May 17, 2016 Very sad. He defends Obama and attacks Trump for being a “birther”, but Trump is the one who is correct. There is not one thing we have been told about Obama that is true. Study third generation CIA agent Obama. Thus, Sanders is on the wrong side of history and is attacking the right side of history. (Link for excellent pro and con analysis of Trump) Interestingly, Trump seems to have some independent thought, while Sanders still lives in a Washington D.C. trance, meaning, Bernie Sanders is establishment. The establishment, as Sanders himself says, is on the wrong side of history. But so is Sanders. Bernie Sanders doesn’t know on what side he is, because he somehow has missed basic research, for example, about Obama. Trump is also correct about vaccine dangers, about requiring immigration screening for Mexicans and Muslims, about deporting illegal immigrants and letting them re-apply legally, and he has offered pointed questions about 9/11. Trump has even used correct verbiage in calling Bill Clinton a rapist. I don’t adore Donald Trump, but I know he is not a racist because Ben Carson endorses him! The best thing about Trump is that he has shown that both sides of the media are crooked and are really one beast. Whatever happens, he won’t forget that….
“He Won Because The Elites Want Him There, The Global Economy Will Collapse” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-10/he-won-because-elites-want-him-there-global-economy-will-collapse Though Trump’s election was a great victory/rebuke over the dictates and controls of the financial oligarchy that own and run this nation, SHTFPlan.com’s Mac Salvo warns, the American people are not out of the woods yet. Quietly but constantly in the background of the entire Obama Administration, the Federal Reserve’s stimulus program that combined unlimited QE with zero percent interest rates has absolutely wrecked this country and its economic stability. The system as we know it cannot be sustained. Yellen and co. have been simply waiting for the right time to let the other shoe drop – namely, after it could influence the election even further in the direction of Trump’s populist uprising. Unfortunately, he will now be largely blamed for the great destruction that is scheduled to fall upon this nation. In fact, that is the very reason that Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com attributed to Trump’s victory when he predicted his election many months ago. Something big is coming… prepare yourselves accordingly. How Alt-Market Predicted Trump’s Win Months in Advance: “He won because the elites WANT HIM THERE, the global economy WILL collapse” Authored by Melissa Dykes via The Daily Sheeple, While many of us in the alternative media and especially those researchers of Clinton crimes are breathing a big fat sigh of relief that anybody but Hillary is headed to the White House in 2017, Brandon Smith of Alt Market is warning us…
I first posted this in May 2016. Now that Trump is President, will he fulfill or betray the promises he made? May 2016… Any candidate would be better than career criminal, rapist, and murderer, Hillary Clinton, however anyone who thinks Donald Trump or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg are independent entrepreneurs need to do more research. – Ray Songtree Donald Drumpf – Illuminati Jew December 29, 2015 http://henrymakow.com/2015/12/Donald-Drumpf-Illuminati%20Jew.html Left, Donald and his father Fred with Masonic/Brotherhood of Death hand-over-hand Skull and Bones (“X”) Signal. The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the Occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. A lot of people who should know better, like the two Kevins, Barrett & MacDonald, think Donald Trump is some kind of saviour. Barrett even thinks Trump will bring the perpetrators of 9-11 to trial. The article below reveals Donald Trump is a longstanding member of the satanic Masonic Jewish conspiracy that afflicts society: “Donald Trump is nothing less than a sideshow and a counterfeit medieval medicine man offering cheap miracle and ILLUSIONARY fixes for America’s problems here and abroad.” Jewish opposition is designed to give Trump credibility, as in the banker coup ruse of 1932. Illuminati credo: “A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was…
Until people understand the new world order, we will keep thinking that funded movements for over a century are organic natural evolution involving independent players. The opposite is true. Women’s Suffrage is great example. We would have never heard of these few protestors unless the media at the time had promoted them. The media was by then controlled by Rothschilds (since the Yellow Press days of Spanish American War.) JP Morgan bought up editorial rights to 25 leading US newspapers in 1915. The Suffragettes were funded IF they would support World War I, the opposite of their first beliefs. We can be certain they were promoted also in New Zealand, where some women are still proud to be puppets of the elite. Guess who paid for the banner? Please take the time to listen to entire 8 minutes video below. He discloses the reasons Women’s Vote was pushed forward and goes into mandatory implanted chips that will replace cash. Einstein, for another example, was a plagiarist, not a Jewish genius. “Genius” Albert Einstein was created by the Rothschilds to advance Zionism and exalt Jews. While Jews are 2% of population, 22% of Noble prizes have gone to Jews, to promote Zionism. All venues have been long co-opted, but the internet, while it is still free, has offered a collective perspective which is rapidly busting the conspiracy. If someone is famous, they were placed. “If it is covered up, it is true.” So lets see who funded these bused in…
[Comments in brackets are mine – Ray Songtree] http://www.npr.org/2016/11/09/501451368/here-is-what-donald-trump-wants-to-do-in-his-first-100-days Here Is What Donald Trump [Said He] Wants To Do In His First 100 Days November 9, 20163:45 PM ET Amita Kelly , Barbara Sprunt President-elect Donald Trump meets supporters after his acceptance speech at the New York Hilton Midtown. – Natalie Keyssar for NPR At the end of October, Donald Trump spoke in Gettysburg, Pa., and released a plan for his first 100 days in office. The plan (below) outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law. He also laid out his plan for working with Congress to introduce 10 pieces of legislation that would repeal Obamacare, fund the construction of a wall at the Southern border (with a provision that Mexico would reimburse the U.S.), encourage infrastructure investment, rebuild military bases, promote school choice and more. Transcript: Donald Trump Speaks At Victory Rally Below is the 100-day plan Trump’s campaign released in October, called “Donald Trump’s Contract With The American Voter.” What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC: * FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose…
For those who know Hillary Clinton, she is on the wrong side of everything and is a career criminal, so we were jubilant that she was defeated. But, did we get a savior, or did we get Donald Trump? In his 100 day manifesto are clear leanings toward Big Pharma and Big Oil. Mike Adams is happy Hillary lost and so am I. But is Trump lesser of two evils or something revolutionary? Mike spells out the hopes below. – Ray LOVE WINS Wednesday, November 09, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Last night we struck a devastating blow against the establishment, acting in self-defense to protect our nation, our liberties and our Constitution. Today I declare “LOVE WINS” because it is love for America that inspired us to collectively achieve this great victory. Like you and I, Donald Trump loves America. He loves it enough to risk everything — his business, his reputation, even his life — to fight for Americans… even when so many of those Americans have been hopelessly misinformed and brainwashed by the corrupt, leftist media to hate everything America stands for. LOVE WINS when we protect our borders and demand that immigrants follow the law. (Note to all: My wife is an immigrant. She followed the law!) LOVE WINS when we defeat a great evil. Hillary Clinton and her hundreds of co-conspirators are the most evil, destructive and corrupt people to have nearly seized total power in Washington. Stopping them in their…
Hillary will be placed by a controlled media, using biased polling methods to create biased polls, using paid off electoral college vote plus fractional ballot counting software. Or, maybe her Parkinson’s disease will incapacitate her first. How and why would this NBC affiliate have advanced numbers on elections? Predetermined vote counts show Nov. 8 presidential election is rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton Posted on November 3, 2016 by Dr. Eowyn | WARNING: This post may be the most important post you’ll read on not just the 2016 election, but the entire electoral system that legitimates the U.S. republic of representative democracy. The post is long, with multiple sections, so pace yourself accordingly. I suggest you bookmark this webpage so that you can return to read or re-read. Jim Stone first posted about this two days ago on Nov. 1, 2016. Then InfoWars picked this issue up a day later on November 2. What is claimed is that a hidden web site of NBC affiliate WRCBtv in Chattanooga, Tenn., shows pre-determined final vote counts for an election that hasn’t yet occurred — the 2016 presidential election scheduled for November 8. Below is a screenshot Jim Stone took of the election results on WRCBtv’s hidden webpage, showing Hillary Clinton winning with 343 electoral votes and 42% of the popular vote. As Stone puts it: “SCAM ELECTION ALREADY CONFIRMED. TRUMP LOSES.” Anticipating that skeptics or the vote-riggers would say that WRCBtv.com’s “hidden page” of election results is merely a “code test” for the…
Associated Press reporter admits faking news stories for Hillary Clinton… stunning admission reveals how AP prints whatever the Clintons want, FACTS BE DAMNED Thursday, November 03, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) In case you had any doubt whatsoever about the total dishonesty of the Associated Press — which also pushes pro-pharma vaccine propaganda and Monsanto’s quack science talking points — check out this email involving AP reporter Eric Tucker and Clinton operatives David Kendall and Cheryl Mills (source: Wikileaks). The authenticity of this email is already confirmed via Google.com DKIM key (an email authentication code). (Bolding added below.) Subject: Re: FW: Hi again from AP (inquiry about thumb drive) From: cheryl.mills@gmail.com To: DKendall@wc.com Date: 2015-08-11 20:06 Subject: Re: FW: Hi again from AP (inquiry about thumb drive) On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Kendall, David <dkendall@wc.com> wrote: It’s getting out. *David E. Kendall* *Williams & Connolly LLP* 725 Twelfth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 (P) 202-434-5145 | (F) 202-434-5029 dkendall@wc.com | www.wc.com/dkendall *From:* Tucker, Eric [mailto:etucker@ap.org] *Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:00 PM *To:* Kendall, David *Subject:* Hi again from AP (inquiry about thumb drive) Hi David, We have been told, and we are preparing to report, that the FBI has taken possession of the thumb drive that was once in your possession. This is what we have been informed, and we wanted to see whether there was any sort of comment that could be provided. If you wanted to steer us away and say…
Former Presidential Ballot Supervisor Claims “Election Predetermined Since JFK” http://unitedmediapublishing.com/retired-ballot-supervisor-tells-reporters-presidential-election-predetermined-since-jfk/ James B. Marlow is a small framed man confined to an electric wheel chair. He has spent the last 30 years working in Washington, DC. for the Central Counting Facility where countless voter’s ballets pass through during each election. He began his career in 1965 as the low man on the totem pole, however, his hard work and determination eventually paid off, and he was quickly promoted through the ranks, finally becoming a supervisor in 1971. That’s when Marlow claims he was approached by several Government officials who used threats against his family to dismiss the actual votes, and report the predetermined numbers to maintain successive fraudulent elections. His sobering claims should concern every American who still believes in democracy, and it is especially frightening given the accusations against Clinton that she will rig the election. “It’s not about the Republicans, or the Democrats, you understand. They’re two heads on the same beast”, Says the 79-year-old retired Central Counting Facility supervisor during an hour long press conference held at his sprawling 50-acre ranch in Lexington, Kentucky. “Every election since John F. Kennedy has been predetermined, and unfortunately, I have helped to facilitate this horrible corruption against the American people, and for that I am deeply, deeply sorry.” Marlow eventually retired, and moved to Kentucky in 2007 due to health issues. He claims to have seen a dozen presidents come and go, all of them decided long before the elections ever…
A History of Comey-Clinton Collusion, Three articles. Below are articles on History of Clinton-positive cases by Comey and Bio of his revolving door “reliability” employment. MUTINY AT THE FBI: Comey warned by his own agents to indict Clinton or watch the FBI’s reputation go down in flames Monday, October 31, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) As America inches toward open revolt over the runaway criminality and collusion of the democrats and the media, another kind of revolt is taking place inside the FBI. According to multiple sources in the independent media — now the only remaining “free press” in America — FBI director James Comey was forced into announcing a reopening of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server by “livid” FBI agents who threatened to go public if Comey didn’t act. James Comey, long since suspected to be a Clinton operative who deliberately allowed Hillary Clinton to get away with a vast number of felony crimes and national security violations, now finds himself with his back against the wall. If he releases the evidence against Hillary Clinton already possessed by the FBI, he will face the wrath of Obama, the Clintons, the corrupt Loretta Lynch (DOJ) and the entire leftist media. If he once again gives Hillary Clinton a free pass on her numerous crimes, he then faces a mutiny inside the FBI which promises to bypass his authority and leak the criminal evidence directly to the alternative media. FBI agents under Comey…
Unfortunately, the main stream news spins any controversy to dis-inform public. Now we know why Obama is so afraid of Trump. Scatch a lie, find a thief… Trump: Obama is now ‘caught up’ in Clinton’s ‘big’ email lie By Gabby Morrongiello • 10/25/16 5:02 PM Washington Examiner Newly released emails that suggest President Obama may have been aware of Hillary Clinton‘s private email server prove that he is “caught up” in the Democratic presidential hopeful’s “big lie,” Donald Trump said Tuesday. “As you may remember, President Obama claimed to have no knowledge whatsoever of Hillary Clinton‘s illegal email server,” the Republican presidential hopeful told his supporters at a rally in Sanford, Fla. “‘I have no knowledge of it. I don’t know,’” Trump said, mocking Obama. “This guy, he’s as bad as she is.” Trump described the emails between Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, Cheryl Mills, and several top campaign staffers as “one of the most shocking revelations to date” regarding the president’s knowledge of his secretary of state’s unsecured email server. Stay abreast of the latest developments from nation’s capital and beyond with curated News Alerts from the Washington Examiner news desk and delivered to your inbox. Hours after Obama told CBS News on March 7, 2015 that he had learned about Clinton’s server “the same time everybody else learned it through news reporters,” Mills wrote to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta: “We need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do…
Electoral victory for Hillary already LOCKED IN via massive bribery… George Soros admits on video… democracy be damned… THEFT of the presidency already complete Tuesday, October 25, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger [Notice how Bloomberg put the wrong name on Soros quote. Soros said Trump would win popular vote, but the Main Stream Owned Media has to continually lie to create the false impression.] (NaturalNews) The democrats have bribed electoral college representatives to “fix” the election outcome in favor of Hillary Clinton, admits George Soros in a recently unearthed video. Soros, the same globalist terrorist who funded Black Lives Matter executions of police officers in Dallas — and who also funds hundreds of liberal websites and violent activist organizations who staged violence at Trump rallies to blame Republicans — says in the video that Trump will win the popular vote in a “landslide” but that he will lose the electoral vote because it’s already a “done deal” for Hillary Clinton. From the video on TopRightNews.com: SOROS: It’s going to lead to a landslide for Donald Trump in the popular vote, not in the electoral vote, because there, paid political announcements will have a big role… the popular vote will be a landslide because we are a small minority of extremists… I don’t think that Donald Trump has any chance of being elected. REPORTER: But you think that Hillary Clinton is a done deal? SOROS: Yes. This astonishing revelation confirms what Dave Hodges recently told me in an interview:…
The Jesuit gathering of the New World Order after the third presidential debate was not covered by main stream media. The video entitled “Hillary Roasts Trump” from this gathering received over 1.3 million views as of this post. I suggest reading the article below and watching these two videos far bottom and asking what you really expect from this election? Listen to what Trump says starting at minute 19 of lower video. Is Trump playing a game or busting the game? There was a whole movement of people believing in Saint Sanders, who has been silent about the nomination being stolen from him. How many people think Trump is a legitimate alternative? I myself am not sure. Listen to video far bottom. He is getting booed by the elite. Listen and ask. For myself, Hillary defends well known false flag attacks, killed 80 people at WACO, raped Cathy O’Brien, was a puppet groomed from school years and placed in Life Magazine, attended witch meetings for years, defended rapists, including her husband, [and here], and was involved with drug running and murder in Arkansas. So I am one of those people that definitely hopes career criminal and killer Hillary Clinton is not elected and is thrown in jail. But who is Donald Trump? And who is Jesuit and CFR VP candidate Tim Kaine, very likely the president soon because of Hillary’s poor health if she is elected? Below 1 minute video. In fact, in above video, she is defending three false…
LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS! Vulgar Miley Cyrus is Campaigning For Hillary By Amy Moreno October 23, 2016 If Hillary is so worried about objectifying women why is she bringing a PIG on the campaign trail with her? If I had a young daughter, this perverted jizz bag would be the last person I’d want her emulating. She’s disgusting beyond words. And we’re to believe that she and her campaign are “OUTRAGED” over 11-year past “locker room” comments from Donald Trump? Spare me. Great stuff for girls, Hillary. Amy Moreno is a Published Author. Miley Cyrus campaigns for Hillary Clinton at college campus By Aaron Short October 22, 2016 | 4:53pm Miley Cyrus (left) at George Mason University to campaign for Hillary Clinton (right). Photo: Splash News; Getty Images “Your room is so cute! Sorry to come in with all these people, they’re awesome people also excited for Hillary,” Cyrus, 23, said as she barged into the student’s room and rattled off her sales pitch. “Are you registered to vote? Are you voting here or are you from out of town?” “I’m from Atlanta,” the surprised student answered. “Oh cool, I’m from Nashville but I actually just re-registered because I’m so excited to go on the day because I want the sticker,” Cyrus said. Cyrus, who supported Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary but has pledged to back Clinton, donned an oversize blue bow with a red heart over her strapless bra, a sky blue furry…
There are no innuendos in this video, just historical facts. This only covers her civil crimes. For her defense of serial rapist husband, her rape of sex slave women, her drug dealing and murders see this link.
In Hillary Clinton’s speech, “We” means the mono-culture that is to be achieved by crushing all nations, all traditions, all cultures, all loyalties, all religions, and mixing all races. More “mobility” means no home community, and everyone transformed by transhumanism with chips and Cloud. The glorious”We” won’t include Native Americans or any other minority ethnicity, which need to be melted into the “sustainable growth” of “the world.” All individual rights will be eliminated to make way for “We.” Marked in red below. – Ray Songtree mirror https://www.technocracy.news/index.php/2016/10/12/6150/ Hillary Promoted Agenda 21, Sustainable Development At Rio+20 Conference Written By: State.Gov October 12, 2016 [The UN’s Rio+20 Conference in Brazil 2012 was the followup to the first Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, which produced Agenda 21. Clinton’s speech is important because it shows total complicity with the UN’s Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. Some text of her full speech are marked in bold.⁃Patrick Wood TN Editor ] SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning. To President Rousseff, the Brazilian Government, the Brazilian people for hosting us, to Secretary General Ban, Secretary General Sha: Thank you for convening this conference. And thanks to all of you representing governments, civil society, the private sector, young people, men, women, and children everywhere. Brazil has done the world a great service by hosting us all here. This can be a fractious time. But thanks to Brazil’s deft and effective leadership, we have coalesced around an outcome document that marks a real advance for sustainable development. We know this…
Obama Stepped Back From Brink, Will Hillary? By Mike Whitney October 13, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – “Counterpunch” – The American people need to understand what’s going on in Syria. Unfortunately, the major media only publish Washington-friendly propaganda which makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction. The best way to cut through the lies and misinformation, is by using a simple analogy that will help readers to see that Syria is not in the throes of a confusing, sectarian civil war, but the victim of another regime change operation launched by Washington to topple the government of Bashar al Assad. With that in mind, try to imagine if striking garment workers in New York City decided to arm themselves and take over parts of lower Manhattan. And, let’s say, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided that he could increase his geopolitical influence by recruiting Islamic extremists and sending them to New York to join the striking workers. Let’s say, Trudeau’s plan succeeds and the rebel militias are able to seize a broad swathe of US territory including most of the east coast stretching all the way to the mid-west. Then– over the course of the next five years– these same jihadist forces proceed to destroy most of the civilian infrastructure across the country, force millions of people from their homes and businesses, and demand that President Obama step down from office so they can replace him with an Islamic regime that would enforce strict Sharia law. How would you advise Obama in a situation like this? Would you tell him to negotiate with the people who invaded and destroyed his country or would you…
SCRIPTED: Entire leftist media is told exactly what to print, what to ask and what to think by the Clinton campaign October 11, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger http://www.naturalnews.com/055610_Clinton_campaign_scripted_mainstream_media.html (NaturalNews) The Wikileaks email dumps on John Podesta are so packed with bombshells about media collusion with the Clintons, I can’t even process them all. So I’m including some of the highlights as headline links below. The bottom line of what’s coming out so far is that the entire mainstream media is controlled and scripted by the Clintons and democrats. In other words, the “mainstream” media is now nothing more than an extension of the state. Democrats, the Clintons, the federal government and the mainstream media have all merged into one grand orgy of collusion, spewing disinformation and lies to keep their most adored criminals (Obama and the Clintons) in power while destroying anyone who challenges the status quo. As you’ll see in the stories linked below, the Clinton campaign tells the media what to print, what questions to ask, what to censor and what to conclude. Journalists working for CNBC, CNN, NYT, etc., are not allowed to engage in anything resembling real journalism. Their stories are scripted in advance. Everything is orchestrated and engineered. The game is rigged at every level, just like I said in my viral article EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media… you are living in a fabricated fairy tale. Just a few of the bombshells from…
In a shocking testimony of agenda biased news, USA Today Monday Oct 10, ignores 2nd Presidential debate on Sunday Oct. 9, which included Trump introducing Bill Clinton’s rapist history and the 30,000 deleted emails as key examples of disgraceful behavior. He also mentioned past rape victims were in the audience. As image below shows, most of the website was devoted to putting down Trump. Markets: The most important news in the economy was Illuminati Warren Buffet arguing with Trump, when in Germany, Deutch bank is imploding. Priority was arguing against Trump! The True story of Buffet’s Illuminati membership as seen on his book cover, is hidden of course. Top Story is a new poll that finds Clinton “surging.” They could have picked LA Times which showed Trump surging. NBC or CNN polls are like USA Today and biased. Trump’s “lewd” tape was held for 11 years to be used at a critical point, and USA Today goes so far as to associate Bill Clinton rapes with “accused rapist” humor as World News, far bottom. Entertainment news is Melanie Trump. Opinion is interesting, somewhat critical of Clinton. Opinion also includes articles like “beginning of end” and “teetering” for Trump. It is actually the opposite. Here USA today shows it is not reporting events, it is steering perceptions. Most readers already know about this. People section: there is more smear of Trump and ignoring the press conference on day of debate where Bill Clinton rape victims came forward. There is no mention…
EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Hillary Clinton caught using child actors to plant scripted questions Thursday, October 06, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Is anyone surprised anymore to learn that everything is rigged with the Clinton campaign? Today we learn that the widely touted “15 year old girl” who we were told was “chosen at random” to ask Hillary Clinton a question was actually a child actor and daughter of Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach. Watch the video, below, that nails the discovery of this child actor in a Hillary Clinton town hall meeting: Brennan Leach (the 15 year old girl): “Hi Madam Secretary. I’m Brennan and I’m 15 years old. At my school, body image is a really big issue for girls my age. I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look. As the first female president how would you undo some of that damage and help girls understand that they’re so much more than just what they look like?” Hillary’s scripted, orchestrated and practiced response: “I’m so proud of you for asking that question. You are right — my opponent has just taken this concern to a new level of difficulty and meanness. And, it’s shocking when women are called names and judged solely on the basis of physical attributes. My opponent insulted Miss Universe. I mean, how do you get more acclaimed than that? But, it wasn’t good enough. So we can’t take any…