American Idol is gone, while The Voice takes the voting, homecoming and character development formats from Idol. But though the symbolism is more subdued most of the time, we see here it is quite in our face. Pharrell Williams may seem like a nice guy, but he works for the mob with their Illuminati staging.
On 5/21/2015 at 6:41 AM, “David wrote: interesting country David, By the way, in my opinion, all pride is false. I will go through claims made in your video one by one. Interestingly, the video doesn’t mention that Israel is the number one subsidized country in the world. I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned???? American Taxpayers Subsidize Israel’s Prosperity by Alison … Sep 01, 2011 · Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It … Is Israel 60 years old? History of zionism and importance of infamous Jacob Frank, who is mentioned in letter by George Washington 1798 In fact, the founder of Israel was Edmond Rothschild. Here is the Israeli coin and here is their coin showing “greater israel” and why Syria and Iraq are being destroyed… as listed in 2001 by Gen. Wesley Clark click on image below to start 5 minute video Here is true history of how Palestine was stolen and possession arranged during world war II by 1917 Balfour Declaration, 31 years before “independence” of Israel. There are tons of other documents and youtubes. Hitler was the illegitimate grandchild of Rothschilds Rothschilds funded both sides of World War II. Wall Street funded Nazis. Standard Oil owned by Rockefeller (who got their initial capital from Rothschilds and intermarried with them) is same as IG Farben and not one of Farben factories in Germany were bombed. Allies were controlled, as British empire…
reposted from Removing the Shackles, go there for more images Friday, 15 May 2015 A Closer look at the Amtrak Train Derailment: Who and How? Here is the latest news on who the victims of the Amtrak Derailment two days ago. Notice the use of the word “Victims”. I have been doing some digging into this list as well- I will add my highlights and my notes to each section in my usual blue. Plus I’ve added quotes from other articles into this to give more details on specific people.Below this article, I have posted a few other notes that are quite interesting. Who are the victims of the Amtrak derailment? 14 May 2015 From the section US & Canada Eight people have been confirmed dead in the Philadelphia Amtrak train derailment Tuesday night. All eight of the victims have now been identified. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said on Thursday that all the passengers had been accounted for. The victims range in age from 20-55 and were travelling for work or heading home. They were career and family-oriented people, working in education, news or technology or attending school. They just happened to be sitting in the front carriages of Amtrak 188 on Tuesday night. Those who died are as follows: Justin Zemser Mr Zemser, 20, was on break from his second year at the US Naval Academy and headed to his hometown of Rockaway Beach, New York on the Amtrak train Tuesday night. His family released a statement…
My Israeli loving friends need to read this. And remember, as you read it, that Tel Aviv is now the gay capitol of the world. Doubters should skip to the last four paragraphs, because this is the fact – The Jews of present day Israel have no connection with ancient Israelites or the Old Testament. – Ray A Jewish Defector Warns America Introductory Note: Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Born in 1890, he was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City at one time principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley’s patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman’s…
Hurray! The Party Is Over! by Ray Songtree – May 8, 2015 When one civilization’s bummer is everything else’s joy… I think it very likely that the 1% Cabal has huge reserves of oil that we are not told about. I believe this because M. King Hubbert, the Peak Oil Guru who was co-founder of Technocracy Inc in the 1930’s before he became a “geologist”, was a total insider and was funded by Shell. In other words, Peak Oil is true, and because it is true, the elite have a stash. But so what if reserves are hidden? The oil that WE get to use is in decline, because the cheap stuff is gone. And there is NO alternative. Nuclear? Will it take another Fukashima to shut all the reactors down for good? Free energy? = the infinite environmental impact statement = perfect excuse for one world government that will be necessary to keep it’s impact in check. Forget anything that has the word free on it. Nothing is free. Solar and wind that require mining and factories. Peak Everything is here. The easy stuff has already been taken. All minerals and ores will get increasingly expensive, and unaffordable. The consumerist ethic needs to become extinct, before everything else becomes extinct. How great it is that consumerism has no future, nor do the subcultures that fly around the world to party! How great that the subcultures based on sports sex that fly around the world will disappear! This…
See link for his research… Friends, I cover Lucis Trust in both book one and book two of Lipstick and War Crimes This is real stuff. Many people understand that New Age thought is an operation. However almost everyone has been influenced by it. My letter to author of article posted below…. Hi Terry, I’ve researched this also. I agree with your analysis and conclusions. There are three points I’d like to mention. Gurdjieff and Ouspensky were mystics, but not directly connected with this group, IMO. Casteneda’s writing was heavily influenced by Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters and should not be included in your list. I know someone who met the shaman upon whom Casteneda’s character don Juan was based, native american connections. Casteneda was murdered like so many independent minds, Bruce Lee, the many musical artists, and politicians. And if you are going to list channelers Joesph Smith and Mohammed, you should surely also list Moses. I liked your article and learned from it and agree with you. It was written 10 years ago. I hope you get this. thank you Ray Songtree Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World – by Terry Melanson ©, 2001 (Last Update: May 8th, 2005) Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Publishing Company in 1920. 1922 saw the organization’s name changed to Lucis Trust though the advancement of the Luciferian beliefs remained true. Beliefs…
Subject: discussion Tesla Energy Hi Ted, For me, the most curious thing about the video was the thirst of the viewers, a million hits in a day, all craving something based on an economic/consumption/extraction ethic that is much more destructive than just CO2. For me, not knowing this technical stuff you shared (below), there was no mention where the minerals, metals, etc would come from to produce millions, billions of devices that last how many years? I watched their tesla car video and it is made mostly of aluminum (aluminium) and I thought of those that want to strip mine Arnhemland. (Aboriginal Northern Australia) By the way, the accent of the speaker in video is not strange to you, but is exotic in USA. Exotic. Their car video starts out with people salivating to see the new car. I thought of the story of Trungpa Rinpoche when he first took a ride in a jeep in Tibet in the late 50’s, as an excited teen, and the older lamas reminded him to keep his cool, all is impermanent. Their giggle factory (“gigafactory”) in Nevada gets water from where? How is everything shipped to them? So they have sun there, but nothing else?????? It was baffling. It is like Las Vegas… it serves no purpose. Where do the people live who work there? In the desert where everything must be shipped! I saw their map of how mainland looks at night from space, with spider webs of electric light, showing people…