The simple statement “Mining is unsustainable” makes no sense to people who are unaware that extracting the easy stuff leads to deeper and more expensive operations, to the point of bankruptcy. Easy to extract ores and oil deposits are limited. Mining is indeed unsustainable, regardless of the size of population. Also, many people fail to understand that mining poisons water tables, so if we want pure water, mining is again unsustainable. In this article below, those who resist mining are being eliminated as business obstructionists. This includes all indigenous peoples everywhere. Mining is also then unsustainable, if people are to occupy the land and block destruction of their water and topsoil. As we know, the plan of our financial masters has never been to protect people. The plan of “progress” is that extraction will continue destroying anything and everything, while the few chipped and fluoride subdued worker bees live in Smart Cities. Mining is sustainable for a fairly long time for a small number of smart city Homo indoorsians, the subspecies of humans which the machine will offer a happy comfortable and genderless artificial lifestyle (from test tube to grave, forget the womb.) For all our lives, most Americans and Europeans haven’t cared that we are surrounded internationally by a killing field. It is fantastic, almost literally, that El Salvador recently banned mining. Will El Salvadorians now be targeted by the global machine? Well, what do you think will happen? Do you think the global machine will allow real humans…
El Salvador makes history as first nation to impose blanket ban on metal mining Campaigners celebrate victory for ‘water over gold’ after country unanimously ushers through historic bill to end all forms of metal mining. [Hurray!] A protester at the legislative assembly in San Salvador holds a banner reading ‘No to mining, yes to life’. Photograph: Marvin Recinos/AFP/Getty Images Nina Lakhani in Mexico City Thursday 30 March 2017 07.49 EDT Last modified on Thursday 30 March 2017 09.25 EDT El Salvador has made history after becoming the first country in the world to ban metal mining. Lawmakers in the water-parched country passed the ban in a unanimous vote on Wednesday, declaring El Salvador a mining-free territory. The decision followed a long and bitter struggle to protect the Central American country’s diminishing water sources from polluting mining projects. Campaigners holding banners with the now famous “No to mining, yes to life” slogan celebrated inside and outside the legislative assembly in the capital, San Salvador. “The vote is a victory for communities who, for more than a decade, have relentlessly organised to keep mining companies out of their territories. The prohibition ensures the long-term ecological viability of a country already considered one of the most environmentally vulnerable in the world,” said Pedro Cabezas, from International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador. Wednesday’s vote, which was expected by both sides to be much closer, builds on a rising tide of popular opposition to environmentally destructive projects across Latin America, where partial bans have…
Here’s a compilation of news stories from just the last few days on the Russians/Trump saga as it all unwinds. (- email from friend Ted Howard) Trump Surveillance & Russian Hack stories First two background stories that published on Fri, Mar 24: 1) From the man who invented the term “deep state” must listen background on the CIA and intelligence surveillance in America starts at 5 min in. PETER DALE SCOTT: DEEP STATE & THE CIA MEDIA MATRIX! 2) From whence it all came. What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google As usual, the rabbit hole gets much deeper the more you look. In yesterday’s post, Credibility of Cyber Firm that Claimed Russia Hacked the DNC Comes Under Serious Question, I examined how CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to look into its hacking breach, had been exposed as being completely wrong about a separate attack it claimed originated from the same group it claimed broke into DNC systems, and supposedly works for Russia’s military intelligence unit, GRU. Here’s some of what we learned [see article for details]…Seems like pretty extraordinary incompetence. Either that, or something else was potentially at play; namely, a desire to push the narrative that Russia hacked the DNC, irrespective of the facts. The whole things gets even more disturbing the more you look. For example, Counterpunch put out a very important article earlier today on the topic, adding several crucial…
Screen shots below…Is Satanism to be the new normal? Full embedded Youtube bottom. Redditor: Clintons’ Connection to Laura Silsby Discovered? 11:30AM EDT 11/4/2016 Bob Eschliman The Clinton family’s connections to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein raise concerns over newly discovered connections between Hillary Clinton and convicted child abductor Laura Silsby. (Reuters photos) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign already had the headache of her husband’s close friendship with convicted sex offender and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Now it appears they may have a problem created by their own candidate. A user of the social media website Reddit who backs Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claims to have unearthed evidence that connects Hillary Clinton to convicted child abductor Laura Silsby. The thread was started by Redditor “PleadingtheYiff,” who wrote: The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families. Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti. Sources: Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman’s organization: One of…
On 3/19/2017 10:54 AM, ray wrote: Okay, so you are saying Ramtha’s group is NOT Great White Brotherhood, correct? Ray On 3/19/2017 at 8:09 AM, “M wrote: My opinion is that he is part of the Brotherhood. He talked as though he is (first person). I have no way of knowing for sure. On 3/192017 at 10:42 AM ray wrote I think it is same group. That is my intuition. It isn’t good Mel. I promise you that this ancient symbol means one thing… It means hierarchy with the top controlling the base, and worship of “the all seeing eye”. “The sun.” The sun god. And what is all-seeing-eye actually? It is not “providence,” it is not God (there is no singular separate identifiable God), it is vanity, the vanity of those who spread the symbol. I call it the pyramid of abuse. I only know this, because I was part of it for many lifetimes. No way would Jay Z Knight (Ramtha’s channel) touch my book once she sees how I expose the pyramid of abuse. She is married to this symbol. Let’s start with the spirit woman who gave Ramtha the sword to start his “career”. This has nothing to do with Lemurians fighting a different tech. It is the introduction of warfare to the Earth with an alien tool, and Ramtha’s game was to make up enemies to conquer, leading a parasitic wandering mob ravaging existing communities. He was a terrorist who brought nothing positive. He…
letter to friend… J, In my opinion, the only Jews that can be trusted are those that have renounced their Judaism and denounced Israel. One, monotheism sucks. It is the original curse as stated in Genesis (dominion over all that creepeth) and begins with the big lie, that The Word came first, when really it was silence and mystery that came first, middle, and last. Two, Israel is the Rothschild/Vatican/alien New World Order. (Rothschilds ended the secrecy of Jesuits when they took over Vatican Treasury in 1822 by creating a paper trail for all money transactions. A balance sheet replaced Gold – no more secrecy. It was beginning of technocracy and AI in my opinion.) I incarnated this time with non-practicing Jewish blood. Never was a monotheist. Free of that mind programming. I am utterly disgusted by “Eretz” Israel and think all European Jews should be expelled from Palestine and can go back to Ukraine, their homeland. And if I was rounded up and sent back to Ukraine with all the so called “American” Jews, that would be better than these homeless parasitic banksters and zionists finding refuge in DC and Hollywood. But then J, we have to look at all the Whites in the Americas who have brought nothing but destruction in just 500 years. What is needed is a mental cleansing in all races of monotheism. I do disagree with you about sub-Saharan IQ… Blacks, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders, including Australian natives are not inferior IQ, they…
“He Won Because The Elites Want Him There, The Global Economy Will Collapse” Though Trump’s election was a great victory/rebuke over the dictates and controls of the financial oligarchy that own and run this nation,’s Mac Salvo warns, the American people are not out of the woods yet. Quietly but constantly in the background of the entire Obama Administration, the Federal Reserve’s stimulus program that combined unlimited QE with zero percent interest rates has absolutely wrecked this country and its economic stability. The system as we know it cannot be sustained. Yellen and co. have been simply waiting for the right time to let the other shoe drop – namely, after it could influence the election even further in the direction of Trump’s populist uprising. Unfortunately, he will now be largely blamed for the great destruction that is scheduled to fall upon this nation. In fact, that is the very reason that Brandon Smith of attributed to Trump’s victory when he predicted his election many months ago. Something big is coming… prepare yourselves accordingly. How Alt-Market Predicted Trump’s Win Months in Advance: “He won because the elites WANT HIM THERE, the global economy WILL collapse” Authored by Melissa Dykes via The Daily Sheeple, While many of us in the alternative media and especially those researchers of Clinton crimes are breathing a big fat sigh of relief that anybody but Hillary is headed to the White House in 2017, Brandon Smith of Alt Market is warning us…
mirror of Nature Connection Thursday, March 9, 2017 Stalking Wolf was a tracker raised in a wild, free Apache community. His people never surrendered to the barbarian invaders, and some still continue living in freedom, as undocumented Americans, in remote desert regions. Later in life, he spent time with his son in New Jersey, where he happened to meet an 8-year old boy named Tom Brown. He mentored Tom and his buddy Rick for nine years, giving them an excellent education in tracking, survival, and respect for the family of life. When it was time for him to return west, and end his life’s journey, he told Tom to teach someone else all that he had learned. In 1971, when Tom was 18, he met a 10-year old boy named Jon Young, and trained him for eight years. Tom went on to write 17 books, and launch his famous tracking school. Young went to college, where he was a freak — a highly skilled tracker with a deep understanding of wild ecosystems, and enormous respect for the family of life. Weirdo! Young grew up in an era when there were only three channels on TV, so he and his buddies spent a lot of time outdoors, playing unsupervised in the woods, taking risks, and forming close bonds with children of different ages. This is how well adjusted young animals are supposed to grow up, feeling at home in nature, connected. He would have made a perfect poster boy for…
Apparently Trump is starting with present crimes of Obama rather than dig through a life time of crime. Health Dept. Loretta Fuddy was murdered here in Hawaii to cover up what she knew about Obama’s fake birth certificate, something Trump has known about and spoke about. No one else in plane crash was even injured. A camera man filmed entire event rather than worry about his own life. If anyone has not read about Obama’s CIA agent family and CIA upbringing, see this link. (This post does not go into his war crimes in Libya, Syria, Yemen nor the fake Bin Laden death and murder of the Navy Seals who allegedly killed Bin Laden who was already dead, nor the murder of their commander.) email from friend…. I wonder if Trump can /will unseal his records…..Obama’s very first executive order!! Very telling. When will the truth about Obama be disclosed??? He will have a long, long fall for his treachery and deceit. “I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not even a video greeting. Not a personalized letter to his classmates. Nothing. But worse, no one at our 30th reunion ever met him. The President of the United States is the ghost of Columbia University.” ***** Obama’s first act as President EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 banning release of any of his records Federation of American…
On 3/5/2017 at 10:11 AM, “Rebecca wrote: Ray, I did not vote for either Trump or for Obama, nor for Foster Gamble, whom I know personally and find credible; I have not voted for any presidential candidate since 2008. When I last did, it was for Cynthia McKinney, whom I also know personally, and whom has demonstrated great courage and states personship throughout her career. And I have been consistent for the past nine years since in my neutrality about federal-level voting, so I do not grock your saying that I had “divine expectations” of either Trump or Obama. [She doesn’t remember how she worshiped his “potential” as an “advanced soul” who “kept the enemy close to him” because he was going to save us all. She is doing exact repeat with Trump. Rather than hope, let’s examine.] After long showing much forbearance, my patience is wearing really thin about your constant put-downs, because I do not believe exactly as you do about some of what is now happening in the world. If you want a follower or a sycophant who follows perceived authority figures — especially male authority figures which you right now seem to be attempting to imitate — I am not someone whom you would ever want to know. Response from Ray: Your criticism is based on not accepting critical analysis when it comes to your “faith.” If you send news that is rumor or speculation or poorly vetted, I will let you…
Regarding The Stunning Change In President Trump’s Speech Reversals Some Things To Consider By Jeff Rense 3-4-17 Thanks to all for your comments. It would be good to remember a few things. David Oates spent over a year and a half following and doing a tremendous amount of work on Trump [speech] reversals. No one in his 34 years has ever been as spectacularly congruent as was Trump. His vision, patriotism and love of country have been utterly spectacular. Whether someone is being interviewed or reading a prepared script, the subconscious speaks its truth. The reversals [which reveal the subconscious] are what they are. It’s up to you to decide what you think they mean. David Oates has never experienced anything like the change in Trump’s [speech] reversals and made that very clear in the program. [embedded youtube video below] Look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with. From Establishment King Priebus to CFR McMasters (who told Trump not to use the phrase ‘radical Islam’) to Kushner who runs the Mossad desk in the White House and is nearly always shadowing the President literally within arm’s distance… there are few ‘outsiders’. The reversals suggest a deeply conflicted, troubled President Trump…something never seen or heard in over a year and a half of previous reverse speech analysis. That’s a fact. If he has been subjugated by the NWO Rothschild Zionist Bolshevik Globalists, one would expect exactly the kind of unprecedented and strange reversals that came pouring out of Trump which…
The speakers for the July 23, 2016 Prague conference have investigated crime, and this is appreciated and important. Some are purely dominant culture and some less so. None mention or know about ecology or Earth, so the title should have been, from Illusion to Illusion, not illusion to reality. Reality has nothing to do with utopia or “peace on Earth.” When we put all the pedos and banksters in jail, we still have too many people on a limited planet. A physical planet. One where it doesn’t matter how enlightened you think you are, if you can’t feed the children, they will starve, and if you live in a city, you will never leave the illusion. That is, over half of humans are now urban. I call them Homo indoorsians and since their lifestyle is doomed, so are they. Most of these speakers listed below are not deluded saviors, they are researchers and have done great research about crime. Some are deluded with “universal field theories.” I will say that Harold Kautz is deluded and most of his research concludes with what I call in Vol 2, “disconnected vanity.” Disconnected or “disconnecting vanity” is what the anti-Earth civilization is based upon. Kautz has NOT left the rationalization of science because he hasn’t left the rationalization of ego. Truth is a question, not an answer. Unfortunately none of the speakers, at least in the introductions outlined below, seem to address fake causes for global warming or depopulation or food safety…
On 3/2/2017 at 8:38 PM, Joey wrote: Random thoughts….we know what is wrong but what exactly is right? Belief systems are the foundations of control. So, the only non-control must be rooted in non-belief. Non belief system is the foundation of non control, or what one might call freedom. Money as a concept needs to go away. Without it, people would learn to produce what they consume and barter for what they cannot produce. Debt would not exist, except by individual agreement and hierarchy must be avoided. Yet humans without control??? We are not only not One, we are not equal. The strongest will dominate. Our Simeon nature always raises The Alpha. Joey, Well, in my opinion, we are not lone cats, we are social, so we need language and agreements, which means limitations and control. The idea of freedom is simply delusional and relative to something else’s subjugation. Like the ancient. The ancient is “transformed” to give us “freedom.” So rather than freedom we need to return to what is sustainable generation after generation, and that will require stewardship and control. To answer your first question, what is right is what works generation after generation. Ancient works, so what is ancient is right. Stone age is right. Your conundrum about disparity….. The strong will lead. The weak die. That is how species go extinct to allow new species to emerge. The fossil record is full of extinct species for hundreds of millions of years, the re-creation…