The pattern of crime continues… UN Official found dead was set to testify against Hillary Clinton same day. June 26, 2016 It sure is amazing how lucky the Clinton’s have got when people are going to testify against them and then they die. Ashe was due in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips. Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration. (Ng was not charged with any crime.) Ng and Trie had visited the White House several times for Democratic fund-raising events and were photographed with then-President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton. One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.” More about the death below: DOBBS FERRY, New York — A former president of the U.N. General Assembly awaiting trial in a bribery scandal died in a weightlifting accident when a barbell he was lifting from a bench dropped on his neck, an autopsy revealed Thursday. John Ashe was declared dead late Wednesday afternoon by a paramedic who responded to his Dobbs Ferry home. Dr. Kunjlata Ashar, Westchester County’s medical examiner, said…
The masters of global finance will now punish Britain to try to scare British into the safe corral where sheeple have no representative government. – Ray Songtree From Info wars, originally from Zero Hedge – June 26, 2016 George Soros: “Brexit Makes EU Disintegration Irreversible” Just four days ago, the “big guns” when George Soros wrote a Guardian op-ed titled “The Brexit crash will make all of you poorer – be warned” in which he said that “as opinion polls on the referendum result fluctuate, I want to offer a clear set of facts, based on my six decades of experience in financial markets, to help voters understand the very real consequences of a vote to leave the EU.” We promptly countered that Soros’ set of “facts” may be clouded by his far greater equity stake in interests around Europe, and the globe, which would be drastically impacted by not only a Brexit, but by a European Union which is suddenly on the rocks. That’s precisely what happened when, as we wrote earlier, the world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion Friday following the Brexit vote. Soros was among them. However, seemingly unhappy that his generously altruistic warning was so roundly ignored by the peasants, not to mention his sudden concern about the future of the European Union whose collapse would also destroy the premise behind Soros’ Open Society globalization initiative, the 85-year-old billionaire has decided to follow up with a case of sour grapes and go all…
June 2016, Paypal uses its influence as New World Order company, to join Bill Gates and Disney, to push illegal spraying of undisclosed chemicals in sky, now for 20 years, as normal. The purpose of chemtrails is to ionize atmosphere for 1) weather warfare, 2) tectonic warfare (earthquake weapons using focused low frequency EMF waves), 3) anti-populace (using Smart Meters, wireless, and Smart Appliances) to effect brain functions, and other undiscussed experiments. (See this article also.) Below: Photo taken over Rocky Mountains of New Mexico showing chemtrails fanning out to create continual film over skies. Below: Examples of chemtrails in animated films to normalize this spraying. These are not con-trails which dissipate. The above video about synthetic biology will stretch your mind into agendas that seem unbelievable, but the presenter, Sophia Smallstorm, is very sane. Here is her website Here is the url for above video… There are important reasons to boycott Paypal and find equivalent services. ‘Anonymous’ outlined its grievances against PayPal in a joint letter that was signed by Anonymous and Lulz Security, another hacking group that has been responsible for dozens of attacks on companies and government Web sites over the past several months. The letter said the boycott was meant to show both of the groups’ displeasure with the latest actions by PayPal and the F.B.I. “We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative,” the letter said, adding that PayPal’s apparent willingness to work with the F.B.I. “should be proof enough that they…
“The idea of granting each (adult) citizen an unconditional basic income…” The underlying assumption of the dominant culture, is that all differences should be homogenized and placed under a central command. This is called “full spectrum dominance,” which is a military term, but also exhibits the blanket military scheduling of “global transformation.” In past this program was called colonization, which morphed to globalization. The dominant culture is now known as “World Order” and the cutting edge weapon is not steel swords or gunpowder, but is invasive artificial intelligence (automation), which will insure more unemployment and therefore, more control over the organic. When indigenous people were free they were all employed and if one didn’t work, one didn’t eat. To bring everyone under the same heel, native skills are being replaced. The less human variables, the more control. In the past “Human variable” might have implied idiosyncrasy or unique culture, but now simply means unique human choice. Human variables, meaning human choices, are not efficient for the machine. The less human choice, the more control. – Ray Songtree The ‘Basic Income’ Imperative: Rethinking Sustainability, Equality and Inclusion in the Light of Social Innovation Across Europe [Translation : As the world economy inevitably collapses with too many people and not enough living lands or seas left to strip mine (which the dominant culture needs to feed our superior, advanced, modern, electrical, long supply chain, wasteful, perverse, materialistic and polluting lifestyle) a uniform ration should be established called “Basic Income”, to be…
DARPA Teams Up With Mainstream Media to Push Microchips for Your Children Phillip Schneider, Staff May 25, 2016 Waking Times It’s hard to imagine the mainstream media stooping to an even lower low than where they’re at right now, but rest assured, if you start to become comfortable with them they’ll push that line even farther. This time, NBC is pushing that Orwellian envelope to an extreme level as it advocates for human microchipping of children “sooner rather than later”. In a recently televised report from NBC News, they liken having your child microchipped by the state at birth to something as societally normalized as bar codes for consumer goods. “When barcodes first came out in the late 1960s, people were appalled. They were wary of them and did not understand the concept. Today, it is so commonplace, we don’t even notice it. A microchip would work much in the same way” – NBC Be Afraid and We Will Protect You It goes without saying that this agenda to microchip the human race has little to do with “safety” and much to do with control. Whenever the establishment wants us to comply with something, they often give us talking points through the media that are designed to frighten us into complacency. If it’s about a vaccine, you may get very sick or die if you don’t go out and take their shot; when campaigning for war or surveillance you might just be shot down by a terrorist; and when voting be very, very afraid that the other candidate will win so…
From C, The numbers are wrong – closer to a million people in the streets of Paris and another 300,000 in other areas of the country. L’Humanite is about the only news source making sense of it and reporting it accurately (though Aljazeera is usually pretty good, just wrong on the numbers this time). About the month of March, the Nuit Debout folks (like Occupy) started to protest the labour law proposal, then started talking seriously about a new constitution and talks proceed. The unions and communist party union (CGT, a union, separated from the party to be more to the left) have joined in. There is talk of a Resistance movement, which may mean, let’s go break out those weapons that we hid during WWII. [That would be a very predictable New World Order planted plan, to bring about the conflict they want. The Hegelian solution is always destabilization and preferably violence to terrorize and dumb down society. – Ray] From Ray My 3 questions for we “civilized people” to consider are these…. 1. Are not the French in reality, spoiled colonists who are protesting equalization and shared hardship with the rest of the world? (Do their colonies have 35 hour work weeks?) 2. Who are they to think they can have a minimal work week or can have x many weeks of paid vacation as a norm? 3. The last question is, what will it take for any of the European or Anglo-sphere nations to admit that the…
The following article should not promote hatred within you, though you will probably find it disgusting. Please see all images including final ones to understand context of article. Please understand that the globalists behind the Zionist movement and Israel are also linked with the Vatican and the banksters, as demonstrated by Pope Francis echoing the same language as UN Sustainability 2030. We can call them “the globalists.” They want a one world mono-culture ruled by a one world government. Israel too will be sacrificed, as was announced by Henry Kissinger, though many high level puppets do not understand this yet. Our enemy is not Jews, nor the Vatican, nor the Banksters, nor the Muslims. Our common enemy, and the Earth’s common enemy, is centralization. So before you hate Jews, think about Google and Facebook (Zuckerberg endorses one world government) and the role of technocracy in dehumanizing everyone you know and denuding the Earth so that we will have less forests, less soil, less clean water, less minerals… The solution is not hatred. The solution is your inner strength to resist centralization, to resist artificial intelligence, and manifest a hand made, touch the Earth lifestyle. While in transition you can support local producers. Simultaneously, you can boycott multi national corporations and cashless credit cards which will strip you of any autonomy. If we don’t resist, we are the problem, as we are the bottom of pyramid enabling the destruction of natural human culture and life on Earth. That is, we who…
Below is an article about Bolivia which I will discuss here.. .* * * China, the Attack on Evo Morales and the Rights of Mother Earth I guess I was lucky to see Bolivia before it becomes crushed under ‘modernization’… From below article… ” taking part in projects to secure a key position for Bolivia in the modernization of the continent’s transportation industry. In the next 10 years, thanks to [cursed by] Bolivia’s plentiful gas reserves, that country [non-sovereign area] will become the energy hub of South America. Evo Morales sees his country’s development as his top priority…” * Developing gas will be another rape of a geography for unsustainable extraction, the local culture will be destroyed, and then when the gas becomes too expensive to extract, the people will be left destitute. The globalist goal behind “modernization” is simply to put in place the same technocracy everywhere (Smart Grid appeared worldwide the same year, a globally coordinated roll out, government and industry supported, no one accountable.), then de-populate the world (Smart Meters can be tuned to slow or fast kill using wireless disruption of metabolism), followed by enslaving a small “happy” population living in “smart cities”, who are acculturated to technocracy, and no longer have any native sense, nor balls, nor genius. If this seems far fetched, please study Agenda 21 and now Sustainable 2030. Please study Early Childhood Initiative, created, not by educators but by World Bank. Please study Common Core Curriculum, created, not by educators, but by…
“Whoever ends up winning the election in November, one thing seems certain: For the first time in history, Jews will be in the president’s inner family circle.” Hillary’s highest campaign contributor in past was infamous Larry Silverstein, who knew before hand about 9/11, redesigned WTC 7 in advance, then magically was able to start rebuilding after it was “weakened” and fell exactly into its footprint in 10 seconds at 5:20 PM on 9/11. He pocketed $5.2 billion after expenses from the insurance payout. Silverstein was director of United Jewish Appeal and is personal friends with Benjamin Netanyahu. This is the man who, because of his contributions, has ready access to the Clintons. Trump has pledged allegiance to Israel, as had his father. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are linked to porn ring Jeffrey Epstein. Not only are both son’s in law Jewish from families that are dishonest crooks (see below), but the two daughters, Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump, are long time good friends. Both Hillary and Donald have given speeches to AIPAC, which controls the United States Congress. This will be another mock election where people will argue and rest hopes, when in fact, just like every election since Kennedy, it doesn’t matter who wins. Because Hillary is a murderer, a thief, a liar, and has attended satanic rituals her entire life, I will vote for Trump. I will hope the Clintons, both of them, and probably Chelsea also, will be put in prison. – Ray Songtree Trump…
Photo Essay below… Peace on Earth will be provided by Big Brother if you just let go of your boundaries, your sovereignty, your personal and cultural identity, your unique faith, and stop judging anything! I cover the New Age Operation in other essays, but here, let’s take a look at New Age Roth-efeller minion Deepak Chopra’s deep commitment to working with the New World Order. (Below is screen shot, not a live video link.) All readers must know that the United Nations was created by Roth-efellers after World War II. Following the Napoleonic Wars they tried to unite Europe with the Congress of Vienna in 1815. That failed because Czar was wise. After World War I they tried the League of Nations 1921. Finally they achieved their format for a one world government that will bring Peace on Earth. See Ben Gurion quote below. They just need to keep sponsoring more wars to scrape the canvas clean and keep rebuilding THEIR way, again and again, until people give up and have no religious or national identity. (Here is link to my Youtube video connecting all these dots.) 50% of kids without a committed father helps too, so free sex girls! Mimic the slut behavior of Hannah Montana, oops, Miley Cyrus! It is called destabilization. It is allowing rapist Muslim immigrants to destroy Sweden. The goal is civil war which Big Brother will end with “unity.” Scraping the canvas clean and rebuilding is also a long-term purpose of forced immigration into…
Hi T, I’m half way through Derrick Jensen’s new book Myth of Human Supremacy. This older book Dreams you mention, looks more interesting to me actually, as what he is saying in this one is already very familiar to me personally. I only have petty differences with what he says. For example, it is not all humans who are supremacist, and this supremacy existed before industrial sapiens. So it is not an industrial or scientific root of supremacy, these are more like rotten fruit. I see two sources (at least). Moses Monotheism and Sanskrit Brahmanism. Both create arrogant abusive entitlement. Another perhaps more ancient root is whoever built pyramids, and it wasn’t stone age people. All three are off planet. We have to factor this. So from our origins as a civilization to the current back engineering of crashed space craft, and production of integrated circuits, teflon, etc, we see this off planet intrusion on the organic. (I have met people who had family that back engineered parts at NASA. These people are regularly killed to keep the silence.) Some being(s) are trying to claim Earth as their domain and they have been at it for ages. They feel that they are the owners, here to farm everything, using us as slaves. Since they are just harvesting another planet, in their eyes, they have as much compassion as a hunter shooting a deer. I have to eat. It is also disturbing to think of Hopi memory and worlds coming and…
The problem is centralization, the solution is home rule. – Ray Songtree Common Core news below. And a more recent article here UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism Published: June 3, 2016 Source: Alex Newman A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, and spirituality, the final document declared. The global-citizenship programs, with definitions to be incorporated in curricula worldwide, should also indoctrinate children so that they understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote what the UN and its member governments consider to be the “common good.” The controversial action plan, approved by the UN’s propaganda department and a group of largely government-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) on June 1 in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, is aimed at helping the UN impose its Agenda 2030 scheme to “transform the world.” In fact, the title of the summit gave away the agenda: “Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together.” As The New American has documented extensively, the UN Agenda 2030 plan, also known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), was approved by governments and dictators last year as a road map toward global control (tyranny). From national and international wealth redistribution to government…
My comments in red. The Structure Of Collapse: 2016-2019 by Tyler Durden – Jun 3, 2016 8:12 AM Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, Leaders face a no-win dilemma: any change of course will crash the system, but maintaining the current course will also crash the system. The end-state of unsustainable systems is collapse. Though collapse may appear to be sudden and chaotic, we can discern key structures that guide the processes of collapse. Though the subject is complex enough to justify an entire shelf of books, these six dynamics are sufficient to illuminate the inevitable collapse of the status quo. 1. Doing more of what has failed spectacularly. The leaders of the status quo inevitably keep doing more of what worked in the past, even when it no longer works. Indeed, the failure only increases the leadership’s push to new extremes of what has failed spectacularly. At some point, this single-minded pursuit of failed policies speeds the system’s collapse. [It is the intention of the “World Order” that controls all aspects of society with either silver or lead, to collapse the system. The problem is not failed policies, the problem is a policy of intentional dsyfunction to destabalize and then consolidate all peoples and resources.] 2. Emergency measures become permanent policies. The status quo’s leaders expect the system to right itself once emergency measures stabilize a crisis. [No they don’t, they intend the emergency measures to be permanent, such as Patriot Act.] But broken systems cannot right…