Letters On 8/30/2016 at 2:37 AM, Rebecca” wrote: As Elana pointed out, the Dalai Lama is indebted to the CIA for engineering his escape to Tibet. He also works to romanticize his organized religion as being legitimately spiritual, as well as the feudal, hierarchical theocracy of Tibet that oppresses the poor and women. He is essentially the Eastern Pope. It is my observation that he is not the advanced spiritual teacher that he is touted to be, but a religious male authority figure like the pope, though not so dark. He speaks in pious platitudes and lacks discernment; you yourself just said he was constantly lied to and did not see thru it — or did not choose to. One of the signs of an advanced master is discernment — not just making pious public pronouncements as the present Dalai Lama has been wont to do. Ray responds…. Rebecca, Lets allow ourselves to quibble a bit here. First of all Buddhism is not a religion, but I won’t go into that now. Suffice it to say that Buddha taught no belief systems and worked to deprogram the caste system and channeled Sanskrit classification system of India. (I won’t got into that now, but Sanskrit is not an organic language.) More importantly, there is no such thing as “advanced spiritual masters.” It is a myth. Everyone is a seeker. I have met an ascended master, and he was an abusive megalomaniac. El Morya, the same one who used…
Michael Savage broadcast shut down. See below. This is the trend folks. And imagine if she is elected! click on video to start Popular Radio Host Michael Savage Broadcast Shut Down Nationwide as He Discusses #HillarysHealth! September 27, 2016 Lestado Codicus Wow. This is quite remarkable. Michael Savage is a very well known radio talk personality. The Savage Nation is a nationally syndicated talk show that is the second most listened-to radio talk show in the country with an audience of over 20 million listeners on 400 stations across the United States. Earlier today he was discussing his perspectives on the presidential debate and giving examples of current and anticipated debate bias. In addition, the broadcaster began discussing Hillary Clinton’s mysterious health condition that Savage believes might be Parkinsons. Almost immediately, and without any notification, New York (tri-state area) radio station WABC-Radio TV cut Savage off the air and replaced him with the lesser rated Curtis And Cooby Show. Shortly thereafter, as Michael Savage discovered the issue and began discussing what was going on in/around the New York broadcast area, all Savage affiliates nationwide cut off the broadcast and replaced the live transmission with a recording of a previous show. Here’s a recording of the entire broadcast that explains what was going on, as it was going on in real time, and as Savage began finding out what was happening. The explanation culminates best around the 1:06:37 point of this video. Source: Popular Radio Host Michael Savage Broadcast Shut Down Nationwide as He…
This man, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of White Buffalo Calf Pipe, is, among other things, a New World Order dupe. He speaks truth mixed with fantasy. He recommends the fantasy. Why shouldn’t he, when the “whole world” which some people think is the UN, has honored him for repeating it over and over again? The UN loves people who buy their format. This is how indigenous peoples are co-opted. The UN is the New World Order, is the Rothschilds. Jodi Rave: UN to honor Chief Arvol Looking Horse – Indianz.Com … UN to honor Chief Arvol Looking Horse Wednesday, … “Chief Arvol Looking Horse was chosen because he’s one of the great peacemakers of our time,” said … indianz.com/News/2006/016466.asp Important Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/08/26/important-message-keeper-sacred-white-buffalo-calf-pipe Chief Arvol Looking Horse 8/26/16 With my comments in brackets. – Ray Songtree I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call “Turtle Island.” My words seek to unite the global community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in our own ways of beliefs in the Creator. We have been warned from ancient prophecies of these times we live in today, but have also been given a very important message about a solution to turn these terrible times. To understand the depth of this message you must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the…
Donald Trump Speech Aug 15, 2016 in Ohio, the video [click to see] Video begins with Mr 911 – Mr. Israel, Rudolf Giuliani who introduces VP Pence. Minute 32, Giuliani lies about 9/11 and blames Muslims. As any student of 9/11 knows, it was indeed an inside job and half the alleged hijackers are still alive. Giuliani says Mike Pence helped draft Patriot Act. !!! Then he says Trump/Pence are anti – Washington DC corruption and for the truth! This means that the Bush > Obama regime will continue with Trump. No change. Same military and domestic actions based on false flag lies. 38:50 Mike Pence blames “enemies” for 9/11. However, many of the alleged hijackers are still alive! 38:10 Pence backs up the fake Shanksville 9/11 crash 40, America needs to be strong to keep the world safe!!! “America will command the respect of world” Command? Trump starts speaking minute 42 . Here we get a glimpse of how HE might read the teleprompter as President … 42 lists false flag attacks to justify his claim America isn’t safe! In other words, he is continuing the Obama campaign of creating excuses for aggressive actions. 44 lists foreign false flag attacks by NATO and Israeli funded ISIS. The long list just means he is subscribing to the lies and will never question them. He is owned. 47 “We cannot let this evil continue.” Since he knows he is lying, it means he is consciously engaged in double speak. He…
ABC NEWS http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bill-clinton-sought-state-department-paid-speeches-related/story?id=33369277 Bill Clinton Sought State Department OK For Paid Speeches Related to North Korea, Congo, New E-mails Show By JONATHAN KARL Aug 18, 2015, 6:45 AM ET ABC News has obtained State Department e-mails that shed light on Bill Clinton’s lucrative speaking engagements and show he and the Clinton Foundation tried to get approval for invitations related to two of the most repressive countries in the world — North Korea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. While Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, Bill Clinton earned speaking fees around the globe totaling more than $48 million — speeches that had to be vetted by the State Department to ensure there were no conflicts of interest with his wife’s work as America’s top diplomat. These newly revealed emails show speech requests that the State Department refused to approve. The emails — which have come to light because of a public records request by the conservative group Citizens United, which sued the State Department to get the documents — show just how far Bill Clinton was willing to go to earn those lucrative fees — seeking approval for appearances with ties to two of the most brutal countries in the world. Clinton Foundation Taking Money From Accused Rights Violator Hillary Clinton: IG’s Urge Justice Department to Probe Her Emails Bill Clinton Cashed In When Hillary Became Secretary of State One email sent in June 2012 to Clinton State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills from Amitabh Desai, a foreign policy director at the Clinton Foundation,…
On 8/21/2016 at 11:51 PM, ray wrote: In the attached image about Manhattan project, under funding you see name Kuhn and Loeb. Do you know who this is? You are not allowed to look it up. I will answer the question for you in a day or two. – Ray Songtree On 8/22/2016 at 9:00 AM, h wrote: This is a guess, but seeing the other names I will intuitively say that Kuhn and Loeb are Rothschild “in-laws.” I do admit I otherwise do not know who they are, though Wall St. bankers is also another good guess… [ He nailed it] Above, must see video. Answer- Kuhn & Loeb was and is Jacob Schiff’s law firm that created Rockefeller Foundation and controls Rockefeller estates now. Schiff was a Rothschild plant, came to US in 1865 at age 18, with unlimited funds, just as Nathan Rothschild came to England around 1797 at age of 21 with unlimited funds, to take over both countries. The Rothschilds control Rockefellers. Jacob Schiff funded Bolsheviks to murder Czar, as Nathan had commanded a century earlier. The Çzar in 1815 foiled the Congress of Vienna, the Rothschild first attempt at a UN. In a rage, Nathan Rothschild vowed the Czar would be killed with his entire family. Schiff made it happen a hundred years later. Jacob Schiff created NAACP, ADL (Anti Defamation League, to defame any critic of Jewish crime as anti-Semitic.), and just before his death arranged creation of CFR (Council of Foreign Relations). …
Ex-CIA Director Who Endorsed Clinton Calls for Killing Iranians and Russians in Syria Murtaza Hussain Aug. 9 2016, 10:49 a.m. Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell said in an interview Monday that U.S. policy in Syria should be to make Iran and Russia “pay a price” by arming local groups and instructing them to kill Iranian and Russian personnel in the country. Morell was appearing on the Charlie Rose show on PBS in the wake of his publicly endorsing Hillary Clinton on the New York Times opinion pages. Clinton has expressed support for increased military intervention in Syria against Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government. Iran and Russia are backing Assad. “What they need is to have the Russians and Iranians pay a little price,” Morell said. “When we were in Iraq, the Iranians were giving weapons to the Shia militia, who were killing American soldiers, right? The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price.” Morell said the killing of Russians and Iranians should be undertaken “covertly, so you don’t tell the world about it, you don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say ‘we did this.’ But you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran.” Morell also proposed that U.S. forces begin bombing Syrian government installations, including government offices, aircraft and presidential guard positions. The former acting CIA director said that he wanted to “scare Assad.” Morell clarified that he wasn’t actually calling for Assad’s…
from my email list…. Ed, It is an endless rabbit hole Ed. Who created the aliens? You have to use your head to connect dots. You know about Woodrow Wilson. You know he was owned. You know he was forced to go into World War 1. Who forced him? Who blackmailed him for his affair? It is the same people who forced the FED on him! Nazi’s didn’t exist yet. Jesuits didn’t force the central banks! JP Morgan bought the top 25 newspaper editorial rights in 1915. Who did he work under? … the banksters, not the priests. Rothschild partner at Anaconda Copper, William Randolph Hearst, started the yellow press to get us into Spanish American war. THEIR First National Bank (Citibank) took over Cuba. They killed 1/6 of Filipinos. So… From 1898 the Rothschilds controlled US foreign policy, from 1913, they controlled the money (FED), and they created World War 1 exactly as Freemason Albert Pike said it would happen, (this letter was not a hoax) and as Protocols of Zion outline. The Rothschilds sent the Bolsheviks from NYC and funded Lenin and created communism with THEIR employee Karl Marx. These are all factions, created just like Al Qaeda and ISIS is created now. Isis is one of their occult gods by way, so we are empowering their energetic crap every time we call it ISIS. This is covered in Vol. 2. Through Wall Street, the Rothschilds built up Hitler (illegitimate…
this was from a face book post from Angela – “I’m polar opposite. I want to do away with the notion of countries. I am a citizen of the universe. I believe in personal sovereignty.” Ray Songtree Then Angela, you are a globalist. We will all be equal in a fair world with one mono-culture, no borders, and no boundaries, therefore, no personal sovereignty. You cannot have personal sovereignty without community sovereignty. To be anonymous in a city with no stewardship is not personal or community sovereignty. . To have a culture, the culture must have definition, which means boundaries, which means borders, which means defending your turf. This is forever, so get used to it. Revelation 12:7 – And there was war in heaven… OR…… In order to keep you safe and under surveillance and make sure you stay “equal,” you will be chipped. See, being “equal” is the new turf that all the globalists will agree is cool and must be enforced against those radicals who want to be different, therefore not equal. For this reason, CIA Facebook is currently attacking all indigenous tribes everywhere in the most remote places with internet drones to bring them into the world mono culture. We already know plan is that all kids will be chipped. Education is already being standardized with Common Core Curriculum and Early Childhood Initiative by World Bank. One world, one psychology, one mono culture. Sounds like utopia? Rather, we should strive…
The recent FCC speech by Tom Wheeler in youtube at bottom of article is astonishing. The reason Wheeler sounds like he is gung ho for big money and big industry, is that the FCC is now just a rubber stamp for industry and no longer a regulatory agency. His speech is completely unprofessional, unless seen as PR. No precautionary principal at all. The 5G platform will be even more dangerous to health than current wireless ( www.bioinitiative.org ) because those that control all the alleged regulatory agencies, USDA, EPA, FDA, and FCC, see overpopulation as a threat which they want to control in such a way that they can remain in control. A great example is EPA removing radiation monitoring stations in response to Fukashima, or Aspartame coverup by FDA. Who benefits from this? Keep asking that! Another great example is NOAA protecting us from “climate change” while fabricating data. Again, who benefits? The USDA, which oversees the foods labeled as “Certified Organic”, states quite clearly on its website about its role in organic, that “Our regulations do not address food safety or nutrition.” We can then ask, is “USDA organic label” really just intended to drive out small organic growers? Who is counter testing organic foods? Costco was run by William Gates Sr, a former head of Planned Parenthood (see below video), so, what was the monopolistic vision of Costco exactly? If Planned Parenthood / Costco pushes organic, what does this mean from a eugenicist viewpoint? 30 second video Now, let’s…
The two things the dominant culture / base of pyramid won’t admit… 1) the whole civilization is a mistake, and 2) it is unsustainable. Just think that we celebrate the beginning of the American Holocaust, Columbus Day. And these mistakes are based on idea that this civilization is immortal! The dominant culture thinks they are taking part in something divine !!!!! “Divine Cosmos” website from Los Angeles! We are discovering that this civilization, which began some 6000 years ago with metal and slavery system agriculture, has an off planet source that created all the dominant religions and supremacy that now controls our thinking. Example… we don’t want to be “dirty” because earth is bad and heaven is good. So it is better to sterilize everything and pollute the water table to produce our sterilizers! Why, because we are headed for the “stars” (because Earth sucks). And because some 4 billion people live indoors, they think the outdoors is an abstraction ! They think the virtual life is real, and the natural life is imaginary! Why not, nature is just a color enhanced image on their phone. So the best thing the Earth can do to stop the indoor people, is cut off the cities, and this is guaranteed because of resource depletion. My concern is how long the disconnection will propagate itself. As far as the Earth, we don’t matter. But in terms of human culture and our responsibility to be somewhat sane, disconnection does matter. Now I will share…
http://www.activistpost.com/2016/03/watch-computer-programmer-testifies-under-oath-he-coded-computers-to-rig-elections.html WATCH: Computer Programmer Testifies Under Oath He Coded Computers To Rig Elections By Matt Agorist “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” ― Mark Twain One thing in US history is consistent throughout every single election cycle — allegations of voter fraud. These allegations, however, are not the ramblings of a kook with tinfoil wrapped around his head, they are substantiated and reach as high as the Supreme Court. Don’t believe it? Ask Al Gore and George W. Bush. If you think that the ruling class would leave it up to the voters to decide who gets elected, you should think again. Every single candidate who actually challenges the status quo becomes a target. This year is one of the worst years ever for voter fraud, as it’s been captured on video — multiple times. Last Month, Hillary Clinton declared herself the winner of the Democratic Party in the much-anticipated Iowa caucuses. Immediately after the ‘victory,’ Clinton went on CNN to bask in her counterfeit fame. “I am so thrilled,” Clinton told Wolf Blitzer in an interview Tuesday afternoon. “My luck was not that good last time around, and it was wonderful to win the caucus, to have that experience.” However, fraud was so rampant that a C-SPAN video caught it. Clinton’s ‘victory’ would have…
LA Times Admits: Media Ditching Objectivity to Attack Trump Trump signals the end of establishment media http://www.infowars.com/la-times-admits-media-ditching-objectivity-to-attack-trump/ Kit Daniels – August 4, 2016 The mainstream media can no longer report the news rationally because they’ve ditched objectivity to fight Donald Trump, the LA Times admitted.LA Times contributor Justin Raimondo said the media that’s attacking Trump “may soon find themselves covering Trump’s inauguration” because the public’s trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low. “Any objective observer of the news media’s treatment of Trump can certainly conclude that reporters are taking a side in this election — and they don’t have to be wearing a button that says ‘I’m with her’ for this to be readily apparent,” he wrote. “The irony is that the media’s Trump bashing may wind up having the exact opposite of its intended effect.” “Polls shows that journalism is one of the least respected professions in the country, and with Trump calling out media organizations for their bias, widespread slanted reporting is bound to reinforce this point — and to backfire.” In other words, journalistic objectivity is dead; the media’s bias has made it almost impossible to separate coverage of the Trump campaign from attempts to tear it down, Raimondo added. “Why are the rules of journalism being rewritten this election year?” he asked. Especially with how the mainstream media is now fabricating “news,” such as the claim that Donald Trump will drop out of the race, as establishment reporters grow more desperate in their war on…
Hillary’s crimes are rather endless. Here are some that few people have considered. There really is a body count that continues right up to August 2016. The following is my first youtube video. August 2, 2016 – Sanders Supporter Who Filed Fraud Lawsuit Against DNC…Found DEAD! Aug 4, 2016 Written by Philip Hodges You can file this one under “things that make you go, ‘hmmm…’” A Bernie Sanders supporter had filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, naming the DNC Services Corp, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others as defendants. The lawsuit pertained to fraud perpetrated by the DNC, specifically in reference to how they treated Bernie Sanders. Mind you, this was before WikiLeaks had released any of the damning internal emails that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the now former DNC head Wasserman Schultz and other officials had conspired to sway primary voters away from Sanders and towards Hillary Clinton. (That’s how much they care about the “voice of the people.”) It was over Independence Day weekend that Shawn Lucas and Ricardo Villaba served papers to the DNC Services Corp. and Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the Democratic National Headquarters in D.C. They live-streamed their video of serving the papers, telling a DNC staffer that they’ll see them in court. The guy with the shaved head and goatee is Shawn Lucas. He was found dead on August 2. Even Snopes confirmed that he was dead: We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016…