Hillary’s crimes are rather endless. Here are some that few people have considered. There really is a body count that continues right up to August 2016.
The following is my first youtube video.
August 2, 2016 – Sanders Supporter Who Filed Fraud Lawsuit Against DNC…Found DEAD!
You can file this one under “things that make you go, ‘hmmm…’”
A Bernie Sanders supporter had filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, naming the DNC Services Corp, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others as defendants. The lawsuit pertained to fraud perpetrated by the DNC, specifically in reference to how they treated Bernie Sanders.
Mind you, this was before WikiLeaks had released any of the damning internal emails that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the now former DNC head Wasserman Schultz and other officials had conspired to sway primary voters away from Sanders and towards Hillary Clinton. (That’s how much they care about the “voice of the people.”)
It was over Independence Day weekend that Shawn Lucas and Ricardo Villaba served papers to the DNC Services Corp. and Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the Democratic National Headquarters in D.C. They live-streamed their video of serving the papers, telling a DNC staffer that they’ll see them in court.
The guy with the shaved head and goatee is Shawn Lucas. He was found dead on August 2. Even Snopes confirmed that he was dead:
We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas’ death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas’ cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.
An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.
Was he murdered? Did he die of natural causes? Did he shoot himself in the head…twice…on “accident?”
We don’t know right now. What makes this suspicious is that it follows another mysterious death of a DNC staffer named Seth Conrad Rich who was murdered in a DC neighborhood on July 8. Whoever killed him didn’t take anything from him. He still had his wallet and other valuables, including his watch and phone. Some are saying that Rich was on his way to the FBI to speak to agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clintons.
And shortly before that, there was the UN official John Ashe who “accidentally crushed his own throat.” He was “scheduled to testify against the Clintons and Democratic Party” a week after his death.