On 1/27/2019 at 9:42 PM, Ted wrote: Hi Ray I’ve explained to you before: I trained in science: geology/physical geography. Some of my friends are scientists. We concur that global weirding/climate chaos is happening, along with peak everything and The 6th Mass Extinction. We’re also sceptics re chem trails. In the big collapse picture, chem trails are a side show I choose not to bother with. I’m personally more concerned with the crap industrial “civilisation” is pumping into the atmosphere, like water vapour, particulates, and probably a 50 gigaton methane bomb as the permafrost goes to shit around the North Pole. Regardless of who set up The Club of Rome (or not), once I understood the limits to growth, I understood that the game in play is finite. I personally don’t like Al Gore. He’s pretty fucking rich/conservative, don’t trust him. I do trust the work of William Catton and his book ‘Overshoot.’ IMO this is a very important book, a must read. IMO it’s important to read the “definitions” page occasionally to help remain grounded:http://www.ecoglobe.ch/overshoot/e/hocfd-gc.htm You can listen to Rev Michael Dowd reading ‘Overshoot’ here:http://thegreatstory.org/grace-limits-audios.html#catton IMO there is a set of battle lines being drawn by opposing sides, fuelled by opposing sides of The Deep State. Al Gore is owned by one side. I have been yelling/screaming about the nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons ever since I resigned from the NZ Army and became a peace activist. I trained in NBC warfare in the Field Engineers. I know way…
JANUARY 14, 2019 BY PMG Rep. Anna Eshoo Introduces Legislation To Restore Local Control Rep. Anna Eshoo Introduces Legislation To Restore Local Control For the Deployment of Densified 4G and 5G Antennas in Public Rights-of-Way H.R.530 – To provide that certain actions by the Federal Communications Commission shall have no force or effect https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/530/text https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/530/all-actions 1/14/2019 — Introduced in House 1/14/2019 — Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Sponsor — Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA-18] Co-Sponsor — Rep. Jackie Speier, [D-CA-14] Press Release January 15th, 2019 | Original here. Update: We received the bill text for HR.530 text directly from Eshoo’s office: 2019-0114-HR-530.pdf WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Jan 14, 2019, Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18) introduced H.R. 530, the Accelerating Wireless Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act of 2019, legislation to overturn Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations limiting the ability of local governments to regulate the deployment of 5G wireless infrastructure. Background On August 2, 2018 and September 26, 2018, the FCC adopted regulations limiting the abilities of cities and states to regulate small cell sites (e.g., pole attachments) needed for the deployment of 5G. The actions limit the type and amount of fees cities and states may charge, set “shot clocks” as low as 60 days for cities and states to authorize proposals, and limit non-fee requirements cities and states may institute. The regulations began taking effect on January 14, 2019. The City of San Jose is leading a coalition of nearly 100 cities, towns, counties, and associations of localities in suing the FCC arguing…
REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN: ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE With introductory material by Leonard C. LewinThe Dial Press, Inc. 1967, New YorkLibrary of Congress Catalog card Number 67-27553 Printed in the U.S. CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Background Information 8 Statement by “John Doe” 16 The Report of the Special Study Group 18Letter of Transmittal 18Introduction 19 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section NOTES 1. Scope of the Study 212. Disarmament and the Economy 243. Disarmament Scenarios 284. War & Peace as Social Systems 305. The Functions of War 336. Substitutes for the Functions of War 467. Summary and Conclusions 598. Recommendations 69 74 2 3 FOREWORD “John Doe,” as I will call him in this book for reasons that will be made clear, is a professor at a large university in the Middle West. His field is one of the social sciences, but I will not identify him beyond this. He telephoned me one evening last winter, quite unexpectedly; we had not been in touch for several years. He was in New York for a few days, he said, and there was something important he wanted to discuss with me. He wouldn’t say what it was. We met for lunch the next day at a midtown restaurant. He was obviously disturbed. He made small talk for half an hour, which was quite out of character, and I didn’t press him. Then, apropos of nothing, he mentioned a dispute between a writer and a prominent political family that had been in the headlines. What, he wanted to know,…