Ethiopia is home to US drone bases. Therefore Ethiopia is owned. Therefore, the present leader exists under US blessings. Wrong…. we are told, though this would be top secret, that the US closed it’s drone operation in 2016 at bequest of Ethiopian Government, perhaps as it bows to Muslim pressure, another demographic which is new to area. Meanwhile, we see the present Prime Minister Abiy advancing the New World Order (NWO), new age, all are one agenda by promoting women in his cabinet ( see article far bottom). Feminism is not about equal rights, it is erasure of the feminine and masculine as complimentary polarities to sideline men as needed for child raising. Always, along with feminism comes normalization of premarital sex and single mothers. A women should have a right to be as promiscuous as she wants, right? We all grew up this way, under the influence of CIA Playboy and Ms. Magazine. Consumerism and temptation lead us into slavery. Madonna very much helped convert a generation to this thinking. Now it is Miley Cyrus. Guaranteed when Cyrus has a child, she will end up single mom like Adele, Jennifer Lopez, Witherspoon and the list on the tabloid news stands. The new normal. A whole family should be a role model, but it is opposite now, and this is coming now to Africa also. Normalization of single motherhood is liberation, right? Who would have thought that the NWO would take on China? They did…
Again, my world view, that those with the most will, are the oldest and the most vain. letter On 10/18/2018 at 7:41 AM, “M wrote: What does Ethiopia and Palastinians at war have to do with threatening global over population? Look at all relevant statistics. Life expectancy of Palestinains in Gaza much lower than in Israel… From Ray Songtree M, This discussion started with infowars not understanding overpopulation is real, and I happen to know that both Ethiopia and Palestine are quadrupling in pop, or double the rate of rest of world, which has doubled in 40 years. Example is California. The subject of Israeli abuse and genocide is a different subject. I’m well aware of that but that is not the topic. On the subject of overpopulation, the world will either be killed off by elite, or kill ourselves off from starvation, which is a good reason to leave the cities and try to be more natural. As of now, wifi and 5g will not only kill off people, it will kill off biology, BUT that is all planned too, as the aliens who created our civilization don’t need organic life here. Consider chemtrail fall out changing pH of soil! Once the robot system is in place, underground grown clones can maintain the hardware. The evidence supports this understanding. The elite are puppets of a satanic dimension that is also the alien tech reality, integrated chips, fiber optics, both from Roswell, that we are dependent…
Neither Infowars, nor Trump, nor the Left, nor the American Dream seem to understand that the human population doubling in last 40 years, and quadrupling in places like Ethiopia and Palestine, spells not only strife for society, but also the decimation of habitat for millions of other species. Last year, on a vacation with my family, I saw gigantic fenced parks in South Africa, which are actually holding pens for the wildlife that will eventually be hunted and eaten by starving humans who overrun the park rangers. To think otherwise is blindness. Human supremacism and “free market” ideals seem to be the backbone of denial of natural limits. Limits are not just psychological, as New Agers and Christian pundits promulgate, limits are physical, as in real, as in reality. We live in a physical world! Articles like the Infowars link below, which call population control an elite sponsored “evil,” are products of either stupidity or willful denial. However, the Infowars article link at bottom also fails to mention real depopulation agendas that are not cultural, such as rising infertility, wifi, glyphosate, mercury, and 5g. This human health crisis is shared by all other creatures. Insect populations are falling even in remote places. (link) Just as Trump appears to be ecologically illiterate, so too is Alex Jones who constantly says “our” destiny (the one world civilization’s destiny) is for “us” to “go to the stars.” Who is us? At least the globalists know they cannot stay…
The liberal big tech companies are trying to defeat Trump in midterm elections with censorship. Twitter is leading way with censoring individual accounts. That is, Twitter is now officially a partisan platform. Twitter says that criticizing democrats is now hate speech, but not other was around. If a twitter user names another twitter user who spreads the NPC meme as fascist, that is fine with Twitter. New application of rules by Twitter say that individuals who agree with Infowars or Natural News or hundreds of other conservative/whistle blower news outlets (already banned by big tech) cannot be allowed to spread the NPC meme! The liberal media failed with their Stanford CIA mind control expert, Prof. Ford at Kavanaugh hearing, to stop Conservatives, and the disgraceful Democrat behavior back fired, driving Republican’s to next Red Wave. What will be backlash to trying to ban the NPC meme? It will just get energized. Zero Hedge was one of the 200 outlets listed as fake news by the CIA Graham/Bezos Washington Post. …a new meme suggesting that liberals are soulless idiots who can’t think for themselves has gone viral. The concept compares Democrats to “nonplayable characters,” or NPCs – the recurring characters in video games with repetitive lines and limited knowledge. Lack of an “inner voice” is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC. What is the NPC meme? See zero hedge link and BBC article below… (link) Why has Twitter banned 1500 accounts and what are…
The word transformation is used by globalists who want to destroy all traditions, which are considered primitive, and need to be “transformed.” A traditional culture could never come up with such a quote. “Saving the world” tells us this is a globalist quote. A globalist is into hunting down traditions and eradicating them. Marianne Williamson was a keynote speaker at the ultimate globalist State of the World Forum in 1997. So, we have to ask, transformed to what from what? Key word in her quote is “radical” so we see this is a far left, communist type of person. The Rothschilds funded Marx, Lenin and Mao. Another key phrase is “save the world.” In order to “save the world,” the future goal of globalists is to have a global system of state run boarding schools to take kids away from those unequal parents and give everyone an “equal” upbringing. But then they go further, and we need equal genetics and so a melting pot of genes is desired, and “open borders” to mix all the genes up. This was all talked about one hundred years ago. In researching Marianne Williamson I found she is into a Course in Miracles which was actually written by CIA career psychologist William Thetford. In 1990 Marianne Williamson had an illegitimate child and she won’t discuss the father. So her idea of parenting is without a dad. For her, saving the world would mean eliminating male role models. Marianne Williamson is a chauvinistic, New Age,…
Update Jan 14, 2019 See this youtube video… The video above affirms the sense of many, including author, that Q was and is a psy-op. I was not sure when I wrote below article… *************************************** People trying to understand the origins of Q… The difficulty I have with this message included below, is that some rich men could organize something more powerful in 10 years, than richer men have done in 300 years. However, the pedophile secret cults are being exposed. The grip is breaking down. And Brexit, Trump, Hungary are really happening. And then there are you and I, people who know the system is not just rigged, it is wrong. The story that military is behind Q sounds more possible to me than some billionaires, as per story below. The most important thing I want to say to my friends is that Q is not an all knowing all powerful god. The initiative Q is as imperfect as everything else. There is a saying, “No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.” We see on youtube there are people who take any crumb from Q as gospel. We also see projections into the coming utopia. “After Trump defeats all evil, we can have free energy heaven.” The Earth and millions of species don’t want a human utopia. They want an ancient pre-tech ecology and human humility living among others, not over others. Of course, most human supremacists cannot consider this absolute fact because they don’t care what other…
Email Oct 2, 2018 Dear Kauai Principals – Purple day was for what exactly? Hi Tony, cc Erik, Tahara, Mayor, County Council This is Ray, dad of _____ . I have found no information online about yesterday’s “wear purple anti bullying day,” except this rather frightening link. Obviously you were told by DOE to call everyone on a Sunday to request/order kids to wear purple. Please check out this link. I would like you to know that I do not support gender blurring. I support family values of clear male energy and clear female energy working together. I believe every culture has a duty to define it’s perimeters, and avoiding all perimeters in the name of tolerance destroys culture. That is, I do support clear differentiation. If anti-bullying has anything to do with “gender is not biological” then I’m not happy with this request to wear purple. Here is real bullying in Hawaii…. but the question remains, “Do locals get to hate being destroyed by outsiders?” Tony, you have a lot on your plate. I would like to be helpful and not a thorn in your day. I don’t see you in a position to do anything about environmental pollution at school, as I mentioned to you in person, because you are new. Erik and Tahara could / would do nothing, and they are not new. Sadly, education will not come from the DOE,…