Open letter, This is response to my good friend Joey who asked why I have been silent with my email list. My computer was down. HOWEVER, I am going to unplug. I learned that I liked not being online. Not only did the lack of a computer alter my pattern but I met a man who told me of his ability to hear drumming in the mountains here on Kauai. Others know of this and the drumming is attributed to the Menehune people who were here before the Hawaiians. In Australia, where he had also been 14 times, I myself met local indigenous people who everyday see and hear things that we call paranormal. I realized that the Menehune are still here, but on an aspect ( I don’t want to use word frequency) that we don’t see. This man also said technology takes away our ability to see and hear. Author Carlos Castenada said same thing 40 years ago. So I am going to shape shift my focus. I’m 65. When I was young I met a man who could materialize things and a woman who could dematerialize things. This was outside the box of my understanding of reality. In other words it is a multi-verse, not a universe. But now I feel, that nothing in the box of our agreed upon reality is going to change the direction of destruction which western materialism is dedicated to, so I am going to take the remainder of my life and…
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