President Trump is a dominant culture globalist with a nationalist spin. Competitiveness toward a mono-culture singularity is not a real alternative. Wake up alternative community! 5g is designed for de-population, smart appliances, and robots. Get off your hope porn, unplug, and save life on Earth! Please listen to short video at end of this post. – Ray Songtree Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart Jan 28, 2018 Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios. Why it matters: We’ve got our hands on a PowerPoint deck and a memo — both produced by a senior National Security Council official — which were presented recently to senior officials at other agencies in the Trump administration. The main points: The documents say America needs a centralized nationwide 5G network within three years. There’ll be a fierce debate inside the Trump administration — and an outcry from the industry — over the next 6-8 months over how such a network is built and paid for. Two options laid out by the documents: The U.S. government pays for and builds the single network — which would be an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure. An alternative plan where wireless providers build their own 5G networks that compete with one another — though the document says the downside is it…
From a Facebook conversation… I am guessing that you feel that the New World Order, Masons, and Vatican nexus is a conspiracy by control freaks who want total control. Is this your view? I will now present a different view. An alien off planet consciousness, which originates from giant so-called “mother ships” that are millions of years old, has colonized Earth, and the cycle started with the introduction of slavery/worship some 7000 years ago. The symbolism of Masons is pre European, from middle east. It is pre – Jesuit. I myself am aware of 5 previous incarnations. Beings from this alien origin come and incarnate here to lead in transforming Earth, which means transforming the minds of humans to slavery, religious, etc slavery. A big step was bringing monotheism to the Americas. Then technology took a giant step with the discovery of oil. Then electricity. Ben Franklin was an ET plant. He then incarnated as Yogananda, and then as a famous ET specialist who I have confirmed this with. I knew this soul in three incarnations. We are on same mission but I have dropped out as I see that the alien agenda is parasitic. What we call evil is that we don’t like our planet being eaten, but for the ancient aliens, it is just another planet to eat. This is a point many never consider. I feel you are mistaken about Jesus. Jesus was no invention. I have personally communicated with this soul twice. He is from…
A dialogue: Ray Songtree wrote: I made this image, attached. On 1/24/2018 at 12:15 PM, “M wrote: Ray, if we deported all of the [illegal] immigrants our economy would collapse overnight. Also, your hatred of those you refer to as liberals is divisive. Identity politics divides us, and what we need is to be united. Ray wrote: We disagree. Unity means mono-culture and one world government. That is the unity psy-op. I don’t hate liberals! I notice how they behave and what they believe. Did you read Buckley’s observation? It has nothing to do with hate, it is accurate observation of holier than thou hypocrisy. We should deport illegal immigrants, vet all immigrants, and put our teenagers to work. If they can’t work, they wont have money. We’ll see how they handle that. We are an obese society. We can handle having to work again IMO. Our economy would not collapse. People would work or starve. They will work! On 1/25/2018 at 3:55 AM, “M wrote: Unity does not mean mono-culture and one world government – it means people everywhere getting along with one another instead of being bigoted against people who differ from them. Furthermore, methinks you are not personally acquainted with very many liberals. I am acquainted with many liberals here in New York who do not have a “holier than thou” attitude. Making sweeping generalizations about people based purely on their beliefs and opinions is the very definition of bigotry. You strike me as much smarter than…
It is a terrible myth that New Zealand is an eco friendly green beautiful country.
Hawaii 1:30 AM Jan 23, 2018 So now the government wakes up everyone (with a cell phone) in night with a tsunami warning, the New York Times prints a story, and then NOAA cancels the warning 1 hour and 40 minutes later. If this is covered nationally in morning, it adds to jitters. Bingo, that is manipulation of people’s emotions. With ramping up exposure of deep state corruption, all kinds of fake and real attacks should be expected as the criminals who control all agencies squirm in desperation. This bothers me more than a tsunami warning. If I had a cell phone, I would have been in my car heading for higher ground in middle of night and perhaps waking neighbors, rather than writing this. I’m glad I have no cancer phone. and the cancellation….. Is it just a coincidence that this alert is on heels of concocted missile warning 10 days ago? Was there really an Earthquake? NOAA lies about weather data to create the global warming lie, so why should we trust USGS that there really was an 8.2 Earthquake? It was allegedly 180 miles off Alaskan coast and 10 miles deep says USGS. We’ll see how this pans out tomorrow when people demand an explanation. NOAA ‘adjusts’ global warming data the same way the Fed and BLS ‘revise’ economic … NOAA ‘adjusts’ global warming data the same way the Fed and BLS ‘revise’ economic data … As reported by The Daily…
I included Oprah Winfrey in my list of placed crooked celebrity women in Vol. 1 of my books.. This video summary (embedded below) by Paul Joseph Watson is excellent. Watson didn’t include the private jet meeting with the top elite that Oprah attended. That meeting clued me as to who she really is… a placed tool. Secret billionaire club seeks population control – WND The meeting included some of the biggest names in the … Rockefeller, Turner, Oprah, Buffett, … WND founder’s ‘masterpiece’ on ‘Israel, … My point has been that every famous person we have ever heard of was MADE famous by the Rothschild controlled media that placed them in our heads and placed them in the position they have. The movie Color Purple (1985), allegedly written by ex CIA agent Alice Walker, (who worked early with CIA Gloria Steinem) helped make Walker, Winfrey, and Whoppi Goldberg famous. Walker would go on to co-opt Tracy Chapman. Spielberg, the director of movie, was also placed, a nice Jewish boy who directs many New World Order, pro Jewish films. Tom Hanks appears in Spielberg movies, as another puppet actor. He is in club, so was made famous. They were all placed in fame because they were obedient. The Color Purple actresses are all “feminists” placed to destroy family. Black men screamed about that movie as clearly misandry at the time. Do you remember in movie that Whoppi’s mentor, the prostitute, was suggestively bi-sexual? Second wave feminism was led by lesbians. Anti…
[Updated Jan 12, 2018, new article on Jolie and NATO far bottom] Angelina Jolie may be the living example of Lipstick and War Crimes, the book series by Ray Songtree. Bisexual Angelina Jolie is a member of Council of Foreign Relations and is given access to the UN. Both organizations were created and now managed by the Roth-efellers. Her latest effort is to go to countries distressed by mercenary induced wars, and plead for the UN to save the poor people, because that is what a humanitarian Big Brother should do. Never does she focus on naming the perpetrators of the violence. Does she ever ask who supplies the weapons? For example, ISIS does not conduct terror, it is NATO, Israel, and USA that fund ISIS that conducts the terror. But she won’t mention that. See youtube below. The humanitarian response and “we are all one” and the peace sign on The Voice exist to win our hearts and minds. We are to accept that with all this terror, we must support one world government if we have any heart. The banksters feel that their grip on culture and politics is so manifest, that they can drop the word New. Now Henry Kissinger writes a book, “World Order” as if something artificial should be stamped on the natural order that existed before colonization became globalization. And on his own Facebook page, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tells everyone that he is reading “World Order” by Henry Kissinger. He is helping…
Related articles on monotheism here. The three monotheistic religions have something in common. They all need to be dumped. So does Brahmanism. Why, because they claim to know the one and only truth of the one and only god. They need to all be dumped. But, the alternative is not anything-goes Luciferianism. The alternative is local boundaries, local economy, local laws, local beliefs which will be unknown to ourselves as we will only know our own culture, and an end of industrial mind control. That is, the alternative is many alternatives, diverse = isolated. The alternative is thousands of belief systems. What is needed is many futures, as the world had before the colonial era. I say this because this is what is required to get back to nature and allow nature to survive. My end goal is not fake utopia for “humanity” but survival of millions of species…. That is, the goal is life itself, and not just for human supremacists. It’s one or the other… nature or alien agenda (from Moses to Roswell is ET). It is white or black. There is no neutral tech. The dream of middle way tech is promoted by utopianists, who are indoorsians and can’t imagine hand made anything, and who think we can have make believe heaven on Earth with the “enlightened use of tech,” meaning an “acceptable” amount of mining and industrial pollution. Mining forever. Since this is not sustainable, the entire utopian day dream is bunk. The word progress really…
On Dec 31, 2017, the Likud Central Committee, the party’s top decision-making body, unanimously passed a resolution urging the faction’s leaders to formally annex parts of the West Bank and allow unlimited construction in the settlements while western media is silent. (See links below. ) This land was stolen from Syria in 1967 war. This is simply theft, but now with Russia setting up permanent bases in Syria, Syria is not going to disappear as the Zionists had hoped. Why does this matter to Americans? US is in the Mideast as part of Greater Israel project. (See above coin image.) Israel itself exists as part of project too, planned 150 years ago. Albert Pike wrote of this and the plan for three world wars, two already completed, and a statue of Pike was erected in Washington DC. Obviously Washington DC has been infiltrated for a long time. After the 9/11 attack on New York, carried out with Israeli planning, General Wesley Clark, former commander of NATO, announced that 7 countries were targeted for “regime change”, all in the Mideast area. Iraq wars, Libya war, Syrian war, and they hope, Iran war, are directly part of this plan announced by Clark. Iran is important because of Mackinder Heartland geopolitics, endorsed by elite, as puppet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral Commission co-founder, wrote in his book The Grand Chess Board. The other Trilateral founder was Bilderberger David Rockefeller who selected and placed Jimmy Carter. Rockefeller family has always been controlled by Rothschilds. Brzezinski was placed…
If we say Trump is draining swamp, which swamp? The saying is wrong. Wetlands are being destroyed world wide and that is contributing to sixth great extinction event, (there has been five others in past). If one only listens to commentators who focus on economy or pedophilia, one would miss environment and say, Iran. See this: On environment, for example, has no coverage. (Nor does Breitbart News) That’s because Alex Jones is really a globalist who wants to “go to the stars,” meaning, a global one world government effort to get “humanity” to the stars. Or perhaps only his tribe will have the tech and leave everyone else behind? For the dominant culture, speed is a religion, while collateral damage goes unnoticed. So, is Trump that different than Obama on environment? Below articles show that Obama was just posturing. The dominant culture values space travel more than Mother Earth. The dominant culture is an alien agenda and damage to environment or indigenous people simply doesn’t matter. It is not even a question. Obama quietly approves hundreds of offshore fracking drills … The Obama administration has granted hundreds of offshore fracking permits in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing dangerous fracking chemicals to pollute the Gulf, documents … Obama Allows More Oil Drilling and Fracking Than any … Under the watchful eye of Democratic president Barack Obama, fracking has grown substantially, a massive oil pipeline was nearly approved, trade deals have been …