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Is Global Reseach.Ca Supporting Fake News?

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                  Globalresearch.ca was a good anti-war, anti -globalism website.   Incredibly, Global Research has printed an August 17  article smearing anti-globalist President Trump as an Orwellian liar.  What has Trump lied about?  Did he lie about TPP?  Did he lie naming Ben Carson as HUD director? Did he lie bringing N.Korea to negotiating table? Did he lie defending  1st, and 2nd  amendments?   According to  this Aug 17  article printed by Global Research, President Trump has lied thousands of times. This assertion is based on supposed statistics from the Washington Post, a New World Order rag.  The Wa Post didn’t track such a count for say, Obama or George Bush Jr. or Bill Clinton or George Bush Sr.   Why didn’t they?    The reason that the Washington Post, first run by CIA Bilderberger Katherine Graham, (who died of a suspicious accident, whose husband and son both allegedly committed suicide) has attacked Trump is that the Wa Post is a deep state CIA propaganda operation.   Recently,  Jeff Bezos, who runs CIA Amazon which censors non-official story books, and whose retail business is featured at the top of all CIA Google searches so they can dominate market,  signed a $600 million deal with the CIA.  Amazon and CIA? This might raise eyebrows for those unfamiliar with Jeff Bezos, who now owns the historically CIA run Washington Post.    So, the immoral secretive CIA Wa Post says Trump is lying?  And Global Research spreads this ridiculous smear?   The CIA Washington Post,…

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Kauai Candidates, Council Members, and Mayor: Study Guide for Glyphosphate Poisoning

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This is a study guide for Kauai administrators.  There are supporting articles with live links which appear as blue.   Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, sold at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and other retail outlets. Glyphosate is listed by World Health Organization as a carcinogen. Nationwide, glyphosate derivatives are found in 100% of pregnant women.  It is not only used as an herbicide for most GMO crops, but is also used to dry grains post-harvest. “World Health Organization admits Monsanto’s glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer; chemical found in 75% of air and rain samples…” – Source    “The Environmental Working Group today called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require mandatory GMO labeling after the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm designated the herbicide glyphosate, widely used on GMO crops, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” – Source The Birth Defect-Causing Properties of Roundup (glyphosate) Hidden for Decades In 2010, after a dramatic increase in reports of birth defects in Argentina (a four fold increase) since 2002, a lab study was performed that found low doses of the active ingredient in Roundup known as glyphosate, the most prevalent herbicide worldwide, causes birth defects in frog and chicken embryos. This study was followed by others demonstrating cardiac anomalies, embryonic death, and multifocal malformations suspected to be related to oxidized vitamin A toxicity caused by glyphosate. A more recent study in tropical fish has echoed this dose-related concern with harrowing outcomes: “survival and hatching percentage decreased as glyphosate concentration increased. Absence of pectoral fin(s) and cornea, permanently bent tail, irregular…

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Some Agenda 21 Whistleblowers Defend Over-Consumption

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The environment is not a UN conspiracy. It is real. Do you think this might be true? Let’s back up and look at nature for a moment.  No species can continue growing in numbers without over grazing its niche in the greater ecology. Therefore, there is an absolute limit to growth, which ends eventually with die off if the limit is not imposed by some other factor. This is true of all species. So, knowing this as common sense, the elite who meet at places like Bilderberg Meetings, needed to push population control as part of a plan to control demolish society instead of facing an eventual random die off. After all, their plan is total control and they didn’t want to lose their plan. They have a goal. The elite, by the way, are not top of the pyramid.  They are all puppets of some other dimensional force that wants to use this planet. That is another discussion, but you can watch this 6 minute video to get the idea. Don’t be put off by word reptilian. Ask yourself who controls the Vatican.  This is a serious question which is key to understanding the corruption of world.  This is important video. (Click on image to start video.) Today half of people alive are located in cities which are disconnected from nature. Some UN Agenda 21 whistleblowers think the elite were lying about such a thing as an environment. But they don’t realize that the ecosphere is actually being polluted…

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Google Alert – WARNING – Contemplation Needed

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1. WARNING – This will require some contemplation. Does FB and Google and Twitter and FED get to have boundaries on their private platforms? Do they get to exercise sovereignty?   Gotcha didn’t I?    So, the question I think is whether their actions can be prosocuted as public infringment or monopoly? I’m leaning toward the latter, but no, it won’t happen.  The only  way out is to use other platforms. These, like Real.video by Mike Adams can be removed through sabotage.  Rules don’t apply in war. T or F?    “If the courts rule that a monopoly does not have an obligation to the public, Google (controlled by CIA as shown by Eric Schmidt take over of China internet, therefore, China. Schmidt is now active geopolitical agent, not CEO of a company any more.)  would get unimaginable power.  In the USA, there is a long-standing tradition of regulating monopolies and the anti-trust laws were very effective at reigning-in the Robber Barons.  Unchecked, could Google wind-up “owning” the web?”  –  http://www.dba-oracle.com/opin_google_control_internet.htm     2. WARNING – This will require some contemplation.   In a multi verse of ever change and ever friction and never static borders or peace, never ever,  how will  you yourself replace the machine that is killing you and planet?    3.  WARNING – This will require some contemplation.   Can anything electronic cure the scourge of artificial electricity and all the polluting industry and consumerism and mobiity it has enabled, or … deeper, can anything artificial save nature?  …

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CNN – James Clapper says Obama Responsible for Witch Hunt

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Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper admitted in a CNN interview Saturday that former President Obama instigated the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and those in his orbit. Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Clapper let slip:“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”     21 seconds   *Breaking* Clapper Says Obama Was Behind The Whole Thing – YouTube

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SGT Report Banned on Youtube for Speaking Truth to Power

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As most people now understand,  CIA Google bought Youtube to control the conversation.  It is Google that puts CIA Amazon at top of searches, and controlled information Wikipedia at top of searches.  Now Youtube has banned exposure of deep state. You can still see the interview here . BitChute Direct: https://www.bitchute.com/video/59hhJBpk3o0/   We need to move away from Youtube. Another video platform is Real.video REAL.video is “the answer to YouTube censorship,”

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The Problem with Hope Porn

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from my email correspondence On 7/22/2018 at 7:03 PM, “N wrote:   Ray,. so you think “heaven” and “consumerism” are the same thing?! What’s the color of the sky where you live? Geez Ray. (Have you forgotten we have “hell” on earth now? Consumerism and lots of other destructive isms. What’s the opposite of “hell”?)   Ray responds… Nancy, Yes, for most people, heaven on earth is free energy and free consumption. It is a continuation of city life, but all cities are cancerous as the people are not producers, they are disconnected Homo idoorsian consumers. I’m curious that you don’t see that for the hope porn crowd, ending of deep state means a higher standard of consumerism. There is still no recognition that the civilization itself and all of us, are anti nature and satanic. The top of pyramid is corrupt, as is the bottom that holds it up. Why don’t you understand me yet???? What will free energy do for the Hopi or Zulu culture or any diverse distinct culture? What is your answer?   Free energy is the endless environmental statement.   I’ve said this many many times.   SGT and Robert David Steele and all these other Homo indoorsian folks want more and more and more tech, to be organized by a benevolent one world government that regulates all energy devices, all free energy devices, benevolently. Do you see any problem here?   Sean at SGT Report actually thinks Christ is high tech.   To answer…

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New Law – Israel Declares Itself an Apartheid State – July 19, 2018

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Mirror from  http://www.answercoalition.org/an_apartheid_state_israel_makes_it_official?utm_campaign=ANSWER%20Coalition&utm_campaign=news_07_20_2018&utm_medium=shared_article&utm_medium=email&utm_source=facebook&utm_source=answercoalition An apartheid state: Israel makes it official posted by Answer Coalition  July 20, 2018 By Richard Becker, West Coast Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition On July 19, 2018, the Israeli parliament ratified into law an apartheid system that has long been a reality. “Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” is the newly approved Basic Law in a country where such laws take the place of the constitution Israel has never had. The “Nation-State” law had been under consideration for many years, but even many ardent Zionists had been opposed, not because they disagreed with its provisions but because it would remove all doubt worldwide about the apartheid character of the regime. For the same reason, many pro-Israel organizations and leaders in the United States spoke out against the law. Apartheid is a crime against humanity under the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Total support from the Trump administration, including moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, was the green light for many members of the parliament (Knesset) to vote for the bill now. At the same time, the massive military and economic support, and diplomatic protection extended by Washington have made Israeli leaders increasingly dismissive of criticism from other governments. The vote for the law was 62-55, with most of the opposition – excepting 13 Palestinian Arab members – still motivated by fears of international reaction to openly proclaiming Israel to be a racist state. Ahmed Tibi, one of the…

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Discussion – Discrimination Against Jews?

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Ed, I feel that anyone who is surprised by hatred against white people, or hatred against Jewish people, has not studied history.   There is a damn good reason whites are hated in Hawaii, for example.   (Someone free of hate has a big problem because, then, they must be tolerant of any crime, any abuse. They can’t hate so they don’t hate pedophilia for example. Well, I do!  Pedophilia disgusts me!  I hate it so much I might kill a perpetrator if I found him in the act. But some liberals are too busy being “free”, right? Free to be perverse. Pedophiles have rights! )   Let’s remember, the British Empire was the business model of the Rothschilds, that the slavers and drug runners and debt slaver banksters, were (and still are) Jews, and that Jews have been kicked out of most countries because they are predatory.  That is history.   Also remember the Talmud embraces pedophilia and discrimination against all non-Jews.   If anyone ever slurs me as a Jew, I surprise them by telling them I agree with them and am ashamed of the history of the Jews and am vehemently anti-Israel.  I know more about the negative side than they do!  And Ed, there is no positive side. Please remember that.   The positive Jews became Christian.  The Golden Rule is far more moral than Genesis. Jesus, a Jew, called it out… “the Synagogue of Satan.”  Those that agreed with him became Christian.     Every…

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Review of Video – Q Anon: The Plan To Save The World – Stillness in the Storm

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I already sent to all my friends the awful Time mag cover that is on newsstand’s now.  Here it is again Let’s say Trump is a big egoist, and if that is true, will he let this go or get pissed and motivated to stop the fake news?    Now, about this video (link) about the plan to save world… Is Qanon actually hope porn or not?  We are told that there are sealed indictments ready to arrest the elite.  Fools like fabricator Ben Fulford (sorry believers) say there are 35,000 sealed indictments, but I sent you all the breakdown of what is and is not an indictment,    (Here is is again  https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/sealed-indictments-qanon-conspiracy/  )   and the count does not mean there are thousands or even hundreds or even one of the deep state criminals in those 35,000.     The latest is that we are told by Q supporters that Trump (or good guys) are waiting for October 2018 election to start arrests. The message of video is counting on this.   Okay, great!  Wonderful!  May it be done in a way that is a great awakening. Great! Awesome! Hurray!   However, what if nothing happens?   Then, can we all agree that this Q was a psy-op to distract truthers?  How long will you wait?  Some people will wait years.  Some people will wait the rest of their lives. Hope porn.   Well, we will see, and meanwhile, be prudent, stock up on everything,and get out of the cities, because no…

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Christian Zionism a Bankster Funded Fabrication

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The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionism   https://www.henrymakow.com/2015/02/christians-have-been-duped-by-zionists.html The followers of Christ have been fooled into believing the Bible teaches something it does not teach: Christian support of Israel. Israel is, in fact: antichrist, because Israel denies both the Father and the Son. “Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist–he denies the Father and the Son.” (1 John 2:22). Walk into any Christian bookstore in America and you will see how virtually everyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus Christ in this nation has been tricked into believing a false theology, which leads them to believe, erroneously, that the Bible commands them to support the Jewish nation of Israel. The driving force behind this error was the 1909 Scofield Reference Bible, which was the first Bible printed by Oxford University Press that included theological reference notes that guide the reader as to how to “properly” understand, or interpret, the biblical text. It’s no coincidence that the rise of Zionism, that is: the impulse of the Jews to seek a homeland for themselves, began not long before the Scofield Reference Bible was published. In the late 1800’s, England is where Zionism first found political support. England was already awash with the erroneous “Christian” doctrine of British-Israelism, wherein the British Christians were taught that they were one of the lost tribes of Israel; therefore they should support the Zionist Jews venture to create…

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The Rothschilds Own Donald Trump – Syria Explained

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This 38 minute video lays to rest the idea that Trump will “drain the swamp.” Kudos to  Blackstone Intelligence Network. This video ends the fantasies of many truthers about Trump and the New World Order.  Have Alex Jones or SGT Report or X22 Report or the fake Qanon considered the basic truths unveiled here?  UNDENIABLE evidence.   Then, if this is true, which it is, how do we explain the hatred of MSM toward Trump?     Is the ownership of Trump not solid?  Your tax dollars at work…

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What is up with Ukraine?

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Ukraine seems to be one nasty place. Year 740 – Khazar Kingdom creates Ashkenazi Jews.  1930’s –  Horrible starvation under Stalin. 1940’s -Horrible massacres of Jews in World War II. 2018 – Horrible conflict now… US pumped in 5 billion dollars to manufacture civil war there, another Arab Spring BS job. Victoria Nuland Admits: US Has Invested $5 Billion “We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these  …”   Brzezinski calls this area which created the Ashkenazi Jews (90% of Israelis) “the Heartland…” Seems to have bad karma or something. This title below is typically misleading…  In fact, Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff’s Kuhn and Loeb Firm financed the Jewish Bolsheviks right out of Manhattan, assassinated the Czar and his family as promised by Rothschild a century earlier (that bad mean old Czar backed Lincoln against them) (Illuminati Rolling Stones sang about his murder in song “Sympathy for the Devil” – link lyrics).  Rothschild’s Anaconda Copper parter, William Randolph Hearst, takes over US press and backs false flag of USS Maine to justify Spanish-American war where 1/6th of Filipinos are killed.  In fact, Lenin was funded in Rothschild “neutral” money laundering country Switzerland,(Marx was Rothschild welfare recipient also) and then Rothschilds installed Stalin, as well as Churchill, FDR, Hitler, Gandhi, Smuts (S.Africa), Cecil Rhodes, and Mao.  Communism, “the international worker,” is New World Order. Obama was a CIA communist. Also New World Order backed Simon Bolivar, “the great liberator” a century earlier.  He just happened…

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Smell the Human Supremacism

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I very much appreciate the person who wrote the following quote, but he is unable to see the elephant in his own room.  It doesn’t matter what kind of human supremacist runs the program, it still means domination and destruction…. Warning: EPA Approves Population Control Vaccine For Deer “This is crazy and foolish to release these vaccines into the wild, where they will pollute ground and ground water when the animals die. Further, if scientists can make population control vaccines for animals, what is to stop them from making a vaccine for humans as well? Technocrat minds are twisted when it comes to the human race, because they view people as animals and nothing more.” I would say human supremacists have twisted minds and view all of nature as nature, and nothing more. I’m an animal, a mammal, a primate, a member of one of the four great ape species.  My species is one of the millions of species of the phylum chordata with dorsal nerve cord (spine) .  The most ancient members of our phylum are closely related to the sea tunicates.  (photo above) There are over 380,000 species of beetles alone. Humans aren’t plants, we are animals.  Animals are not superior to plants. Humans are not superior to plants.  Whales are more telepathic than humans.  Untold number of species are more telepathic than whales. When we drop the very false message of monothesim and human supremacism found in the Bible’s Genesis, we can also drop self importance, something…

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Time Magazine, Still Destroying Real Women

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New Time Mag….the only thing surprising about this list is that they didn’t include Madonna.  There is plenty of room in the world [rat race] for mediocre men, but there is no room for mediocre women.’ Madeleine Albright   Albright, the woman responsible for killing over 500,000 children in Iraq, is honored. She is also included in the Families section! Selena Gomez, a MK-ultra Disney brat like Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, is included.  Her claim to fame is 100 million followers on Instagram. Lesbians Oprah, Hillary, Helen Degeneres and Rachel Madow are included. So. exactly how are Degeneres or Madow included as women? Scroll down on the link below, and see how many of these alleged women are listed because they are breaking into male roles. I call this the all male paradigm where women, who don’t want to achieve like men in a male rat race world, are never considered successful.  They are put down as “mediocre”. Time Mag, being a long time New World Order rag, would of course include Sylvia Earle from NOAA, which spun the false data used for global warming and Agenda 21/Sustainability 2030. You have to laugh when Melinda Gates, placed by Rockefellers (Frederick Gates, Bill’s grand dad, was attorney for original Rockefeller Foundation, and William Sr, his dad was head of Planned Parenthood.) is called a philanthropist. What is being celebrated here is “transformation” and “shattering the glass.” Sustenance, not mentioned.  NONE are traditional women.  That would…

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Gnostic Revisionist Truth

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Gnostic Revisionist Truth On 3/15/2018 at 5:05 AM, “M wrote: Did I send this yet??     Jesus said, “Everyone who seeks should continue seeking until he finds.  When he finds, he will be troubled at the contemplation of Truth, but when he has passed through the time of trouble, he will be astonished at the brightness of the Light, for the Way of Truth is the Pathway to the Eternal Godhead, and the price of the beatific vision is the wringing of the soul.  The person who desires to rise above all things must descend below all things, for the way to the heights passes through the depths of anguish, which generate the fires of Life.  The person who has suffered and found Life is blessed.” Sayings of Jesus…for more on “truth”. (1997~Church of Pearl)   Ray wrote….  M, here is their homepage…. http://www.thepearl.org/index.htm It is a nice quote you shared.  Warm and fuzzy. Reading it makes one feel one has really awakened. Found a pearl. No, found THE pearl. – thepearl.org/     Since whoever made up these English words isn’t at same consciousness as Jesus, then what is it?  Certainly not his. The ego loves to feel it is permanent, not impermanent which is reality.  You know, the touted law of attraction comes second to the law of impermanence and replacement… The soul (which is an approximation at most) moves on karmically, but not the ego. The ego (personality) dies, thank goodness, accept in realms of sequestion (ascended egos resisting…

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US Has Now Robbed Syria of Half It’s Oil and Best Farmland

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Mirror https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-largely-unrecognized-us-occupation-of-syria-nearly-one-third-of-its-territory The Largely Unrecognized US Occupation of Syria. Nearly One Third of Its Territory By Stephen Gowans Global Research, March 12, 2018 What’s Left 11 March 2018   The United States has invaded Syria with a significant military force, is occupying nearly one-third of its territory, has announced plans for an indefinite occupation, and is plundering the country’s petroleum resources. Washington has no authorization under international or even US law to invade and occupy Syria, much less attack Syrian forces, which it has done repeatedly. Nor has it a legal warrant to create new administrative and governance structures in the country to replace the Syrian government, a project it is undertaking through a parallel invasion of US diplomatic personnel. These actions—criminal, plunderous, and an assault on democracy at an international level—amount to a retrograde project of recolonization by an empire bent on extending its supremacy to all the Arab and Muslim worlds, including the few remaining outposts of resistance to foreign tyranny. Moreover, US actions represent an escalation of Washington’s long war on Syria, previously carried out through proxies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, into a full-scale conventional war with direct US military involvement. Yet, despite the enormity of the project, and the escalation of the war, the US occupation of Syria has largely flown under the radar of public awareness. Atop multiple indignities and affronts to liberty and democracy visited upon the Arab world by the West, including the plunder of Palestine by European settlers and…

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The Founding Fathers Psy-Op

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On Mar 1, 2018,  Ray wrote: The founding fathers were almost all free masons.  Seriously.        On 3/2/2018, “M wrote: Oh, so ignore their warnings?  How smart is that…They warned us of all of this!        Ray wrote: No, they were the dominant culture, who embedded top down authority, privilege, racism and genocide in the constitution.  Remember, only Whites were human in their minds.  Their god was not a holistic gestalt which included nature and environment, it was the top of pyramid, giving “providence” to the masses who would build the pyramid. The “masons” are the worker bees for the pyramid of abuse. Their so called democracy is a psy-op to replace intuitive consensus, which is based on the wisdom and oratory passion (spirit – need) in traditional communities.  Democracy shatters wisdom/spirit/need and replaces it with the press, who will sell the candidates, and the press can be controlled, which has been the case since the 1770’s. The founding fathers were all placed, just as the pilgrims were placed. People think that there are independent players. Not true. The conquest of Mexico and the Puritan decimation of the Indians who felt sorry for them, is all part of a plan. Not enough people see the historical currents of our civilization from a distance and connect the dots. It is another pie in sky belief system (equals mind control) to think the “republic” was anything but a stepping stone to more “order.”   The founding father’s system was based on an ET…

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Hard to Believe? IDF Commandos Unleashed at Parkland School Florida Massacre

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( Parkland school teacher witness to fully clad uniformed shooter found in second article  below…) In my opinion Yoichi Shimatsu is a genius, and more remarkable, he produced this study almost immediately and amazingly, he adds art to his sober report. – Ray Songtree Mirror from Rense.com http://www.rense.com/general96/commando.html   Commando Strike In Parkland Is A Polygon Puzzle Exclusive To Rense.com Honoring the fallen with blessings from Saint Valentine, let us bow our heads to the children denied their adulthood and grieve with their loved ones, so that their souls may find the peace in eternity that is so absent from this terrifying world. In the turmoil of conflicted emotions of sorrow for the innocent and fear of the perpetrators, we must find the strength to hold onto the cold clarity required to prevent more such evil deeds in this endless coil of mass murder. In the wake of tragedy, let us muster the courage to face the harsh facts to learn how to prevent a repetition and save the young ones. Let us not resort to easy outs or cheap shots, for example the politicized bandwagon against the citizenry’s right to self-defense, since these sorts of anti-social crimes arise from political “necessity” born of ambition, greed and anxiety in the human heart. They will surely strike again, and our defenses must be strong and resilient. Uncovering the complex of motivating forces and quelling the corruption that eats away at a nation’s moral core requires lifelong commitment, not one-shot panacea. We…

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New Robots Everyday to Replace You and Your Family

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We can forget who the criminal monsters might be who benefit from injustice, and notice that the real monster is THE TECH. According to the real planners, who are not transitory elected officials, we “little” people have better things to do that physical work, such as getting welfare, meaning rations, and dealing with diseases, such as autism. Alzheimers, cancers and infertility, all deployed to take down the “unnecessary eaters.” Unfortunately, I’m not being sarcastic. Unplug and be the change! Bricklaying robot video, click image to start. A Guaranteed Income for Every American – WSJ A Guaranteed Income for Every American – Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market … https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-guaranteed-income-for-every-am…    

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