Ethiopia is home to US drone bases. Therefore Ethiopia is owned. Therefore, the present leader exists under US blessings. Wrong…. we are told, though this would be top secret, that the US closed it’s drone operation in 2016 at bequest of Ethiopian Government, perhaps as it bows to Muslim pressure, another demographic which is new to area. Meanwhile, we see the present Prime Minister Abiy advancing the New World Order (NWO), new age, all are one agenda by promoting women in his cabinet ( see article far bottom). Feminism is not about equal rights, it is erasure of the feminine and masculine as complimentary polarities to sideline men as needed for child raising. Always, along with feminism comes normalization of premarital sex and single mothers. A women should have a right to be as promiscuous as she wants, right? We all grew up this way, under the influence of CIA Playboy and Ms. Magazine. Consumerism and temptation lead us into slavery. Madonna very much helped convert a generation to this thinking. Now it is Miley Cyrus. Guaranteed when Cyrus has a child, she will end up single mom like Adele, Jennifer Lopez, Witherspoon and the list on the tabloid news stands. The new normal. A whole family should be a role model, but it is opposite now, and this is coming now to Africa also. Normalization of single motherhood is liberation, right? Who would have thought that the NWO would take on China? They did…
The liberal big tech companies are trying to defeat Trump in midterm elections with censorship. Twitter is leading way with censoring individual accounts. That is, Twitter is now officially a partisan platform. Twitter says that criticizing democrats is now hate speech, but not other was around. If a twitter user names another twitter user who spreads the NPC meme as fascist, that is fine with Twitter. New application of rules by Twitter say that individuals who agree with Infowars or Natural News or hundreds of other conservative/whistle blower news outlets (already banned by big tech) cannot be allowed to spread the NPC meme! The liberal media failed with their Stanford CIA mind control expert, Prof. Ford at Kavanaugh hearing, to stop Conservatives, and the disgraceful Democrat behavior back fired, driving Republican’s to next Red Wave. What will be backlash to trying to ban the NPC meme? It will just get energized. Zero Hedge was one of the 200 outlets listed as fake news by the CIA Graham/Bezos Washington Post. …a new meme suggesting that liberals are soulless idiots who can’t think for themselves has gone viral. The concept compares Democrats to “nonplayable characters,” or NPCs – the recurring characters in video games with repetitive lines and limited knowledge. Lack of an “inner voice” is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC. What is the NPC meme? See zero hedge link and BBC article below… (link) Why has Twitter banned 1500 accounts and what are…
The word transformation is used by globalists who want to destroy all traditions, which are considered primitive, and need to be “transformed.” A traditional culture could never come up with such a quote. “Saving the world” tells us this is a globalist quote. A globalist is into hunting down traditions and eradicating them. Marianne Williamson was a keynote speaker at the ultimate globalist State of the World Forum in 1997. So, we have to ask, transformed to what from what? Key word in her quote is “radical” so we see this is a far left, communist type of person. The Rothschilds funded Marx, Lenin and Mao. Another key phrase is “save the world.” In order to “save the world,” the future goal of globalists is to have a global system of state run boarding schools to take kids away from those unequal parents and give everyone an “equal” upbringing. But then they go further, and we need equal genetics and so a melting pot of genes is desired, and “open borders” to mix all the genes up. This was all talked about one hundred years ago. In researching Marianne Williamson I found she is into a Course in Miracles which was actually written by CIA career psychologist William Thetford. In 1990 Marianne Williamson had an illegitimate child and she won’t discuss the father. So her idea of parenting is without a dad. For her, saving the world would mean eliminating male role models. Marianne Williamson is a chauvinistic, New Age,… was a good anti-war, anti -globalism website. Incredibly, Global Research has printed an August 17 article smearing anti-globalist President Trump as an Orwellian liar. What has Trump lied about? Did he lie about TPP? Did he lie naming Ben Carson as HUD director? Did he lie bringing N.Korea to negotiating table? Did he lie defending 1st, and 2nd amendments? According to this Aug 17 article printed by Global Research, President Trump has lied thousands of times. This assertion is based on supposed statistics from the Washington Post, a New World Order rag. The Wa Post didn’t track such a count for say, Obama or George Bush Jr. or Bill Clinton or George Bush Sr. Why didn’t they? The reason that the Washington Post, first run by CIA Bilderberger Katherine Graham, (who died of a suspicious accident, whose husband and son both allegedly committed suicide) has attacked Trump is that the Wa Post is a deep state CIA propaganda operation. Recently, Jeff Bezos, who runs CIA Amazon which censors non-official story books, and whose retail business is featured at the top of all CIA Google searches so they can dominate market, signed a $600 million deal with the CIA. Amazon and CIA? This might raise eyebrows for those unfamiliar with Jeff Bezos, who now owns the historically CIA run Washington Post. So, the immoral secretive CIA Wa Post says Trump is lying? And Global Research spreads this ridiculous smear? The CIA Washington Post,…
Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper admitted in a CNN interview Saturday that former President Obama instigated the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and those in his orbit. Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Clapper let slip:“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.” 21 seconds *Breaking* Clapper Says Obama Was Behind The Whole Thing – YouTube
As most people now understand, CIA Google bought Youtube to control the conversation. It is Google that puts CIA Amazon at top of searches, and controlled information Wikipedia at top of searches. Now Youtube has banned exposure of deep state. You can still see the interview here . BitChute Direct: We need to move away from Youtube. Another video platform is is “the answer to YouTube censorship,”
Mirror from An apartheid state: Israel makes it official posted by Answer Coalition July 20, 2018 By Richard Becker, West Coast Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition On July 19, 2018, the Israeli parliament ratified into law an apartheid system that has long been a reality. “Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” is the newly approved Basic Law in a country where such laws take the place of the constitution Israel has never had. The “Nation-State” law had been under consideration for many years, but even many ardent Zionists had been opposed, not because they disagreed with its provisions but because it would remove all doubt worldwide about the apartheid character of the regime. For the same reason, many pro-Israel organizations and leaders in the United States spoke out against the law. Apartheid is a crime against humanity under the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Total support from the Trump administration, including moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, was the green light for many members of the parliament (Knesset) to vote for the bill now. At the same time, the massive military and economic support, and diplomatic protection extended by Washington have made Israeli leaders increasingly dismissive of criticism from other governments. The vote for the law was 62-55, with most of the opposition – excepting 13 Palestinian Arab members – still motivated by fears of international reaction to openly proclaiming Israel to be a racist state. Ahmed Tibi, one of the…
I already sent to all my friends the awful Time mag cover that is on newsstand’s now. Here it is again Let’s say Trump is a big egoist, and if that is true, will he let this go or get pissed and motivated to stop the fake news? Now, about this video (link) about the plan to save world… Is Qanon actually hope porn or not? We are told that there are sealed indictments ready to arrest the elite. Fools like fabricator Ben Fulford (sorry believers) say there are 35,000 sealed indictments, but I sent you all the breakdown of what is and is not an indictment, (Here is is again ) and the count does not mean there are thousands or even hundreds or even one of the deep state criminals in those 35,000. The latest is that we are told by Q supporters that Trump (or good guys) are waiting for October 2018 election to start arrests. The message of video is counting on this. Okay, great! Wonderful! May it be done in a way that is a great awakening. Great! Awesome! Hurray! However, what if nothing happens? Then, can we all agree that this Q was a psy-op to distract truthers? How long will you wait? Some people will wait years. Some people will wait the rest of their lives. Hope porn. Well, we will see, and meanwhile, be prudent, stock up on everything,and get out of the cities, because no…
This 38 minute video lays to rest the idea that Trump will “drain the swamp.” Kudos to Blackstone Intelligence Network. This video ends the fantasies of many truthers about Trump and the New World Order. Have Alex Jones or SGT Report or X22 Report or the fake Qanon considered the basic truths unveiled here? UNDENIABLE evidence. Then, if this is true, which it is, how do we explain the hatred of MSM toward Trump? Is the ownership of Trump not solid? Your tax dollars at work…
New Time Mag….the only thing surprising about this list is that they didn’t include Madonna. There is plenty of room in the world [rat race] for mediocre men, but there is no room for mediocre women.’ Madeleine Albright Albright, the woman responsible for killing over 500,000 children in Iraq, is honored. She is also included in the Families section! Selena Gomez, a MK-ultra Disney brat like Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera, Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, is included. Her claim to fame is 100 million followers on Instagram. Lesbians Oprah, Hillary, Helen Degeneres and Rachel Madow are included. So. exactly how are Degeneres or Madow included as women? Scroll down on the link below, and see how many of these alleged women are listed because they are breaking into male roles. I call this the all male paradigm where women, who don’t want to achieve like men in a male rat race world, are never considered successful. They are put down as “mediocre”. Time Mag, being a long time New World Order rag, would of course include Sylvia Earle from NOAA, which spun the false data used for global warming and Agenda 21/Sustainability 2030. You have to laugh when Melinda Gates, placed by Rockefellers (Frederick Gates, Bill’s grand dad, was attorney for original Rockefeller Foundation, and William Sr, his dad was head of Planned Parenthood.) is called a philanthropist. What is being celebrated here is “transformation” and “shattering the glass.” Sustenance, not mentioned. NONE are traditional women. That would…
Mirror The Largely Unrecognized US Occupation of Syria. Nearly One Third of Its Territory By Stephen Gowans Global Research, March 12, 2018 What’s Left 11 March 2018 The United States has invaded Syria with a significant military force, is occupying nearly one-third of its territory, has announced plans for an indefinite occupation, and is plundering the country’s petroleum resources. Washington has no authorization under international or even US law to invade and occupy Syria, much less attack Syrian forces, which it has done repeatedly. Nor has it a legal warrant to create new administrative and governance structures in the country to replace the Syrian government, a project it is undertaking through a parallel invasion of US diplomatic personnel. These actions—criminal, plunderous, and an assault on democracy at an international level—amount to a retrograde project of recolonization by an empire bent on extending its supremacy to all the Arab and Muslim worlds, including the few remaining outposts of resistance to foreign tyranny. Moreover, US actions represent an escalation of Washington’s long war on Syria, previously carried out through proxies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, into a full-scale conventional war with direct US military involvement. Yet, despite the enormity of the project, and the escalation of the war, the US occupation of Syria has largely flown under the radar of public awareness. Atop multiple indignities and affronts to liberty and democracy visited upon the Arab world by the West, including the plunder of Palestine by European settlers and…
( Parkland school teacher witness to fully clad uniformed shooter found in second article below…) In my opinion Yoichi Shimatsu is a genius, and more remarkable, he produced this study almost immediately and amazingly, he adds art to his sober report. – Ray Songtree Mirror from Commando Strike In Parkland Is A Polygon Puzzle Exclusive To Honoring the fallen with blessings from Saint Valentine, let us bow our heads to the children denied their adulthood and grieve with their loved ones, so that their souls may find the peace in eternity that is so absent from this terrifying world. In the turmoil of conflicted emotions of sorrow for the innocent and fear of the perpetrators, we must find the strength to hold onto the cold clarity required to prevent more such evil deeds in this endless coil of mass murder. In the wake of tragedy, let us muster the courage to face the harsh facts to learn how to prevent a repetition and save the young ones. Let us not resort to easy outs or cheap shots, for example the politicized bandwagon against the citizenry’s right to self-defense, since these sorts of anti-social crimes arise from political “necessity” born of ambition, greed and anxiety in the human heart. They will surely strike again, and our defenses must be strong and resilient. Uncovering the complex of motivating forces and quelling the corruption that eats away at a nation’s moral core requires lifelong commitment, not one-shot panacea. We…
We can forget who the criminal monsters might be who benefit from injustice, and notice that the real monster is THE TECH. According to the real planners, who are not transitory elected officials, we “little” people have better things to do that physical work, such as getting welfare, meaning rations, and dealing with diseases, such as autism. Alzheimers, cancers and infertility, all deployed to take down the “unnecessary eaters.” Unfortunately, I’m not being sarcastic. Unplug and be the change! Bricklaying robot video, click image to start. A Guaranteed Income for Every American – WSJ A Guaranteed Income for Every American – Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market ……
President Trump is a dominant culture globalist with a nationalist spin. Competitiveness toward a mono-culture singularity is not a real alternative. Wake up alternative community! 5g is designed for de-population, smart appliances, and robots. Get off your hope porn, unplug, and save life on Earth! Please listen to short video at end of this post. – Ray Songtree Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network Jonathan Swan, David McCabe, Ina Fried, Kim Hart Jan 28, 2018 Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios. Why it matters: We’ve got our hands on a PowerPoint deck and a memo — both produced by a senior National Security Council official — which were presented recently to senior officials at other agencies in the Trump administration. The main points: The documents say America needs a centralized nationwide 5G network within three years. There’ll be a fierce debate inside the Trump administration — and an outcry from the industry — over the next 6-8 months over how such a network is built and paid for. Two options laid out by the documents: The U.S. government pays for and builds the single network — which would be an unprecedented nationalization of a historically private infrastructure. An alternative plan where wireless providers build their own 5G networks that compete with one another — though the document says the downside is it…
Hawaii 1:30 AM Jan 23, 2018 So now the government wakes up everyone (with a cell phone) in night with a tsunami warning, the New York Times prints a story, and then NOAA cancels the warning 1 hour and 40 minutes later. If this is covered nationally in morning, it adds to jitters. Bingo, that is manipulation of people’s emotions. With ramping up exposure of deep state corruption, all kinds of fake and real attacks should be expected as the criminals who control all agencies squirm in desperation. This bothers me more than a tsunami warning. If I had a cell phone, I would have been in my car heading for higher ground in middle of night and perhaps waking neighbors, rather than writing this. I’m glad I have no cancer phone. and the cancellation….. Is it just a coincidence that this alert is on heels of concocted missile warning 10 days ago? Was there really an Earthquake? NOAA lies about weather data to create the global warming lie, so why should we trust USGS that there really was an 8.2 Earthquake? It was allegedly 180 miles off Alaskan coast and 10 miles deep says USGS. We’ll see how this pans out tomorrow when people demand an explanation. NOAA ‘adjusts’ global warming data the same way the Fed and BLS ‘revise’ economic … NOAA ‘adjusts’ global warming data the same way the Fed and BLS ‘revise’ economic data … As reported by The Daily…
[Updated Jan 12, 2018, new article on Jolie and NATO far bottom] Angelina Jolie may be the living example of Lipstick and War Crimes, the book series by Ray Songtree. Bisexual Angelina Jolie is a member of Council of Foreign Relations and is given access to the UN. Both organizations were created and now managed by the Roth-efellers. Her latest effort is to go to countries distressed by mercenary induced wars, and plead for the UN to save the poor people, because that is what a humanitarian Big Brother should do. Never does she focus on naming the perpetrators of the violence. Does she ever ask who supplies the weapons? For example, ISIS does not conduct terror, it is NATO, Israel, and USA that fund ISIS that conducts the terror. But she won’t mention that. See youtube below. The humanitarian response and “we are all one” and the peace sign on The Voice exist to win our hearts and minds. We are to accept that with all this terror, we must support one world government if we have any heart. The banksters feel that their grip on culture and politics is so manifest, that they can drop the word New. Now Henry Kissinger writes a book, “World Order” as if something artificial should be stamped on the natural order that existed before colonization became globalization. And on his own Facebook page, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tells everyone that he is reading “World Order” by Henry Kissinger. He is helping…
On Dec 31, 2017, the Likud Central Committee, the party’s top decision-making body, unanimously passed a resolution urging the faction’s leaders to formally annex parts of the West Bank and allow unlimited construction in the settlements while western media is silent. (See links below. ) This land was stolen from Syria in 1967 war. This is simply theft, but now with Russia setting up permanent bases in Syria, Syria is not going to disappear as the Zionists had hoped. Why does this matter to Americans? US is in the Mideast as part of Greater Israel project. (See above coin image.) Israel itself exists as part of project too, planned 150 years ago. Albert Pike wrote of this and the plan for three world wars, two already completed, and a statue of Pike was erected in Washington DC. Obviously Washington DC has been infiltrated for a long time. After the 9/11 attack on New York, carried out with Israeli planning, General Wesley Clark, former commander of NATO, announced that 7 countries were targeted for “regime change”, all in the Mideast area. Iraq wars, Libya war, Syrian war, and they hope, Iran war, are directly part of this plan announced by Clark. Iran is important because of Mackinder Heartland geopolitics, endorsed by elite, as puppet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral Commission co-founder, wrote in his book The Grand Chess Board. The other Trilateral founder was Bilderberger David Rockefeller who selected and placed Jimmy Carter. Rockefeller family has always been controlled by Rothschilds. Brzezinski was placed…
If we say Trump is draining swamp, which swamp? The saying is wrong. Wetlands are being destroyed world wide and that is contributing to sixth great extinction event, (there has been five others in past). If one only listens to commentators who focus on economy or pedophilia, one would miss environment and say, Iran. See this: On environment, for example, has no coverage. (Nor does Breitbart News) That’s because Alex Jones is really a globalist who wants to “go to the stars,” meaning, a global one world government effort to get “humanity” to the stars. Or perhaps only his tribe will have the tech and leave everyone else behind? For the dominant culture, speed is a religion, while collateral damage goes unnoticed. So, is Trump that different than Obama on environment? Below articles show that Obama was just posturing. The dominant culture values space travel more than Mother Earth. The dominant culture is an alien agenda and damage to environment or indigenous people simply doesn’t matter. It is not even a question. Obama quietly approves hundreds of offshore fracking drills … The Obama administration has granted hundreds of offshore fracking permits in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing dangerous fracking chemicals to pollute the Gulf, documents … Obama Allows More Oil Drilling and Fracking Than any … Under the watchful eye of Democratic president Barack Obama, fracking has grown substantially, a massive oil pipeline was nearly approved, trade deals have been …
Mirror from Wayne Madsen is one of the very best investigative journalists. He broke the story on Obama’s CIA upbringing. Here is diligently lays out the corruption at UN and who is behind it. Remember, Rothschilds created UN after League of Nations failed. They got it after THEIR World War II. Roth-efellers donated land for UN. David Rockefeller created Trilateral Commission which selected and ran Jimmy Carter. See below who voted with US grotesque idea to move embassy into sovereign Palestine. Wayne MADSEN | 26.12.2017 | OPINION How the US and Israel Extort Votes at the UN On December 21, 2017, 128-member states of the United Nations General Assembly voted against the United States in condemning the Donald Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Moreover, the General Assembly called on member states not to move their embassies in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, warned the members of the UN that she would be “taking names” of countries voting against the United States on Jerusalem. Not content with acting like some snippety schoolmarm, Haley took the pollyannaish course of inviting countries voting against, abstaining, or absenting themselves from the General Assembly Jerusalem resolution to a “friendship party” in New York in January 2018. The General Assembly vote followed a resolution sponsored by Egypt in the UN Security Council that also opposed the US decision on Jerusalem. Haley…
Trump is a globalist in Israel and an anti globalist with American trade. Here we see the Globalists cry, cry cry, poor things. Maybe local markets can breath again. – Ray From Reuters – #Business News December 15, 2017 World trade order in a wobble as Washington snubs WTO status quo Michael Nienaber BERLIN (Reuters) – The frustration of Roberto Azevedo was evident when, as director general of the World Trade Organization, he summed up the results of a three-day ministerial conference in Buenos Aires in the past week. There were simply none. The delegates of more than 160 countries from around the globe failed to reach any new agreements in the face of stinging U.S. criticism of the WTO and vetoes from other countries. At the end, they were not even able to agree on a joint communique. And a further blow could strike in the coming week when Republican U.S. lawmakers aim to pass sweeping changes to the tax code which may introduce protectionist measures critics say are at odds with WTO rules. “In retrospect, 2017 could mark the beginning of the end of the rules-based free trade order and the system unraveling,” said Andre Sapir, senior fellow at the Brussels-based think tank Bruegel. He called it a “big worry”. U.S. President Donald Trump, propelled to power by his election promise to put “America First” and protect U.S. workers against what he views as unfair trade practices from China and others, has weakened the…