Trump takes aim at vaccines, names Robert F. Kennedy Jr. head of new commission to expose dangers of mercury preservative (Thimerosal) Natural News – January 11, 2017 by: Mike Adams Tags: autism, CDC, commission, Cover-Up, Donald Trump, ingredients, mercury toxicity, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., side effects, Thimerosal, vaccine safety (NaturalNews) After taking aim at Big Pharma’s monopoly profits earlier today, President-elect Donald Trump is going right for the throat of the corrupt, criminally run vaccine industry by naming Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as head of a new commission to study “vaccine safety.” This is the beginning of the implosion of the decades-long vaccine cover-up conspiracy run by the CDC, FDA, a corrupt federal government, criminally-run vaccine manufacturers and a complicit “fakestream media” that prints whatever the CDC tells them to print. (See detailed infographic below that outlines the many players in this massive criminal conspiracy that targets children.) Here, I’m give you an overview of RFK and his position on vaccines, Thimerosal, neurotoxicity and the latest established science. First, however, review these indisputable facts about vaccines as background. (RELATED: Stay informed on the truth about vaccines at Eleven indisputable facts about vaccines that the lying “fakestream media” won’t tell you Indisputable Fact #1) Vaccines given to children in the United States still contain mercury (Thimerosal), a potent neurotoxin. Anyone who argues that Thimerosal is not a neurotoxin may have already been brain damaged by it. (The science is overwhelming and irrefutable.) Indisputable Fact #2) All forms of…
What deal did Donald Trump make with Goldman Sachs? Jan12 by Jon Rappoport [Jon Rappoport is a great analyst but a lousy mentor. I cover his lack of wisdom here.] Wall Street On Parade (January 9) details the boggling Goldman Sachs presence on Trump’s team. My comments will follow the list of names.“Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin, a 17-year veteran of Goldman Sachs to be his Treasury Secretary.” “Stephen Bannon, another former Goldman Sachs banker, was named by Trump as his Chief Strategist in the White House.” “The sitting President of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn, has been named by Trump as Director of the National Economic Council, which, according to its website, coordinates ‘policy-making for domestic and international economic issues’.” “…Trump nominated a Goldman Sachs outside lawyer, Jay Clayton of Sullivan & Cromwell, to serve as Wall Street’s top cop as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.” “…Clayton’s wife currently works as a Vice President at Goldman Sachs.” “According to Politico, Goldman Sachs partner, Dina Powell, President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, is Ivanka’s ‘top adviser on policy and staffing’.” “Then there is Erin Walsh who had worked at Goldman Sachs since 2010 as an Executive Director and head of its Office of Corporate Engagement for Asia Pacific…Walsh is now part of Trump’s transition landing team for the State Department and is engaged in prepping the just retired CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, for his Senate confirmation hearing this week to become the Secretary of the Department of…
Stephen Bannon? David Friedman? Zionist Trump Supports Israeli Expansionism and Genocide By Ray Songtree, Nov 22, 2016 (Updated Dec 24, 2016) “The only [candidate] that’s going to give real support to Israel is me,” said Donald Drumpf. “The rest of them are all talk, no action. They’re politicians. I’ve been loyal to Israel from the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me.” – This December the nations in UN voted to condemn Israeli illegal settlements in Palestine. The US had power to veto the resolution, but did not. PM Netanyahu freaked out. His office stated: “Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms.” Trump showed his hand. In response to USA not vetoing the anti-settlement resolution, President-elect Trump tweeted… In other words, Trump will support settlements (as his son-in-law does), which are illegal and justify genocide by Israel, as we are about to explore in this article and study guide. * Stephen Bannon is now Trump’s new White House chief strategist and senior counselor. Bannon had helped produce a documentary movie from the book Clinton Cash, which may yet put Hillary and Bill Clinton in jail for some of their many crimes. However, despite Trump’s call for accountability during his campaign for President, and his rallies where supporters chanted “LOCK HER UP,” he has quickly backed off idea of pursuing prosecution of Hillary. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton are good friends, after…
If students are no longer tracked by ipads, google docs and federal profiling, then the global regime will be knocked back. Local control that includes this tracking is not sincere. – Ray Songtree Trump’s education secretary pick plans to get rid of Common Core standards By Mary Kay Linge December 11, 2016 Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education, will put the brakes on the contentious Common Core standards if she is confirmed by the Senate. “It’s time to make education great again in this country,” she said at a Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Friday. “This means letting states set their own high standards and finally putting an end to the federalized Common Core.” DeVos, a prominent Republican donor and the former head of the Michigan GOP, is known as a charter-school advocate and a booster of school choice and education vouchers. DeVos’ five-minute speech echoed her new boss’s stance. “The answer isn’t bigger government — it’s local control, it’s listening to parents, and it’s giving more choices,” she said. Advocates on both sides of the bruising battle over the federalized education standards said they were cautiously optimistic about the incoming administration’s position. “I’m happy to hear it,” said Michael Reilly, president of Community Education Council 31 in Staten Island, “but I’ve heard this kind of rhetoric in the past from both sides of the aisle.” “We still see the measurement of our schools tied to testing,” Reilly said. “Until we…
I first posted this in May 2016. Now that Trump is President, will he fulfill or betray the promises he made? May 2016… Any candidate would be better than career criminal, rapist, and murderer, Hillary Clinton, however anyone who thinks Donald Trump or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg are independent entrepreneurs need to do more research. – Ray Songtree Donald Drumpf – Illuminati Jew December 29, 2015 Left, Donald and his father Fred with Masonic/Brotherhood of Death hand-over-hand Skull and Bones (“X”) Signal. The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the Occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. A lot of people who should know better, like the two Kevins, Barrett & MacDonald, think Donald Trump is some kind of saviour. Barrett even thinks Trump will bring the perpetrators of 9-11 to trial. The article below reveals Donald Trump is a longstanding member of the satanic Masonic Jewish conspiracy that afflicts society: “Donald Trump is nothing less than a sideshow and a counterfeit medieval medicine man offering cheap miracle and ILLUSIONARY fixes for America’s problems here and abroad.” Jewish opposition is designed to give Trump credibility, as in the banker coup ruse of 1932. Illuminati credo: “A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was…
San Francisco teachers union offers Trump lesson plan The anti-trump protests were organized by which is funded by Jewish Globalist George Soros. Meanwhile an exit poll showed that Hispanics there voted overwhelmingly for Trump. . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco’s public schools have been offered a classroom lesson plan that calls President-elect Donald Trump a racist, sexist man who became president “by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base.” [Is the call for secure borders racism? Was Hillary’s husband, a serial rapist, not sexist? And Hillary herself?] The union that represents city teachers posted the plan on its website and distributed it via an email newsletter to its more than 6,000 members. The school district has more than 57,000 students. It is unclear how many teachers have used the plan outlined by a Mission High School teacher, but it appears to have the tacit support of city education officials. School district spokeswoman Gentle Blythe said the plan is optional and not part of the official curriculum. “Educators are entrusted to create lessons that reflect the California standards, support students’ social and emotional well-being and foster inclusive and safe school communities,” she said in a statement that neither praised nor rebuked the lesson plan. San Francisco schools serve diverse populations and teachers are encouraged to include multiple perspectives in lessons, she said. The Republican Party in San Francisco reacted sharply. “It’s inappropriate on every level,” said Harmeet Dhillon, an RNC committeewoman from California. She called…
Until people understand the new world order, we will keep thinking that funded movements for over a century are organic natural evolution involving independent players. The opposite is true. Women’s Suffrage is great example. We would have never heard of these few protestors unless the media at the time had promoted them. The media was by then controlled by Rothschilds (since the Yellow Press days of Spanish American War.) JP Morgan bought up editorial rights to 25 leading US newspapers in 1915. The Suffragettes were funded IF they would support World War I, the opposite of their first beliefs. We can be certain they were promoted also in New Zealand, where some women are still proud to be puppets of the elite. Guess who paid for the banner? Please take the time to listen to entire 8 minutes video below. He discloses the reasons Women’s Vote was pushed forward and goes into mandatory implanted chips that will replace cash. Einstein, for another example, was a plagiarist, not a Jewish genius. “Genius” Albert Einstein was created by the Rothschilds to advance Zionism and exalt Jews. While Jews are 2% of population, 22% of Noble prizes have gone to Jews, to promote Zionism. All venues have been long co-opted, but the internet, while it is still free, has offered a collective perspective which is rapidly busting the conspiracy. If someone is famous, they were placed. “If it is covered up, it is true.” So lets see who funded these bused in…
Letter On 11/6/2016 at 1:31 PM, “A wrote: Marina Abramovic, who is a satanist but claims what she does has artistic merit, performs satanic rituals and socializes with John Podesta and his brother (according to Wikileaks), in the article below mentions Dalai Lama and Tibetan Lineage Buddhist teachers as her major influence… My reaction is Marina sounds like a new age style person and how dangerous it is that some people have the inclination to twist and dissect original Buddhist teachings into whatever suits them superficially. I know very little about Dalai Lama but he does not strike me as someone who can be a mentor of a satanist. . Ray Songtree wrote Dear A, Very quickly, as I understand it now, there are two occult threads being used by globalists. The purpose of the alien agenda which is thousands of years old now, is to destroy everything natural within human values, even loyalty to virtue. The aggressive race toward AI and destruction of indigenous cultures is very much part of alien effort. One part of thread is Brahmanistic coming out of India/Tibet and the other Jewish Kaballah. Another thread I know little about is the demonic stuff in Vatican. Satanists bend these traditions to break any tie to virtue or golden rule. So they hate Jesus, they hate Buddha. They only like channeled scripts like Judaism, Islam, Sanskrit. “If it is channeled, it is not natural,” is a good rule of thumb. I just learned that Goddess Pele…
Unfortunately, the main stream news spins any controversy to dis-inform public. Now we know why Obama is so afraid of Trump. Scatch a lie, find a thief… Trump: Obama is now ‘caught up’ in Clinton’s ‘big’ email lie By Gabby Morrongiello • 10/25/16 5:02 PM Washington Examiner Newly released emails that suggest President Obama may have been aware of Hillary Clinton‘s private email server prove that he is “caught up” in the Democratic presidential hopeful’s “big lie,” Donald Trump said Tuesday. “As you may remember, President Obama claimed to have no knowledge whatsoever of Hillary Clinton‘s illegal email server,” the Republican presidential hopeful told his supporters at a rally in Sanford, Fla. “‘I have no knowledge of it. I don’t know,’” Trump said, mocking Obama. “This guy, he’s as bad as she is.” Trump described the emails between Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, Cheryl Mills, and several top campaign staffers as “one of the most shocking revelations to date” regarding the president’s knowledge of his secretary of state’s unsecured email server. Stay abreast of the latest developments from nation’s capital and beyond with curated News Alerts from the Washington Examiner news desk and delivered to your inbox. Hours after Obama told CBS News on March 7, 2015 that he had learned about Clinton’s server “the same time everybody else learned it through news reporters,” Mills wrote to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta: “We need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do…
The Jesuit gathering of the New World Order after the third presidential debate was not covered by main stream media. The video entitled “Hillary Roasts Trump” from this gathering received over 1.3 million views as of this post. I suggest reading the article below and watching these two videos far bottom and asking what you really expect from this election? Listen to what Trump says starting at minute 19 of lower video. Is Trump playing a game or busting the game? There was a whole movement of people believing in Saint Sanders, who has been silent about the nomination being stolen from him. How many people think Trump is a legitimate alternative? I myself am not sure. Listen to video far bottom. He is getting booed by the elite. Listen and ask. For myself, Hillary defends well known false flag attacks, killed 80 people at WACO, raped Cathy O’Brien, was a puppet groomed from school years and placed in Life Magazine, attended witch meetings for years, defended rapists, including her husband, [and here], and was involved with drug running and murder in Arkansas. So I am one of those people that definitely hopes career criminal and killer Hillary Clinton is not elected and is thrown in jail. But who is Donald Trump? And who is Jesuit and CFR VP candidate Tim Kaine, very likely the president soon because of Hillary’s poor health if she is elected? Below 1 minute video. In fact, in above video, she is defending three false…
There are no innuendos in this video, just historical facts. This only covers her civil crimes. For her defense of serial rapist husband, her rape of sex slave women, her drug dealing and murders see this link.
Donald Trump Speech Aug 15, 2016 in Ohio, the video [click to see] Video begins with Mr 911 – Mr. Israel, Rudolf Giuliani who introduces VP Pence. Minute 32, Giuliani lies about 9/11 and blames Muslims. As any student of 9/11 knows, it was indeed an inside job and half the alleged hijackers are still alive. Giuliani says Mike Pence helped draft Patriot Act. !!! Then he says Trump/Pence are anti – Washington DC corruption and for the truth! This means that the Bush > Obama regime will continue with Trump. No change. Same military and domestic actions based on false flag lies. 38:50 Mike Pence blames “enemies” for 9/11. However, many of the alleged hijackers are still alive! 38:10 Pence backs up the fake Shanksville 9/11 crash 40, America needs to be strong to keep the world safe!!! “America will command the respect of world” Command? Trump starts speaking minute 42 . Here we get a glimpse of how HE might read the teleprompter as President … 42 lists false flag attacks to justify his claim America isn’t safe! In other words, he is continuing the Obama campaign of creating excuses for aggressive actions. 44 lists foreign false flag attacks by NATO and Israeli funded ISIS. The long list just means he is subscribing to the lies and will never question them. He is owned. 47 “We cannot let this evil continue.” Since he knows he is lying, it means he is consciously engaged in double speak. He…