[Below are excerpts from article. The article seems to not understand that both Obama and Trump are insiders. Obama is a mind controlled CIA manchurian candidate, and Trump is a Jewish member of the club.] A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences https://thesaker.is/a-multi-level-analysis-of-the-us-cruise-missile-attack-on-syria-and-its-consequences/ 82580 Views April 11, 2017 442 Comments The latest US cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase is an extremely important event in so many ways that it is important to examine it in some detail. I will try to do this today with the hope to be able to shed some light on a rather bizarre attack which will nevertheless have profound consequences. But first, let’s begin by looking at what actually happened. The pretext: I don’t think that anybody seriously believes that Assad or anybody else in the Syrian government really ordered a chemical weapons attack on anybody. To believe that it would require you to find the following sequence logical: first, Assad pretty much wins the war against Daesh which is in full retreat. Then, the US declares that overthrowing Assad is not a priority anymore (up to here this is all factual and true). Then, Assad decides to use weapons he does not have. He decides to bomb a location with no military value, but with lots of kids and cameras. Then, when the Russians demand a full investigation, the Americans strike as fast as they can before this idea gets any…
President Trump broke 48 hours of Twitter silence Saturday with a series of tweets that included praise for US service members involved in Friday’s attack on a Syrian airbase. “Congratulations to our great military men and women for representing the United States, and the world, so well in the Syria attack,” Trump tweeted at 10:54 a.m. “The world”? That is a globalist statement. Then, does the US military answer to and represent “the world?” And who would “the world” be? Does that world include a sovereign Syria? Trump’s tweets supposedly come from him. If so, he is now thinking like a globalist and deploying US military as world’s policeman, exactly as he denounced 11 months ago. “One of the reasons we’re a debtor nation: We spend so much on the military, but the military isn’t for us,” he said. “The military is to be policeman for other countries.” The following article explores Trump’s very possible Jewish blood. Donald Drumf not only supports Jewish causes like Greater Israel, he may in fact be Jewish. Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Jewish That Would Explain A Great Deal… via Jim Kirwan 4-9-17 – http://www.rense.com/general96/trumpjewish.htm In his biography The Art of the Deal, Trump lied about his grandfather’s country of origin, stating it was Sweden instead of Germany. So if you think these people wouldn’t lie about their ancestry, you need to explain that whopper. Trump was brought up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, which has a large Jewish…
Here’s a compilation of news stories from just the last few days on the Russians/Trump saga as it all unwinds. (- email from friend Ted Howard) Trump Surveillance & Russian Hack stories First two background stories that published on Fri, Mar 24: 1) From the man who invented the term “deep state” must listen background on the CIA and intelligence surveillance in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNqDAYWYFuQ starts at 5 min in. PETER DALE SCOTT: DEEP STATE & THE CIA MEDIA MATRIX! 2) From whence it all came. What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google As usual, the rabbit hole gets much deeper the more you look. In yesterday’s post, Credibility of Cyber Firm that Claimed Russia Hacked the DNC Comes Under Serious Question, I examined how CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC to look into its hacking breach, had been exposed as being completely wrong about a separate attack it claimed originated from the same group it claimed broke into DNC systems, and supposedly works for Russia’s military intelligence unit, GRU. Here’s some of what we learned [see article for details]…Seems like pretty extraordinary incompetence. Either that, or something else was potentially at play; namely, a desire to push the narrative that Russia hacked the DNC, irrespective of the facts. The whole things gets even more disturbing the more you look. For example, Counterpunch put out a very important article earlier today on the topic, adding several crucial…
“He Won Because The Elites Want Him There, The Global Economy Will Collapse” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-10/he-won-because-elites-want-him-there-global-economy-will-collapse Though Trump’s election was a great victory/rebuke over the dictates and controls of the financial oligarchy that own and run this nation, SHTFPlan.com’s Mac Salvo warns, the American people are not out of the woods yet. Quietly but constantly in the background of the entire Obama Administration, the Federal Reserve’s stimulus program that combined unlimited QE with zero percent interest rates has absolutely wrecked this country and its economic stability. The system as we know it cannot be sustained. Yellen and co. have been simply waiting for the right time to let the other shoe drop – namely, after it could influence the election even further in the direction of Trump’s populist uprising. Unfortunately, he will now be largely blamed for the great destruction that is scheduled to fall upon this nation. In fact, that is the very reason that Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com attributed to Trump’s victory when he predicted his election many months ago. Something big is coming… prepare yourselves accordingly. How Alt-Market Predicted Trump’s Win Months in Advance: “He won because the elites WANT HIM THERE, the global economy WILL collapse” Authored by Melissa Dykes via The Daily Sheeple, While many of us in the alternative media and especially those researchers of Clinton crimes are breathing a big fat sigh of relief that anybody but Hillary is headed to the White House in 2017, Brandon Smith of Alt Market is warning us…
Apparently Trump is starting with present crimes of Obama rather than dig through a life time of crime. Health Dept. Loretta Fuddy was murdered here in Hawaii to cover up what she knew about Obama’s fake birth certificate, something Trump has known about and spoke about. No one else in plane crash was even injured. A camera man filmed entire event rather than worry about his own life. http://www.westernjournalism.com/shocking-allegations-loretta-fuddy-paid-cover-obama/ If anyone has not read about Obama’s CIA agent family and CIA upbringing, see this link. (This post does not go into his war crimes in Libya, Syria, Yemen nor the fake Bin Laden death and murder of the Navy Seals who allegedly killed Bin Laden who was already dead, nor the murder of their commander.) email from friend…. I wonder if Trump can /will unseal his records…..Obama’s very first executive order!! Very telling. When will the truth about Obama be disclosed??? He will have a long, long fall for his treachery and deceit. https://conservativedailypost.com/ghost-columbia-university-no-students-professors-saw-met-heard/ “I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not even a video greeting. Not a personalized letter to his classmates. Nothing. But worse, no one at our 30th reunion ever met him. The President of the United States is the ghost of Columbia University.” ***** Obama’s first act as President EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 banning release of any of his records Federation of American…
Regarding The Stunning Change In President Trump’s Speech Reversals Some Things To Consider By Jeff Rense 3-4-17 Thanks to all for your comments. It would be good to remember a few things. David Oates spent over a year and a half following and doing a tremendous amount of work on Trump [speech] reversals. No one in his 34 years has ever been as spectacularly congruent as was Trump. His vision, patriotism and love of country have been utterly spectacular. Whether someone is being interviewed or reading a prepared script, the subconscious speaks its truth. The reversals [which reveal the subconscious] are what they are. It’s up to you to decide what you think they mean. David Oates has never experienced anything like the change in Trump’s [speech] reversals and made that very clear in the program. [embedded youtube video below] Look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with. From Establishment King Priebus to CFR McMasters (who told Trump not to use the phrase ‘radical Islam’) to Kushner who runs the Mossad desk in the White House and is nearly always shadowing the President literally within arm’s distance… there are few ‘outsiders’. The reversals suggest a deeply conflicted, troubled President Trump…something never seen or heard in over a year and a half of previous reverse speech analysis. That’s a fact. If he has been subjugated by the NWO Rothschild Zionist Bolshevik Globalists, one would expect exactly the kind of unprecedented and strange reversals that came pouring out of Trump which…
Foster Gamble joins many in liking Trump. Video interview below. Hillary Clinton is a career criminal and is loved by the corrupt swamp of media and government, so I myself prefer Trump also, who amazingly is keeping his campaign promises, however… As my readers know, free energy translates to the endless environmental impact statement, extremely sick. The idea that a tech can help nature is about as stupid as saying a GMO human is a good idea. Who will regulate free energy? Well, an enlightened one world government, of course! Who will decide who is enlightened? Well, aliens of course! Now some may think I am being sarcastic about aliens because you might think we are alone in universe. We aren’t, and our civilization is built on ET tech. If you think David Icke is crazy, see this six minute video. Ecologically illiterate people all over the map don’t understand why I would care about the Earth Mother. Human supremacists can’t imagine that there are millions of other species who don’t need humans at all. In the supremacist mind, nature is for post cards and vacations. Nature is what humans will manage, because might makes right, and since we think we can improve upon millions of years of natural balance, we damn well should! As a side line, the channeled entity Ramtha has come out in favor of Trump and has said Trump will be protected… http://www.rse-newsletter.com/2017/01/ramthas-prediction-of-ufos-and-president-trumps-plane/ Last December 8, 2016, Ramtha Predicted that UFOs Would Trail President Trump’s Plane…
Mirror of original article. Breaking: Mike Adams and Alex Jones Taken Down by Google / CIA Prior to Big Event: Trump Needs to Beware Thursday, February 23, 2017 by: Mike Adams http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-23-breaking-mike-adams-and-alex-jones-taken-down-by-google-cia-prior-to-big-event-trump-needs-to-beware.html [Interview on Youtube far bottom.] (Natural News) Late last night, I recorded an emergency interview with Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show. In that 45-minute interview, I revealed why I think the Google / CIA “take down” of InfoWars and Natural News is a prelude to a massive event being planned to take out President Trump. This morning, Hodges posted the following story at this original link on his website: (I have added one clarification note, but the rest is all original from Dave Hodges) The censorship of the Independent Media has begun in earnest by Jeff Bezos and Google. On my last radio show (2/19), Mike Adams revealed that he was contacted and was told “We will pay you $50,000 to provide us with damaging information against Alex Jones. If you do not help us, we will destroy you”. In the PM on February 22, 2017, Mike Adams reached out to me and informed me that Google’s search engines have removed all 140,000 pages of content from Natural News (www.naturalnews.com). If the reader puts Natural News in the Google search engine, it comes back as Natural.News. This is Mike’s back up site which is a shell of his original site. Given the time proximity between the attempt to blackmail Mike Adams and Google’s takedown of…
Watergating Trump in 2017 Trump, Watergate, Nixon, Rockefeller: the real lesson —Two very different men, two very different presidents, Trump and Nixon; but the real reasons for attacking them are the same— […. same according to Jon Rappoport. The reasons are different. Nixon was a threat to the direction wanted by “world order”, while Trump is wake up for resistance to globalists. Brackets are mine- Ray Songtree] by Jon Rappoport Watergate eventually [was spun to] became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president. Nixon. Try to think of another major story in your lifetime where the reporters themselves took center stage, and in the process nearly eclipsed their own work. Odd. [And fake, Jon will show.] One of them, Bob Woodward, expanded his fame. The powers-that-be permitted him to go on and, with extraordinary access, write books criticizing future presidents. Woodward became the in-house [CIA] attack dog. Mr. Limited Hangout. The other reporter, Carl Bernstein, faded into relative obscurity. Well, after all, he began exposing many journalists’ connections to the CIA. That wasn’t a productive career move. It was, perhaps, a case of him biting the CIA hand that, without his knowledge, had fed him during his Watergate investigation. [to take down Nixon. The CIA serves the Rothschilds, not the US government under elected leaders.] What Woodward and Bernstein didn’t know, during Watergate, was this: On the mega-corporate front, the Rockefeller proposal for world control—“free trade, no tariffs”—was advancing toward fruition,…
Former Democrat Presidential Candidate/Congressman Kucinich Gives Warning on Michael Flynn’s Forced Resignation: Trump Administration Under Attack from Treasonous Deep State Elements in Intelligence Community – Hillary sides with Pizzagate. 8 minute video
I’ve posted this article because it gives an excellent summary of the issues and is neither pro nor against Trump. – Ray Songtree Is Trump’s Agenda Starting to Show “Shades of Brown”? The Million Dollar Question By Peter Koenig January 31, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – Where is Mr. Trump coming from and where is he going to? What is really on his agenda, what is trustworthy, and what is sheer farce and eventually killed by its own weight of controversy? – While out there, the different agenda items are spun around by the presstitute as anti-Trump and pro-establishment propaganda. Left and right do no longer exist. The so-called liberal elitist intellectual ‘left’ has sold its soul to the neocons, they may not even realize to what extent. The benefits they cash-in have blinded them to the disaster politics being propagated by the globalist-Atlantists. They are now fully in the realm of the Neocon crony directed western mass-media. After all, the lush western comfort zone is difficult to leave – while it lasts; key sentence – ‘while it lasts’. Thereafter the deluge – which may mean eradication of life on earth as we know it. In comes Trump, thinking he doesn’t need the establishment; a multi-billionaire who doesn’t need the approval or the money from the establishment. In a symbolic gesture, he renounced his salary as President of the United States. – If it only were that simple. In a historic move, President Trump has signed in the first ten…
Common Core Confusion – Is Trump sincere? I don’t get it. Who is this Betsy DeVos person really? Her full statement on common core is now a blank page http://www.betsydevos.com/qa/ Both these articles are revealing, the second is out right alarming for me. The most insidious thing about Common Core is it is set up to track and profile students, with tests that are tailored to how the student answers, which leads to a new answer… that is , there is no standardized test and all answers go on a permanent profile which includes psychologically profiling student… for life… in a data dossier. I don’t want electronic testing! Betsy DeVos clarifies stance on Common Core after being … As speculation swirled Tuesday that DeVos might snag the top education job, conservative opponents of Common Core began to warn Trump away from DeVos. Betsy DeVos as education secretary: What you need to know … Like Rhee, DeVos has adamantly supported Common Core. She’s even a board member of Jeb Bush’s Common Core-supporting education foundation (and one of its biggest … Save Save
Let’s begin with excerpts of an article from officially fake news Washington Post, once run by CIA Katherine Graham (and here) but now run by CIA and Bilderberger, Jeff Bozes. He is also owner of Amazon which has a $600 million contract to provide the CIA with cloud computing services. (And here and here) For those who don’t understand the CIA’s role in social engineering, check out Gloria Steinem’s long career as a CIA agent, and the CIA funding of Ms. Magazine. (I covered this extensively in Vol. 1) The CIA, under fake news Brennan was anti-Trump and pro coverup Clinton, who as a career criminal has been lying all her life. In below excerpts, CIA Washington Post promoted the Women’s March as an anti-Trump event, encouraging women to be anti-Trump after his election. Most of the women hating Trump will discover he is their best friend, if, and only if, he fulfills his promise on ending Common Core Curriculum as he kept his promise on TPP. Excuse me. I’ve changed my mind. I’ll start this article with excerpt and images about Trumps campaign manager, you know, one of those humans who are discriminated against by “misogynist” Donald Trump. I am a skeptic, so I have to hope she was not placed in this position as a poster child. “Conway met Trump in 2006, when she was living in one of his buildings, according to the Washington Post. She even served on the condo board of the Trump World Tower in…
Donald Trump’s first speech for his inauguration on Jan 20, 2017 set a marked departure from the Globalism that overtook the White House more than 50 years ago. Perhaps a little review of presidential history will highlight the sea change which Trump potentially represents, but which his speech reveals, may be convoluted at best. Although I view Trump as a blind member of our unsustainable and manipulated civilization, I do support him. The naming of Robert Kennedy Jr to head an investigation of vaccine safety will put many CDC administrators in jail, and we can believe that someone like Kennedy, who had his own father and uncle murdered by the “World Order”, will be unrelenting. Big Pharma Shaking as Trump Appoints Top Vaccine Truth Advicate Robert Kennedy Jr … I very much support Trump on many domestic issues, but there is a bigger picture. A little background that we didn’t get in school I won’t go into all the shenanigans of the first half of the last century’s litany of treason. The reader may examine here, how President Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed to give over the financial future of the nation to a group of foreign bankers by signing in the Federal Reserve Act, passed in Congress over Christmas holiday in 1913, when few Congressmen were present. Trump has backed Rand Paul’s new January 2017 Bill to audit the FED, for the first time in a century. The un-American Globalist take over of U.S. became more accelerated with the…
Open letter to HAPA, Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action You are joining in “Day of Resistance” on inauguration day! . 4:00pm: Converge at Waikiki Gateway Park 5:00pm: March to Trump Tower, then along Kalakaua Avenue toward Waikiki Shell . What are you resisting? The end of the good old boy’s club? How stupid! Hillary Clinton should be in prison for war crimes as well as her part in many other deaths starting with her time running drugs in Arkansas. Search it online. Obama is the only president in US history to be at war everyday of his 8 years, bombing 7 countries. Liars Obama and Hillary blame Russia for the rejection by the American people of their globalist disenfranchising programs. Hillary cheated Sanders of 13 state primary wins. Research it. In the presidential election, Trump won over 3000 counties. Hillary won 57. Women should be cheering that the wife of a serial rapist has now been rejected. Bill Cosby is in jail. Why not Bill Clinton? It is because the swamp of corruption protects the Clintons. Ask Cathy O’Brien about being raped by Hillary Clinton. Find her on Youtube. Have you not heard about Clinton chief John Podesta’s involvement in pedophilia? Search “Podesta pedophile” and learn. So what are you resisting? Perhaps you are on the wrong side of history and are still dumbed down by CNN? Trump has named Robert Kennedy Jr. to head the fraud investigation surrounding vaccines. Heads will roll. Of course Kennedy…
Letter Jan 19, 2017 N, This is my experience, and my mom’s experience. Psychologists are lost in the head and are neither actualized nor grounded simply because they are too disconnected to have a spiritual practice. Freud was a Rothschild minion helping divide and conquer the mind for MK-ultra and advertising. When you think Freud, think Edward Bernays, his nephew. Freud was also a coke-head pervert and psychology followed suit. I wonder if this Dr. Albrecht has stood up to American Psychology Association syndrome of naming syndromes, and how it is used to persecute and jail and torture dissidents and force society into a straight jacket. Has he spoken up against Common Core Curriculum? I found nothing on web. Has he protested Ritalin? Backlash – Adhd Lawsuits | PBS – Medicating Kids | FRONTLINE … The Ritalin lawsuits may be the next class action … Jersey who have taken the drug Ritalin.” … accusing the American Diabetes Association of conspiring … pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/medicating/ba Though he has specialized in defining intelligence, he must believe his designations and be stuck there if he has not posted articles on the vanity of mapping anything. Trump is not a simple as he seems. His choice of RFK Jr to investigate the CDC should make every truther sit up on edge of seat. Kennedy brings knowledge and passion to exposing all false flag events. (I doubt Albrecht knows what a false flag is.) The entire cabal is probably freaking out, and I am now a believer…
The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy By Robert David Steele January 08, 2017 Defense Intelligence Norway President Barack Obama is stuck between false flag operations and political circus? ” I am deeply offended by the lies being told by the US Government – and more specifically, by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the explicit approval of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the President – with respect to the Russians “hacking” the US election. Robert David Steele, Intelligence expert – I am reminded of the 935 now-documented lies told by Dick Cheney to justify a $5 trillion war and multiple occupations from Afghanistan to Niger – or in more Nordic terms, the falsification by the Swedish military, in collaboration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA, of a Russian submarine that never existed, allegedly “invading” Swedish waters. As a CIA spy, I have faked intelligence, lied to government leaders, and managed a modest false flag operation (no one died). This is what CIA does. I accuse John Brennan, Director of the CIA, of being a liar who is in betrayal of the public trust with his lies. The most recent DHS-FBI report – and related reports from small companies seeking to curry favor with the Deep State – are absolute crap. Image Left: Robert David Steele I was the author of the first letter to the…
Kushner Foundation Bankrolls Radical Jewish West Bank Settlers Judy Maltz (Haaretz) December 5, 2016 In recent years, the parents of Jared Kushner – the son-in-law and trusted confidant of President-elect Donald Trump – have donated tens of thousands of dollars to organizations and institutions located in the West Bank settlements, according to their tax forms. The U.S. State Department has long held that the settlements are an impediment to peace. During the election campaign, however, Trump’s key advisers on Israel challenged this position. On average, the family donates a few million dollars a year to charitable causes through the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation, tax forms for the years 2010 through 2014 show. The average donation is typically in the range of $5,000 to $10,000. Jared Kushner – as well as his brother and two sisters – sits on the board of his parents’ family foundation, which was created in 1997. Is Jared Kushner on the Verge of Becoming Donald Trump’s ‘De Facto President’? Marisa Fox-Bevilacqua (Haaretz) November 27, 2016\ Among organizations and institutions in the West Bank that receive funding from the Kushner family, the leading beneficiary is American Friends of Beit El Yeshiva. Located in one of the more hard-line, ideological settlements, Beit El Yeshiva received $20,000 from the Kushner family in 2013. The president of American Friends of Beit El Yeshiva, whose offices are located in Forest Hills, New York, is David Friedman, Trump’s senior adviser on Israel affairs. Friedman, who has served as Trump’s…
Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald Discuss Deep State War Vs. Trump, While Ex-Spook Hints At Assassination by ZeroPointNow Jan 13, 2017 6:48 PM Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who is not a fan of President-elect Trump, appeared on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the dangerous ongoing effort among powerful anti-Trump factions within the US Government’s “Deep State,” who have collaborated with members of the Democratic Party and the traditionally liberal media to inflict maximum damage on the incoming President. Recall Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s ominous “six ways from Sunday” comment from 10 days ago. Greenwald, an accomplished litigator, journalist, and author, does a masterful job illustrating the players, motives, and potential fallout from this dangerous effort within the US Government’s intelligence apparatus. Greenwald goes deep, discussing how Trump’s election ruined the plan for regime change in Syria, specifically mentioning, among other things, that the deep state was waiting for Obama to leave office before executing their plan: The number one foreign policy priority of the CIA over the last four to five years has been the proxy war they’re waging in Syria to remove Bashar Al Assad – and Hillary Clinton was quite critical of Obama for constraining them. She wanted to escalate that war to unleash the CIA, to impose a no-fly zone in Syria to confront Russia, whereas Trump took the exact opposite position. He said we have no business in Syria trying to change the government, we ought to let the Russia and Assad go free and killing ISIS and Al Quaeda and whoever else…
Is Trump Already Finished? — Paul Craig Roberts January 13, 2017 by Paul Craig Roberts It did not take long before we knew there was no hope of change from President Obama. But at least he went into his inauguration with an unprecedented number of Americans on the Mall showing their support for the President of Change. Hope was abundant. But with Trump, we are already losing faith, if not yet with him, at least with his choice of those who comprise his government even before Trump is inaugurated. Trump’s choice for Secretary of State not only sounds like the neoconservatives in declaring Russia to be a threat to the United States and all of Europe, but also sounds like Hillary Clinton in declaring the South China Sea to be an area of US dominance. One would think that the chaiman of Exxon was not an idiot, but I am no longer sure. In his confirmation hearing, Rex Tillerson said that China’s access to its own South China Sea is “not going to be allowed.” Here is Tillerson’s statement: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that first, the island-building stops, and second, your access to those islands also not going to be allowed.” I mean, really, what is Tillerson going to do about it except get the world blown up. China’s response was as pointed as a response can be: Tillerson “should not be misled into thinking that Beijing will be fearful of threats. If…