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The Myth of Greatness – Why Freedom of Speech is a Delusion

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M I’m sorry you don’t understand me.  I re-read my email and it is perfectly cogent, but I’ll repeat.  We white invaders only had sanctioned and limited free speech because we were ripping off everyone else and were rich enough to have more choices.  Black people and Native Americans NEVER had choices, nor free speech in this country. That is fact.  Did MLK have free speech? America was NEVER “great,” it was, and is still, a big unsustainable rip off.  At no point in our history can we find anything great, so this man is just lost in a trance. It was “greater” than other places that it made poor. It was only “great” in terms of consuming more.  Being “great” was a temporary dominant culture indulgence by some invaders getting obese on the rest of the world’s suffering. That was our pay off as workers for the elite. The immigrants like my ancestors and yours, were used by the capitalists to harvest nature and extract anything, and destroy everything. This started with the first Pilgrims. Please examine the legacy of  “free speech” and ‘greatness” here….. THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING – Manataka American Indian Council REAL . STORY OF THANKSGIVING. by … have written several books on American and Native American … THANKSGIVING STORY. By Chuck Larsen. When the Pilgrims crossed the …    manataka.org/page269.html Native Americans get the chance to tell their side of the … … telling the story of how Europeans raided the area for slaves long…

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Position Paper – Sustainability and Resistance to Globalization

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True sustainability would mean that a population does not erode it’s land base. In a globalized world, all rural areas simply become the extraction base for city people, who are disconnected from stewardship. Thus, in a globalized world, there are no stewards, there are just supply chains and markets and consumers. With a population of non-producers, extraction can only be run by computers because local stewardship has morphed to urban “freedom.” “Freedom” means not being responsible. (“Liberty” means being free to overrun indigenous cultures. Most patriots are still colonizers.  Words like freedom and liberty need to be replaced by words like responsibility and stewardship.) Since local diverse cultures are outside the computer model, they are obstacles to efficiency. In fact, this exactly is why Facebook is sending wireless drones, and why World Bank is pushing Early Childhood Initiative, upon indigenous peoples. It is to destroy them, so there is nothing in the way of centralization. At same time, migrants are used to destroy national loyalties. The goal is “one big happy family” of disconnected globalized slaves. Diversity is difficult to manage, so diversity becomes the enemy of centralization. Because nature is diverse, nature too is the enemy. GMO crops are more predictable. Even human nature is the enemy of centralization, because human nature wants connection, not powerless disconnection. Human nature is being attacked psychologically with Common Core Curriculum and a gender free non-ethic. Full spectrum dominance means anything natural must be converted to efficiently managed units, including you and I,…

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What Would a Positive Future Look Like?

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Since centralization seems to concentrate corruption, the solution is de-centralization.  Since globalization is meant to create one world government and mono-culture, the opposite, re-localization, might return us to local sovereignty and diversity.  Notice the name of this organization is not “Our Future” but Local Futures, plural. -Ray Songtree  Sign up here for Dec 9th WEBINAR by Local Futures http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/857593/d73396de66/1620022255/75e75e9cdc/   November/December 2015 Website     Events     Store     About Us Globalization, Free Trade, and our new Going Local Webinar The International Alliance for Localization (IAL) In our last update we issued an open invitation to join the International Alliance for Localization (IAL) – a new cross-cultural network of groups and individuals focused on resistance, renewal, and radically new visions of development and progress. The response has exceeded our most optimistic expectations.  In less than two months, individuals from 28 different countries have joined. These include farmers, teachers, builders, community organizers, environmental stewards, peace activists, homesteaders, students, health workers, business consultants, writers, engineers, artists, radio producers, researchers, and more. Many organizations have also signed up: groups focused on social justice, ecological restoration, spiritual values, sustainable food and farming, holistic education, and policy research and advocacy. Among these are Swadeshi Jagaran Manch  (India); Digo Bikas Institute (Nepal); Localize West Midlands (UK); The Sustainability Institute and Greyton Transition Town (South Africa); Noakhali Rural Development Society (Bangladesh); Centre for Global Justice (Mexico/USA); Gaia Education (UK); Holy Cross International Justice Office (USA); Small Farm Training Center (USA), and many more. This broad-based interest in the…

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Eight Reasons why New World Order Hates Syria – Resists Rothschild Central Bank and Rothschild Israel

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Here is a summary of the Syrian Girl’s reasons:– 1 Syria’s Central Bank is state-owned and state-controlled so as to serve the national economy and the Syrian people, instead of enriching the international banksters of the Western nations and Israel, who force upon almost all nations of the world usurious loans generating artificial debt crises by which these nations are in effect enslaved.  Central Banks are Rothschild Banks 2 Syria has no international Monetary Fund debt. The IMF acts as the debt collection police of the international banksters. Any wise nation stays out of the IMF’s clutches, which is what Syria has succeeded in doing, but the banksters are not happy at all with such wisdom. 3 Syria has banned genetically modified seeds, GMO, or “Franken-food”, because Bashar Assad wants to protect his people’s health. “Franken-food” means food control which means population control. Obviously the NWO favours “Franken-food” (the USA imposed it on conquered Iraq.) 4 Syria’s population is well-informed about the NWO, whose domination of the world’s puppet politicians by its think-tanks and secret societies is openly discussed in Syria’s media and universities. Such openness is anathema to the NWO, which must cover its operations in darkness. 5 Syria has massive oil and gas reserves, and it is working to exploit them independently of the giant Western oil companies like Shell and Texaco. The NWO loves oil, but not oil independence. 6 Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and Israel. In recent years even the base Western media have…

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More Evidence that Israel Intelligence Planned 9/11

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The below videos offer proof Israeli special agents were part of planning of 9/11 attacks. Lower in article are details about the “Israeli Artists / bomb specialists”  who lived in World Trade Center Towers for 4 years preparing for 9/11, including sick drawings they left and photos. Scroll to bottom for many links of documentation. Also see this related article on how Israel spying mechanism controls all data bases. This is a fairly inclusive video on Zionist involvement in 9/11   Thoughts on the WTC “Artists” http://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html A large group of “artists” were given space and construction access to the World Trade Center in the four years leading up to 9/11 I want to call your attention to the artist groups (E-TEAM and GELATIN) who were selected to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) World Views / Studioscape (slow link) programs that allowed them and other artists to work and live in the WTC in the four years leading up to 9/11 on different floors, including 91 and 92 of the North Tower.  Additionally, they were given seven day a week construction access to the WTC that allowed them to freely move all sorts of materials in and out of the complex. (Note: When you give young artists access to a building and work-live space, they’re going figure out everything they can and can’t get away with in there.  I’ve lived in several wild artist buildings and from my experience, once they’re in, they can get anywhere…

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The Economics of Child Abduction and the Elite – David Shurter

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I agree with his conclusions. This is organized from the top. And has the entertainment industry created a culture of lust and abuse or not? As I repeatedly say, we need to examine the corruption/lack of purity of the bottom of the pyramid, all of us,  as well as corruption/lack of purity at the top.  Social engineering has created this market for children, and we allow this.  See lower links and youtube. – Ray The Economics of Child Abduction – by David Shurter Aug 5, 2015     http://davidshurter.com/?p=5285 I have begun to realize that many folks can’t seem to comprehend the money that is made in the exploitation of children and how easy it is to do it. I guess this is because someone getting up to speed on all of this generally is overcome with the morality concerning how wrong it is and thus are never able to consider the economics of the whole thing. Flat out- children are easy to abduct and there is very little anyone is doing to monitor the numbers of the victims involved. The Center for Missing and Exploited Children say that our nations children were disappearing in numbers that exceed 797,500 a year. Granted- some of these reported missing were taken by family members, but that doesn’t constitute the bulk of the missing, and this does not even include those children who are considered “throw aways” and are never reported missing. You also have to consider the fact that law enforcement has a tendency…

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Hiding the Verdict: The 1999 Martin Luther King Civil Trial, Shelby Tennessee

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Controlled Media – The Ultimate Example: Hiding the Truth about the 1999 Martin Luther King Civil Trial by Ray Songtree updated May 31, 2016 The lie continues…. Here is Associated Press report May 19, 2016. Did you know James Earl Ray was exonerated in court, and the government implicated in a conspiracy in the assassination of Martin Luther King? If anyone you know needs convincing that the media and politicians are controlled, this is it.  Not one Black leader will mention who really killed Martin Luther King…  Except Hero Cynthia McKinney … Please read the court transcript below. “But in addition to that, we’re asking you to send a message, send a message to all of those in power, all of those who manipulate justice in this country that you cannot get away with this. Or if you can get away with it, you can only get away with it for so long. Ultimately truth-crushed earth will rise again, and it has risen in this courtroom, ladies and gentlemen.” For 16 years now, the 1999 30 days trial with 70 witnesses has been covered up by our controlled media and controlled culture. James Earl Ray was shown to be an unknowing patsie association with death of Martin Luther King in this 30 day trial in 1999. The King Center used to have a link to the webpage below on their homepage. It is more difficult to find now. The new page is more thorough than in past but is now…

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What is Geoengineering? Why is California Burning Up?

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If you live in western U.S. I strongly suggest you spend some time to study geoengineering. The drought in California is not natural. Forget about global warming and study something in our face right now, geoengineering. Here is one of the top sites on this.   Geoengineeringwatch.org Here is proof from a pilot, that Chemtrails are real. The engineered drought is one tactic being used by globalists to bring about more control through crisis. Yes, it is engineered, which seems impossible.  The upper atmosphere can be heated with certain kinds of frequencies combined with chemtrails sprayed from jets to create high pressure zones and shift the jet stream. This goes way beyond cloud seeding. Here is a new book on the subject.  HAARP, Chemtrails, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Earth   by Elana Freeland   Here is full length video about geoengineering.   and the sequel video  – Why They Are Spraying – full length video here.   Save

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1967: USS Liberty attacked by submarine USS Amberjack – Crew member blows whistle

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1967: USS Liberty attacked by submarine USS Amberjack – Crew member blows whistle https://lipstick-and-war-crimes.org/1967-uss-liberty-attacked-by-submarine-uss-amberjack-crew-member-blows-whistle/ compilation by Ray Songtree Most accounts of the attack on the USS Liberty off the coast of Gaza in 1967 blame the Israelis. Then President Johnson is blamed for abandoning the ship, in order to not embarrass ally Israel for it’s “mistake.” However, Johnson is quoted as saying “I want that goddamn ship going to the bottom! No help, recall the Wings.”  He did not just say, “stay away,” he stated his intention. He wanted the ship to be sunk. The submarine USS Amberjack had escorted the Liberty all the way from West Africa. The Amberjack saw everything that happened, but did not aid the Liberty at all. Also recall that just three years before , the USS Maddox was NOT attacked in Gulf of Tonkin, but U.S. declared war on North Vietnam using the controlled media, claiming there was an attack. For an 8 minute synopsis of what happened on June 8, 1967 and an introduction to false flag attacks, see this next video. Gulf of Tonkin is discussed.  Then we will meet a USS Liberty survivor and hero whistle blower, with new information.   Richard Larry Weaver, who was on the deck of the Liberty when it was attacked almost 50 years ago, has suffered 34 surgeries and still has 60 pieces of shrapnel in his body. He has been in pain for almost 50 years. The Veterans Administration tried to deny him benefits, and…

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There Are No Republicans or Democrats

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There are lots of proofs that both Republican and Democratic parties are just a stage show to waste our time, but this little youtube below demonstrates it in a final way you will never forget. Before we go there, check out the Illuminati pyramid with all seeing eye on top of the Supreme Court Building in Jerusalem, built by Dorothy Rothschild. (The Rothschilds controlled the English Empire and control the central banks of the world. They created the FED through Jacob Schiff who also created NAACP, Anti-defamation League, and Bolshevik revolution. The Roth-efellers  financed Hitler, created The League of Nations, The UN, the Council of Foreign Relations…  Dorothy Rothschild built this building below.) Then, in short youtube below, watch your elected representatives, who are marching to same puppet masters that Israel is marching to.  You don’t have to watch it all, the first few minutes is bad enough.  Is there democracy in USA or justice in Israel?  Use your eyes.  At bottom, meet the man.     Save

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How Power is Controlled- Dr. Sue Arrigo – Sex Slave Survivor Details How CIA Uses War Zones to Harvest Children and Supply Sex Throughout Our Government for Blackmail

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Secrets of the CIA’s Global Sex Slave Industry – Dr. Sue Arrigo Email?  Dr. Sue Arrigo,  June 15, 2007, [unclear] transcribed and edited by Gail Allen Source : http://www.gailallen.com/theo/Secrets-of-the-CIA-Global-Sex-Slave-Industry-by-Dr-Sue-Arrigo.html#form Thank you Gail Allen. As outlined in book Lipstick and War Crimes by Ray Songtree, the elite cannot stay elite without playing the corruption game which means one cannot be a member of the elite without being immoral. Our world is run by the most immoral of all people and that is why sickness is thriving. Illicit and satanic sex is the ticket into the club.  We cannot move ahead to a positive future without exposing and removing this corruption at the top. This is a very important exposé and as a warning, shocking. – Ray     Part I This is the story of how the CIA uses “war zones” to garner kids for the sex slave business. You may have heard how the two companies, DynCorp and Halliburton, were caught trafficking in women during the war in Yugoslavia. Some background on this topic can be found at Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won’t Go Away Please see the Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings video. In these cases, they were importing and trafficking in Russian and East bloc women as sex slaves. I want to talk about the children that are native to any war zone. The CIA did this across Africa, and anywhere they went as a standard part of their operations. The names…

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