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Understanding the Jewish Problem is Only a Problem for New Age Bimbos : The Hebron Shooting : Elor Azaria

Hebron Shooting, see lower part of letter.

On 7/3/2016 at 4:01 AM, “Ed wrote:

I looked him up Jacob Frank. He was born in Germany in 1984. Is that the man you are referring to?

Saying that the Jews created the CIA, and that the Jews today are in control of the CIA, is comparable to saying that Oswald killed Kennedy, and that both the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission Reports are accurate. Your position could very well be used by neo-Nazi groups to create a second Holocaust against the Jews. Please give me a few sentences about Frank Jacob in support of your position; from a source other than Wikipedia.



Before I respond I would like to remind you of the prime coordinate we need to understand our era, and that is deception. In the language of deception, “progress” means destruction of nature and temporary entitlements for the obedient slaves who are conditioned to think that material consumption equals progress. The entitlements are temporary, because as nature is destroyed, so will the lives of the slaves be destroyed. That means you and I and everyone we know. We live in an era of masked destruction.

You looked up the wrong Jacob Frank…. here he is   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Frank  but, this misses the point.

Here are some links. For me, trying to exactly understand the intrigues of 250 years ago is a distraction. We need to move to the present and see what happened after Nathan Rothschild took over Bank of England and sponsored the first attempt at “world order,” the Council of Vienna, which Kissinger wrote his PhD thesis on.

1973: In his book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen states,

“One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers in political history is the Rothschilds were Jewish… ….The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an instrument to try and convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews.

In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities.

Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds of ADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs…

….Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews…   ….The Rothschild empire helped finance Adolf Hitler.””

Here is a good overview in general…  http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Illuminati/conspiracy_too_monstrous.htm

“Max Warburg, brother of Kuhn-Loeb’s Paul Warburg, ran a family financial powerhouse in Frankfort, Germany… The Warburg connection is reported to have helped the Axis powers financially. At the end of the war in 1919, the Treaty of Versailles meetings were attended by Rothschild connected men like Paul and Max Warburg, John Foster Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb), Colonel [Edward Mandell] House, Thomas Lamont (of JP Morgan) and Allen Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb). The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles totally set the stage for World War II.”
– David Smith

Ed, Do you understand that John Foster Dulles worked for Rothschilds to draft treaty of Versailles?  The delegation from America included Paul Warburg whose family intermarried with Rothschilds just the year before.

“Mr. Lucien Wolfe says on page 408 of his “Essays in Jewish History” “A small group of other distinguished Jews appear as signatories of the Peace Treaty.  The Treaty of Versailles is signed for France by Louis Klotz.  (He was afterwards implicated in shady financial transactions and retired from public life. Ed.)  Baron Somino for Italy, and Edwin Montague for India.”

“Mr. Harold Nicolson, author of “Peace Making 1919-1944” p. 243 states, that Wolfe suggested to him that all Jews should have international protection while retaining all national rights of exploitation.  M. Georges Batault says in “Le Problème Juif”, p. 38, “The Jews who surrounded Lloyd George, Wilson, and Clemenceau are to blame for creating a ‘Jewish Peace’.”  Once again the Jewish race is blamed for the sins of a few ruthless financiers….  [I Ray, disagree. The Jewish race has a supremacy problem.  See article below that is proof, March 2016]

“…The power of the international bankers is well illustrated by an incident that happened during the preliminary conferences held in Paris in 1919.  The negotiations tended to stray away from the policy set by the international bankers.  Thereupon, Jacob Schiff, of New York, sent President Wilson, who was attending the Paris conference, a two thousand word cable.  He ‘instructed’ the president of the United States what to do in regard to the Palestine Mandate, German Reparations, Upper Silesia, The Sarre, The Danzing Corridor, and Fiume.  The cablegram was dated May 28th, 1919.  Schiff sent it in the name of the Association of the League of Free Nations.[11]

“Upon receipt of the cablegram President Wilson immediately changed the direction of the negotiations.  Of this incident Comte de St. Aulaire said :  “The Treaty of Versailles on these five questions was dictated by Jacob Schiff and his co-religionists.”[12]  It must be pointed out again that the rank and file of the Jewish people had absolutely nothing to do with framing the policy which the international bankers insisted Lloyd George, President Wilson, and Premier Clemenceau carry out.”     – excerpts from http://www.lovethetruth.com/books/pawns/10.htm

In 1951, John Foster Dulles’ brother Allen becomes first civilian CIA director to ravish South East Asia and South America. 

Just before his death, James Jesus Angleton, the legendary chief of counterintelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bitter man.  He felt betrayed by the people he had worked for all his life.  In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of “freedom” and “democracy.”  They really only wanted “absolute power.”

Angleton told author Joseph Trento that the reason he had gotten the counterintelligence job in the first place was by agreeing not to submit “sixty of Allen Dulles’ closest friends” to a polygraph test concerning their business deals with the Nazis. “

“Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch, and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins. Brother John Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments in Iran and Guatemala.”
– Dean Henderson

“John Foster Dulles was an accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co.(created by Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild), and the Rothschilds.”
– Eustace C. Mullins

CIA is Rothschild, period.   Rothschild controlled the Nazi regime, created it from scratch.  They controlled MI5 in England as well as everything else. (Notice all seeing eye at top of their logo… Illuminati.) MI5 -intelligenceSo with their experience with SS and MI5 they created CIA.  However, the Dulles connection is all we need.  The Nazi intelligence apparatus was moved to US in whole.  They were never vanquished; the Nazi’s were just given new homes and offices. The Nazi’s didn’t create the CIA. The Rothschilds that planned and executed World War I and II, created both the Nazis and the CIA.

The Rothschilds funded the Zionists and placed grandson Hitler to create the Jewish exodus. This was the long plan starting in 1880’s to take Palestine, but they needed terror first, so they placed Hitler.  In order to set up the conditions for World War II, they needed World War I (which ended four empires) on their march to one world government. This war included some European “colonies” but most of “world” was living their ancient lifestyles.

The League of Nations was set up to “unite” all the players after World War I. It was set up in advance. It was set up by Rothschilds.

“League of Nations was signed and sealed at the Paris Peace Conference. Even though the United States was represented by Wilson, Col. House was calling the shots. Bernard Baruch, who, as head of the War Industries Board made about $200,000,000 for himself, was also in the American delegation at the Paris Conference as well as Walter Lippman (who later became a syndicated newspaper columnist), Allen Dulles (who was appointed Director of the CIA in 1951), John Foster Dulles (brother of Allen, who later became the Secretary of State under Eisenhower), and Christian Herter (who became Secretary of State after the death of Dulles). English Prime Minister George was accompanied by Sir Philip Sassoon, a member of the British Privy Council and a direct descendant of Amschel Rothschild. Georges Clemenceau, the French Prime Minister, had at his side his advisor Georges Mandel, also known as Jeroboam Rothschild.”

Social engineering is best implemented with terror. Please remember this, because the bankster “World Order” has funded terror globally, right up to today.  Working man Jews were victimized by the bankster jews, and terrorized into being loyal, by being victimized. “The humanitarian response” was also invoked, as it is today, with “humanitarian reasons” to have war. This is how we are deceived. So con artists always create sympathy…. Which goes back to our coordinate of deception.  We almost never get the truth out loud. Only the internet has changed this.

That fellow Jews died was no problem for the psychopathic elite. So they created the “holocaust” and then you yourself are scared of a second holocaust and won’t look at the crimes of the Jews! This is classic Ed. This is how mind programming works.  This started with Moses taking these people into desert to terrorize them and weed out resistance. They went on to slaughter other people and steal their women because they were the chosen people and god was on their side.  Get it?  This has never ended. See article below on Hebron.

Obviously, Jesus came to offer an alternative time line.  But his message was co-opted by Roman Empire which became the Holy Roman Empire under the Vatican.  The Roman empire was simply another arm of the same celestial plan to “unify” Earth.  Celestial, because our alleged civilization (which hates the Earth) was channeled from off planet, and that Includes Pyramids, Moses, Sanskrit, Islam, and Mormonism.  All channeled from beings who refuse to incarnate here. It is one very old global program with various arms, century after century, to create the Hegelian final synthesis.  This is not theory, this is the exact history we see for thousands of years.  Now Facebook and Google are wrapping it all up to create one monoculture.  And Zuckerberg is Jewish, just a coincidence, right?  As is Henry Kissinger and George Soros. Just coincidence? 

Skull and Cross Bones? Is that Jewish? Who created Yale? Yale was created by drug runners who worked with Rothschild East India Company.  Line it all up. Who were the drug runners that funded Yale and sponsored Skull and Crossbones?  The Rothschild Jews.  Where did Mao go to school… Yale China. Funding for Mao came from Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to foment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.  Epstein was Mao’s finance minister who also wrote his “Little Red Book.”


You are right, The Jews are setting themselves up for a huge backlash as long as they support NWO, support Israel and support uncontrolled immigration. Bernie Sanders, another Jew, supports new world order. “Big Brother will take care of you.”  As long as the Rothschild central bank in Basel controls all the banks and all sectors of economy, there will be a justifiable backlash.  Jews are the mother Earth f–kers Ed.  Until we down to Earth jews denounce this, the neo-nazis will be alone in waking up.   

My position is based on history itself, and your reaction is the perfect reason that true history is covered up. You wrote to me that you now understand Israel planned 9/11. 9/11 was to help create the NWO, and Israel is NWO central, the most illegal rogue country in world with nuclear facilities they won’t allow to be inspected. A country of 12 million people with nuclear submarines????? 

You like to blame the Jesuits.  The Jesuits didn’t plan 9/11. It was not the Vatican that created the CIA, IMF, etc etc.  Do you think this should be covered up?  Study the websites I sent. Learn the hidden history of the Jewish leadership for 5000 years.  Ed, Freemasonry is the Kabbalah.  It is Jewish.  The illustrious founding fathers were Freemasons. Get it?  Kabbalah.  The Vatican is not the problem. The Vatican is just another arm of this.  Who came first, Moses or the Vatican?

To right, image of change agent Madonna advertising who controls Hollywood.  8.Madonna-kabbalist

The wrongs of the Jews is more than any other people on Earth, and Jews that understand this need to end the wrongs and denounce the leadership, by exposing it all.  That is why we incarnated as Jews, to expose this horror.  That is our job.

There is an expression that my good Jewish mom told me, “Blood runs thicker than water.”  It could be said better, “Water runs more pure and noble than blood.”

So it is our duty to be honest.  A bigot is not only down on someone else, they are up on themselves. So we have to drop false pride and any kind of supremacy.  That means there is no moral high ground, there is something deeper, not higher.

By dropping bigotry, doesn’t mean we agree with anything goes.  It means we don’t entertain that we are special.

Below is a great article written by a Jew.  Read it and please drop your loyalty to the chosen people who can do no wrong.  Everything they have done is wrong, ever since Moses molded this group of slaves.

Monotheism is simply the preparation for “singularity.”  Apologists for monotheism are New Age bimbosWe either support natural diversity or artificial centralization.  This is very important that we take sides.  The Earth is our witness that indeed, this civilization is criminal.  And who runs this civilization Ed?  Who created the UN and Yale and China and Communism, and protects Monsanto and created ISIS?  Who invented man made global warming and controls NASA and NOAA?   Who?

Who controls the military industrial complex? Who stole $2.3 million from Pentagon and then killed all the accountants on 9/11?  Line it up.

*     *     *

By David Sarna Galdi Published April 21, 2016


Hebron shooter indicts all of Israel

No need for a trial. Sergeant Elor Azaria is already innocent in the eyes of the Israeli public

Israeli soldier Elor Azaria (center), who has been charged with manslaughter for shooting an incapacitated Palestinian stabbing suspect in Hebron, is escorted into military court, March 29, 2016. (Oren Ziv/Activestills.org)

The trial of Sergeant Elor Azaria, a soldier indicted for the killing of an incapacitated Palestinian knife-attack suspect in Hebron last month will mostly likely begin soon, but it isn’t really necessary. If public opinion and legal precedent tell us anything, his fate has already been sealed and his future looks very bright indeed.

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The soldier’s guilt was plainly evident from day one, shown in the video of the incident released by B’Tselem, [Screen shots previous page] which as Gideon Levy wrote, “incriminates as much as a thousand witnesses.” But somehow, within hours of the [Youtube] video’s release, the Israeli soldier seen executing a helpless, already “neutralized” Palestinian, who posed no immediate danger, was being embraced as a national hero.

A poll published by Channel 2 News on the weekend after the shooting showed that 57 percent of the Israeli public disagreed with the army’s arrest and investigation into Sgt. Azaria, and 42 percent of those surveyed found his behavior “acceptable” and “responsible.” Within days, tens of thousands of Israelis signed an online petition calling for the soldier to be given a merit citation. Over 1,000 people rallied outside the military court. In a cabinet meeting Education Minister Naftali Bennett expressed what can only be interpreted as blanket tolerance for soldiers’ crimes (at least against Palestinians). Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outrageously breached the border between politics, judicial process and good taste by phoning the father of the murder suspect, in the middle of the investigation, to convey his empathy.

This week Azaria’s parents organized a rally calling for his release in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square. In attendance were several thousand people, a portion of whom waved banners featuring racist slogans and shouted offensive chants like, “Death to the Arabs” and “Hopefully all your villages will burn.”

It’s not hard to figure out which way the wind is blowing. Instead of being banished from the camp of public opinion, the soldier continues to be depicted as a victim and martyr, the Joseph Trumpeldor of the Snapchat generation.

One need only look at the lack of judicial follow-through in similar recent incidents to realize just how unprecedented it is that Sgt. Azaria’s case even made it as far as an indictment. Last September, soldiers in Hebron shot and killed a 19-year-old woman who crossed through a checkpoint with a knife. Soldiers shot her some seven times after she was already on the ground, posing no immediate threat. An investigation concluded that the soldiers had erred but decided not to punish them. Likewise, a military probe into Col. Yisrael Shomer, who shot and killed a fleeing 17-year-old suspected of throwing a stone (which hurt nobody), was closed this week, concluding that the fatal shooting was a “mistake.” Oops.

Thousands of Israelis demonstrate in support of Elor Azaria, a soldier who was indicted for shooting an incapacitated Palestinian stabbing suspect, April 19, 2016. (Oren Ziv/Activestills.org)

Soldiers, operating under stress and danger, forced to make split-second decisions, are human and make mistakes. However, the pattern of seemingly unwarranted killings of Palestinian suspects and the lack of punishment of soldiers involved is glaring. A military court won’t throw the book at Sgt. Azaria. He will probably be given a largely symbolic punishment. He won’t see the inside of a jail cell; maybe he’ll be dishonorably discharged. He’ll walk out of the courtroom into the embrace of a loving nation and the annals of Zionist history. He’ll have a book deal and a brand new illegal West Bank Settlement named after him within a year. Who knows, he might even end up in the Knesset.

Rogel Alpher, in a Haaretz op-ed, stated that, “The murder of the suspected attacker in Hebron is the most significant murder in Israel since Yitzhak Rabin,” and he is correct. Not because it matters what will happen to the loathsome soldier after his trial; we can leave him to heaven. What is much more important than the particular case is the appalling reality it revealed: a nation of unapologetic racists.

The dark side of the Israeli ethos is not new. In 1949, then Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett aggravatedly wrote, “Some Jews think every Arab is a dog, a wild dog that it’s a mitzvah to kill.” But now, racism and hate have become aspirational. Progressive, enlightened Israelis must face the revelation of the Hebron soldier’s trial: that what they dismissed as the racism, hatred and disdain for democracy of a small percentage of the fanatic far-right is actually the face of large cross-sections of the nation. A recent survey of Israeli high school students found that only 52 percent of those polled believed that Israeli Arabs should even be allowed to be a members of the Knesset. [48% thought Arabs should be excluded, apartheid.]

Large numbers of Israelis sympathize with the soldier not despite the fact that he killed an Arab, but because he killed an Arab. He is not a pariah, but a reflection of his surroundings — one young soldier [shown above NOT to be a lone gunman] in a huge army of misguided citizens employed to oppress millions of people, a cog in the occupation and settlement industry that has been perpetrating injustices for 49 years. Anyone who tries to excuse Israeli racism as a product of ongoing violent conflict is mistaken. The equivalent would be justifying anti-Semitism because of Bernie Madoff, Mark Rich, Ivan Boesky, Arkadi Gaydamak, Michael Milken, John Gutfreund and history’s plethora of Jewish white-collar criminals.

Israeli racism and ignorance is scary because it is not shy, unspoken or relegated to a certain demographic or the geographical or ideological edges of society. It’s in your face. It can be found as frequently among so-called liberal and cultural elites as in it can in working class neighborhoods and marginalized groups.

A video I recently found on my Facebook feed, that had gone viral (420,000 views and 15,000 likes) features Doron Beaton, an Israeli comedian, addressing the virtual nation, reminding Israelis that, “We have a brother [Sgt. Azaria],” whose family will spend Passover “choked with tears” while he is locked-up awaiting trial, all because he fulfilled his obligation to fight for a nation “free in its own land,” quoting the Passover liturgy. He ends the tearjerker by stating, “I myself don’t feel free at all this Passover.”  (A military court has since granted Azaria furlough to spend the holiday with his family.)

Beaton’s video undoubtedly touches a nerve with many Israelis, a nation of soldiers whose fathers, brothers, sons and friends have fought and died in decades of conflict. The video fails to mention, however, that for the entirety of the upcoming Passover holiday, the 2.8 million Palestinians of the West Bank will be under military closure, their freedom of movement restricted. [Apartheid] I wonder if the 88,000 Palestinian laborers who are unable to provide for their families for a week will feel particularly “free” this holiday.

For better or worse, this case is not a bizarre, grisly murder in some far-off, godforsaken hillside of the West Bank, committed by a radical settler on the fringes of society. The suspected killer in this story is, “everyone’s son,” which is precisely what makes it so repulsive.

David Sarna Galdi is a former editor at Haaretz newspaper and activist. He currently works for an Israeli nonprofit organization in Tel Aviv.













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  • raysongtree says:

    On 7/4/2016 at 3:31 PM, Joey wrote:
    One who continues to argue these points is beyond help and does not want to ‘see’ .Yet the programming of Jews is to some extent understandable, but it is the expertise in programming non-jews to stay mute that is another.

    A Jewish friend of 35 years, loyal and loving of each other, could not understand my outrage in regard to Israeli aggression in Gaza last year. The Holocaust seems to justify, in the eyes of every Jew and most non-Jews as well, the disproportionate response to any violence or criticism against Israel.

    Another woman I know, when I told her of Rothschild’s banking crimes, said that Rothschild created the state of Israel and as such every Jew on the planet should be grateful. Yet she understood to some extent that the Zionist movement was negative. Go figure. THEIR GAME is so artfully rigged it seems not to matter what is done within the system to foster real change because the counter move has already been factored in.

    As such, a call for action on each individual to “vacate” the status quo, do not comply, and to find alternative ways to forage our way through the remainder of our lives is the only answer. But even THAT answer can be, and is being, countered and would be only temporary.

    Perhaps; To create impatience and to force a misstep, some hasty obvious maneuver that would unmistakably EXPOSE the game…hmmm

    REPLY From Ray Songtree
    Behind the poor jew story is the chosen people story. Jews are the most arrogant people on earth, and there are plenty of arrogant people. They can do no wrong. It doesn’t matter what monsters the banksters might be, if they created Israel, they are good! It is perfectly disgusting. Their game is predictable. The Holocaust card… which the elite themselves created. They created the exaggerated 6 million number, and repeated it many times before World War II. Hitler was a Rothschild. That might spin some heads.

    The thing is, the NWO is planning a back lash against Jews. Kissinger recently predicted end of Israel. They want war, they want destruction. They would love if every holy site in mid east was destroyed. The want hate. Even the New Age movement will create hate by denying hate. They want people to hate Israel and hate jews, so the more outrageous Jews look, the better for the big game of total destabilization as need for “order.” They want a generation to be born that has no loyalty to anything at all. No religion, no family, no country, no land, no ecology.

    I agree, something can happen to expose the game. I think it is building toward that. Somehow I think Hillary is going to get busted. Or have a stroke. Almost anything now could bring an emergency to lock down country.

    Most people have opinions, not eyes.

    Hmmm…. I think that is quotable!

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