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More New Age Psy-op to Co-opt Real Waking Up : Keenan, Fulford, Drake, and “Lords of Light”

July 4, 2016 letter


The email message at bottom,  is new age new world order.  I can’t stand Benjamin Fulford.  No one else has reported Rothschild’s made money on Brexit.  So how does he know this?  It is likely true, but to put dollar numbers on it would mean Fulford is in bed with the traders. Ben Fulford is another Sorcha Faal in my opinion.  Avoid avoid.

From an activist….  “Ray — Keenan and Drake actually publicly attacked me on Drake’s webcast radio program after I questioned a quote from Keenan used by Fulford that I definitely knew to be false.  I publicly told both Keenan and Fulford that their allegations were not factual, and that they both needed to check their facts before posting them as news reports. I can personally testify from my interactions with him, that, psyop or not,  Keenan behaves like puerile, ego-based thug.  If he is indeed “M-1”, the “M” would stand for “Mobster”!  I would not recommend that anyone bother to deal with him at all, much less have him coordinating the Global Collateral Accounts!”

Here is the Keenan video  without the hype, explaining their work in suing the Rothschilds, which appears on the outside to be a valiant effort to take down criminals. At minute 26 there are some interesting revelations. At minute 36, he gives accurate story of Indonesia. He does not perhaps know that Obama’s mother helped murder a million people in Indonesia for the CIA.

The last 40 minutes seems to point to Keenan as a globalist.  He is presented as Robin Hood. However the whole story is suspect. Of course U.S. Military can spot any bunker filled with gold using low frequency seismic technology.  At minute 1:20 we hear that there have been attempts on his life.  I don’t know.  As you will see by my last words in this post, no one else is going to save you the reader, so what exactly is the point of his efforts?   The foundation is called “Lords of Light.”  This name is explained toward end of video, as some part of a cosmology, which is not grounded and is top/down.  In other words, these people represent “the truth.”

If every person on Earth was given $100,000, that would not help anything. So what this group wants is to control “progress” and “transformation” through the release of gold, which the US military is already guarding, as anyone can presume, if in fact such a bunker filled with gold exists.

The basic global colonial system Keenan works within is not questioned.  We are told many countries want his help.  This is called controlled opposition as they would still be taking handouts, now controlled by “the good guys” who nevertheless, keep others dependent.  Money won’t help any country become independent. Cutting off the banks and being self sufficient is the only road to freedom from the globalists.

Below in the orange, is wording of site which hosted the Keenan video.  Sorry but the wording is a psy-op. Brackets are mine.  This, in an interesting way, shows us how frivolous it would be to think there is such a thing as “economic justice,” when the whole existence of money is wrong and against nature.

The prime directive [from where?] of planetary conscious evolution [there is no such thing, study the Hopi. We do it now, we live balance now. Balance is real, not “progress.”]  has brought “US” (United Sovereigns) to this point of the Family of Mankind [meaning no individual families with independent cultures] in an all-connected Global Village.

[This is a psy-op new age site pushing one world government. “All connected” means no escape. You can’t opt out. It is same motto as New World Order Zuckerberg of Facebook.]

Peace, heaven, utopia. Oh my! No country has static borders.  Borders must be enforced and they are not permanent.  There will never be peace because there will never be static permanence of anything. And if there are no enforced borders, their is no sovereignty. So rather than dream of freedom from responsibility, maybe we should start being responsible again.


Of course they would show the Freemason statue with the Illuminati flame seen at Illuminati Olympics, Columbia music, on the graves of assassinated JFK and Prince Diana (below), and in music industry, and also show crown of Isis.


Shakira, the same illuminati slut used to promote Early Childhood Initiative by World Bank.


Now the Internet gives US the freedom and opportunity to finish – worldwide – that which U.S. Founders began, [destroying native americans and selling off the resources for their own relative wealth] shining the light of Liberty’s torch [on native american and african slaves] as a beacon to all who would wake up, wise up and stand up for the victory of social Conscience at the heart of global social networks. 

[Ah, so glad that the prime directive is one world government, one religion, one currency, one language, one model]

This is now so true for United Sovereigns of Earth. This is the time ordained [by our fantasies] for planetary rEVOLUTION with a web of “light” (Conscience) [so we all agree on what rations are fair]  as an enlightened vision [as our council in Jerusalem dictates, according to Ben Gurion] of  virtue and valor for the victory of a frame of reference for the spirit that matterscoherent   [That’s nice. What do you do for a living as an example for 7 billion people?] -at the heart of the Internet – the ‘InnerNet‘ as the new ‘public commons’ of, by and for ALL of ‘US‘ as United Sovereigns of Earth

[Ah, so heaven will depend on a computer terminal, an iphone, wireless of course, to insure we die young.  gag gag gag.] What none of these camps will say is that the civilization is bankrupt, our way of life is bankrupt. The French are protesting because their pension and holiday pay may contract. Boo hoo.

The new age theme is that by some magic, if the fiat money were distributed “equally” we would “evolve.”  They can’t admit that we consume too much of the Earth and the party is over.

Well, it would be a good time for some prophets to appear, and we haven’t seen any yet.  All we see is people whining that we can be great again and keep robbing. [The Hillary Trump ticket]  Or that Big Brother will take care of us. [Sanders]

Heavy times are getting closer, do you agree?  Everyone must prep now.  Chlorox and eye dropper or something to purify water.  Oat meal is good, you just soak it, no cooking needed.  Needs to be in rodent proof containers.  Matches. Toilet paper. Salt.  Extra eye glasses, etc. Bullets. And if you live in a city, get out now so you have some ground to grow some spuds.

Ray Songtree

—– Forwarded message from “M—–
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2016 14:52:05 +0000
Subject: Have you seen this recent Keenan audia/video?

Brexit and Global rEVOLUTION


















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