March 26, 2016 – NBC allows The Voice to name Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys as new Illuminati Judges. The good girl gone bad, Miley Cyrus, formally pre-teen super girl Hannah Montana now turned porn star, will showcase one of her MK-Ultra personalities. She will be nice, intelligent, likeable, to convince millions of young viewers that predatory sports sex and bisexuality is acceptable, therefore, “I should experiment also.”
The destabilization of family has the purpose of creating a weak population who are confused. This starts by eroding customs of courtship by promoting sports sex. This attack began with the first film stars. Both Playboy and Ms. Magazine were CIA fronts. (See Vol. 1.) This now has led to manifestation of confused sexual identity, teen bisexuality and gay marriage, all encouraged from kindergarten to grade 12 with federal standards. The global effort through Bill Gates Common Core Curriculum and World Bank Early Childhood Initiative is intended to create a one world broken psychology, a one world broken culture, to live in a one world rationed economy, under the “fair” laws of aone world government. This is the direction of all forms of influence surrounding us. The big money wants to mold the next generation, and parents are in the way.
Shakira, World Bank Launch US$300 Million Early Childhood …
- Early Childhood Education – Clinton Foundation
- Early Learning Initiative – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Time Magazine is a New World Order rag which made 22 year old uneducated Miley Cyrus, a top 100 Influential Person in 2013, for teaching all girls worldwide how to have sex with a stranger; “Twerking.” All youth were degraded. In most cultures her behavior would be considered abhorrent, but now we are to be accustomed to it. (The bottom image below is shocking, to warn the reader.)
The destruction of traditional families and clear sexual identity destabilizes society, so it can be rebuilt incrementally in the New World Order (NWO) vision, which is basically total control. The purpose of chaos through open immigration or chaos through war or weather warfare, is to clear the ground for the re-build. The actual DNA of Europe has been attacked with millions of Arab men running from the wars created by NATO. Let’s not forget that the gas attacks in Syria were from the West, not Assad, and that the leader of ISIS is an Israeli agent. Iraq, Syria, and Libya are to be rebuilt the NWO way, not the Iraqi, Libyan or Syrian way. And Europe is being re-invented today, right now. Similarly, our children who are broken and not guided by strong parents will be rebuilt the NWO way.
Bi-sexual Miley Cyrus is the lead wrecking ball to attack modesty and clarity, now that bisexual Madonna is older. Above, Cyrus sucking the plastic penis of plastic doll on stage. Sports sex and pornography is to be the politically correct new normal, while modesty, discretion and ideas of decency will be shoved to the side as old fashioned and retrograde. All children are exposed to this. The sassy child culture was created by children’s films and family respect undercut. Almost all Disney films project what is supposed to be acceptable. Framed as humor, there is usually a subversive attack on traditional values. The goal is no inner standards to say no to the State. Only the state’s regulation of fair rations of ‘happiness’ will be legal. Legal doesn’t mean good, it means the law. If law enforcement allows drugs now it is no accident. Stay below the waist and stay high. US rebooted opium production in Afghanistan and supports opium in Mexico now to keep society dumbed down. Homeland Security allows open borders to drugs, which means that Homeland Security is about a police state, not maintaining borders. The goal is a weak, broken, fragmented, dependent populace which is NOT mentioned by any presidential candidate because we are too distracted by the game, without seeing who has made the rules for the game.
The goal of publicly promoting illicit sex, a al Madonna, or Rihanna, or Miley Cyrus is to foster dysfunction and weakness. All strength is seen as possible resistance to tyranny, and this includes even the strength of clear male or female sexual identity. (See Vol. 1). Any type of strength is a threat to those who want to control others. Therefore, what they want is weakness.
The international central bankers control everything they can with the power of money, but we can push back. We can eat pure food, and use our wallets to boycott impure themes. We can protest at the schools and at the Grammy Awards. This will happen if we up our awareness of the programs against our selves and our children.
Below, Miley Cyrus, bare breasted with obscene strap on, singing on stage, Nov. 10, 2015. Four months later she is pushed forward as judge on The Voice, under NBC.
The Voice will be the only singing talent show in US next year. Miley Cyrus will be known to most Americans and much of the world all our lives. And below is what she is bringing.
Below, Illuminati Judges for American Idol, X-Factor, and now, The Voice
Gender Chaos Is Driving the Young Insane
November 18, 2015 by Sylvia Cartwright (
This assault on our moral fiber is seen, unfortunately, as entertainment. For most it serves as a distraction. For the young, still impressionable and “searching” for “who they are” it is particularly alarming. I remember way too well becoming a teenager “suddenly” upon entering 7th grade. The social pressure which arrived in a tumultuous wave at the start of the school year, led to stomach aches, anxiety, distraction in school, eczema; I was medicated with phenabarbitol, my first introduction to intoxication.
All this consternation just because boys and girls started to show a healthy interest in each other and social interaction as such was difficult for those of us who were less cool. It also became an extreme self esteem issue.
Imagine what these youngsters are going through NOW, with broken families through divorce and/or nobody at home because mom is at work; all this idle time and nobody to set limits and boundaries. Yet their music and film heroes obey their industry scripts in not so ambiguous ways, endorsing it as healthy self expression or art.