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In the movie Oblivion, the world is controlled by armed drones. In fact, the movie was not science fiction. We will see them everywhere soon, death by computer.


What is and is not science?

First we must recognize that science is never the study of nature, which would be study of infinity. In fact, infinity, or nature, cannot be understood.  Rather, science is the study of artificially created ‘closed systems’ in a laboratory, in which fake understanding is limited to that which can be arbitrarily measured. False understanding ignores realities like intuition or dreams, because these cannot be measured, so they aren’t “real.”

In the modern dictatorship of science, “real understanding” is limited to the measurable.

For example, the three laws of thermodynamics are only true in a closed system, but in reality there are no closed systems, so the three “laws” do not describe the universe, they describe a way of distorting nature. However, we can hear people often saying that nothing can break the three laws of thermodynamics, because that would be impossible.  They think the laws describe nature but they don’t. They describe what can be produced for a small period of time in a lab. The right angle movements of UFO’s seem impossible, because people have taken in the arbitrary laboratory measurements as their reality, when it might be wiser to observe nature herself.

19 second video, right angle turn of unidentified flying object. Impossible?

The discoveries of science are applied by ignoring the impact of artificial science on the greater open system. Scientists cannot have heart, cannot have conscience, cannot have empathetic intuition,  because they must conform to the measurements. Thus, science is inherently destructive, because it has never taken nature (infinity) into account.

Science takes the health of the greater whole and isolates components for extraction, always hurting the greater whole by disruption and pollution. It is not sometimes, it is always. Science is always destructive to something in the greater whole. An example might be the tech to create heart bypass valves which depends on mining someone’s backyard for minerals and permanently polluting the water table.

The main goal of science is to create weapons for more disruption. We see this in modern medicine, where the naturally healthy immune system is never protected, just drugged and harmed. The goal of science is not health because health would protect the greater whole.  So what is the goal of science?

Proof that absence of science is more healthy for Earth, is that humans lived a stone age existence in harmony with the planet’s ecology for hundreds of thousands of years and did not hurt nature. Only with the science that came with the alien presence in places like Mesopotamia, China, Central America and the channeled-from-other-dimension-religions like Judaism and Brahmanism (and more), did civilization start to become destructive. With the introduction of integrated chips and fiber optics after the Roswell crash of 1947, destructive “progress” is now taking over all living systems. That is, the artificial is taking over the natural for the most efficient extraction. For whom?

Looking back, because we have examples of peaceful harmonious civilizations, such as the many tribes of pre colonial California which had no beast of burden nor wheel, we know that a superior and humane civilization was destroyed. 

Is there any example of modern tech that did not hurt nature? There is not. Modern medicine, as one example, created over population, the most destructive outcome possible. Another example is irrigation which is destroying fisheries and soil. Another example is electronics, which creates dependency and ultimately destroys personal sovereignty, while speeding up all forms of impact.

So what do we do?  Perhaps, we need to honor the healthy past and return our lifestyles to physical work without luxuries or imported food. Since this is anathema to modern destructive values, most people will choose to be control demolished by the machine, rather than change.

That is, there is no we.

So what will I do?

Do I work for the drones, or against them?

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