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Noble Prizes

Two Minute Crash Course on Zionist Denial and False Pride

By | Jewish, letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | No Comments

  On 5/21/2015 at 6:41 AM, “David wrote: interesting country http://www.aish.com/judaism/90073102.html David, By the way, in my opinion, all pride is false. I will go through claims made in your video one by one. Interestingly, the video doesn’t mention that Israel is the number one subsidized country in the world. I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned????  American Taxpayers Subsidize Israel’s Prosperity by Alison … Sep 01, 2011 · Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It … Is Israel 60 years old? History of zionism and importance of infamous Jacob Frank, who is mentioned in letter by George Washington 1798 In fact, the founder of Israel was Edmond Rothschild. Here is the Israeli coin and here is their coin showing “greater israel” and why Syria and Iraq are being destroyed… as listed in 2001 by Gen. Wesley Clark click on image below to start 5 minute video Here is true history of how Palestine was stolen and possession arranged during world war II by 1917 Balfour Declaration, 31 years before “independence” of Israel. There are tons of other documents and youtubes. Hitler was the illegitimate grandchild of Rothschilds Rothschilds funded both sides of World War II. Wall Street funded Nazis. Standard Oil owned by Rockefeller (who got their initial capital from Rothschilds and intermarried with them) is same as IG Farben and not one of Farben factories in Germany were bombed. Allies were controlled, as British empire…

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