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The Myth of Holistic Thinking and The Real World

By | letters and essays (Educational Comments only), True Sustainability | No Comments

Introduction to article: I like the holistic article by Jason Heppenstall below. In its own bubble, it totally makes sense. This is the truth, but only if each community (with borders) imposes a disciplined local plan after exposing the pedophiles in their ranks and the alien agenda behind abuse.  Vain pursuits have been put ahead of connection in our value systems. That is, not only does the 1% need to be composted, so do our dreams. Similar to the teachings that say we are in a universe of billiard ball atoms, this article ignores that satanists/reptilians/ascended a–holes exist.  In the author’s mind, it is just a random accident that industrialization occurred, or that the Rothschild British Empire occurred. In his mind, once we run out of resources, we will return to simplicity, albeit a forced one, “the long emergency.” Not so quick… because the author doesn’t understand that the organizers who created we human slaves for thousands of years, (and we now believe in “progress” and comfort) had an objective and one was to produce space transport for themselves and that these organizers have done this on other planets and have always had a plan for peak production. The aliens know all about limits to growth.  They coined the term. They have already insured depopulation operations and are busy busy busy from wifi to glyphosate to aluminum in soil to bio weapons to space lasers, already culling the herd.  Today at the beach I saw a group of handicapped kids. …

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Criticizing Ray Songtree: A Questioning of Faith

By | letters and essays (Educational Comments only) | 2 Comments

On 3/5/2017 at 10:11 AM, “Rebecca wrote:   Ray, I did not vote for either Trump or for Obama, nor for Foster Gamble, whom I know personally and find credible; I have not voted for any presidential candidate since 2008.  When I last did, it was for Cynthia McKinney, whom I also know personally, and whom has demonstrated great courage and states personship throughout her career.  And I have been consistent for the past nine years since in my neutrality about federal-level voting, so I do not grock your saying that I had “divine expectations” of either Trump or Obama.    [She doesn’t remember how she worshiped his “potential” as an “advanced soul” who “kept the enemy close to him” because he was going to save us all.  She is doing exact repeat with Trump. Rather than hope, let’s examine.]   After long showing much forbearance, my patience is wearing really thin about your constant put-downs, because I do not believe exactly as you do about some of what is now happening in the world.  If you want a follower or a sycophant who follows perceived authority figures — especially male authority figures which you right now seem to be attempting to imitate — I am not someone whom you would ever want to know.   Response from Ray: Your criticism is based on not accepting critical analysis when it comes to your “faith.” If you send news that is rumor or speculation or poorly vetted, I will let you…

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Free Energy Proponent Foster Gamble Supports Trump, And Even a Channeled Entity

By | Breaking News (Educational Comments only), Everything Trump | 2 Comments

Foster Gamble joins many in liking Trump. Video interview below. Hillary Clinton is a career criminal and is loved by the corrupt swamp of media and government, so I myself prefer Trump also, who amazingly is keeping his campaign promises,  however… As my readers know, free energy translates to the endless environmental impact statement, extremely sick.  The idea that a tech can help nature is about as stupid as saying a GMO human is a good idea. Who will regulate free energy? Well, an enlightened one world government, of course!  Who will decide who is enlightened? Well, aliens of course! Now some may think I am being sarcastic about aliens because you might think we are alone in universe. We aren’t, and our civilization is built on ET tech. If you think David Icke is crazy, see this six minute video. Ecologically illiterate people all over the map don’t understand why I would care about the Earth Mother. Human supremacists can’t imagine that there are millions of other species who don’t need humans at all.  In the supremacist mind, nature is for post cards and vacations. Nature is what humans will manage, because might makes right, and since we think we can improve upon millions of years of natural balance, we damn well should! As a side line, the channeled entity Ramtha has come out in favor of Trump and has said Trump will be protected… http://www.rse-newsletter.com/2017/01/ramthas-prediction-of-ufos-and-president-trumps-plane/ Last December 8, 2016, Ramtha Predicted that UFOs Would Trail President Trump’s Plane…

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